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Translation: 50 Questions with Hirayama Yuki [#21-35]

Posted by Lurkette, in Translations, Video 03 February 2022 · 458 views

Translated by Lurkette

Requested by RenaiDestiny。

21. You're stranded on a desert island with Kamikokuryou Moe. Will the two of you make it?
Yes, because Kamikokuryou is a very cheerful and happy-go-lucky person who is one of the easiest of her seniors to talk to

22. Kinoko no yama or Takenoko no sato?
Takenoko no sato, because the cookie part is better

23. What is the coolest-sounding word to you?
Setsuna (moment), which she worries sounds dumb

24. Where does the name Yuki come from?
The kanji in her name mean "season of play," but her mom has always liked the name Yuki. Apparently, she has 3 friends who are all named Yuki and she thought they were all good people, so she gave her daughter the name Yuki with the hope of her also being a good person.

25. What is the most delicious meal you have ever eaten?
Her mother made a scallop carpaccio for New Year that was particularly good

26. What is your favorite drink?
She usually drinks water or tea, but her favorite drink is a matcha latte

27. If you were to be reborn, would you want to be male or female?
Male, because then she'd understand how women feel and wants to understand how men feel

28. Starting tomorrow, Kamikokuryou Moe is your younger sister. How would you spend time together?
She thinks that they wouldn't really fight, because she thinks Kamikokuryou is so cute that she'd let her get away with everything

29. What music do you listen to outside of Hello!Project?
She primarily listens to Hello!Project, but she also listens to Korean music. Her favorite Japanese artist outside of Hello!Project is Sheena Ringo.

30. What made you want to join Hello!Project?
Her mother had gotten really into Morning Musume '14, and her also becoming a fan of the group happened around the same time as the 2019 Morning Musume audition, which is where she was offered a position as a trainee

31. Tell us your shortcomings.
She's quick to get nervous and quick to get angry

32. What's your motto?
Slow but steady wins the race

33. What's a travel necessity for you?
She looks at her phone a lot so she needs a mobile battery, and she always has to have something to listen to music with

34. If you could use one item of Doraemon's, what would it be?
The toriyose bag, because you can pull anything out of it so she could also pull any other item of Doraemon's out of it

35. If you were an animal, what would you be?
A large dog