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The Chosen One (Original Story by me)

Posted by Corrugo, 12 February 2011 · 521 views

((This is roughly chapter one and I'd like some thoughts on it - good or bad are welcome. I'm not really looking for grammar fixes or anything like that, mostly the story and characters I'd like opinions on, y'know the important stuff lol))

"The Chosen One"

"Two Warriors, One Destiny"

He looks down at the body of whom he had previousily called a Companion. The body wasn't moving, he was dead. He looks at his sword, now stained crimson red, the blood was dripping to his hands. Never had the stench of blood been so powerful. He combs his hand through his long hair and drops the sword next to the body of the deceased warrior, and picks up another sword and places it in his sheath. "You left me no choice." He drops a peice of paper onto the body and walks away, slowly fading away.

He wakes up in a flash, then sighs recalling his dream. "No more anime for me, atleast for awhile." He says to himself before yawning, stretching then getting out of bed. He leaves his room then goes across the hall into the bathroom. The open window allowing sun in the hall hurting his eyes. "Who was the genuis who made mornings so bright? Yeesh." He reaches the bathroom and brushes his hair a few times, trying to get it to stay down. He gives up after awhile.

Next he goes into his room and puts on a pair of blue jogging pants with holes all in the pants legs, from targetting pratice he does. Next he grabs his dark green turtle neck shirt with a kangaroo pouch, finally shoes and his glasses then he runs downstairs.

His mom continues making something in the kitchen, "Um, Corrugo?" She called for him.

He turns around on instinct. "Yes'm?"

His mom nods toward the table, a pile of mail on it. "Letter for you."

Corrugo runs over to the table, with one shoe on, and goes through the pile. "Bill. Bill. Something for you, more stuff for you. An invitation.." He drops the letter and goes back to putting his shoes on.

His mother sighs, "You aren't even gonna open it?"

He shrugs. "Don't really see the point. It's the same as last year." He closes his eyes, imagining the letter in his head. "Dear Mister Kindorushi, You have been accepted into one of the most Prestigious school Techosent has to offer. Nocreturne, please come by the first of July. We shall be expecting you. Sincerly, Cysso Vyd."

She walks toward her son, shaking her head. "Go."

He waves his arm, and ties his shoe. "I'm going, I'm going."

His mom rolled her eyes. "I meant to Nocreturne."

He raised an eyebrowl. "Why?"

She shrugged. "They want you obviousily. I can't imagine why, though. Your grades are average at best, your absent days outweigh your present ones. Your not active in many school clubs, infact your not in-"

"I- I Beg you to stop." He interupted. "How about this, I'll check it out on the computer after I get home, and if it's seems okay I'll go."

She raised an eyebrowl, "You realize tomorrow is the first, right?"

He thought about that for a second. "Damn it." He thinks again. "Fine, leave some money for the train on the table, if I like what it sounds like I'll go."

She nodded and smirked. "Your late you know."

He paused for a second. "Yeah I know." With that he leaves the house.

Meanwhile in another part of the city. A boy around Corrugo's age wakes up, his age being fourteen aswell. His hair, unlike Corrugo's was clean, and always up, despite gravity. Dark red hair too, very unnatural. He rolls out of bed, already dressed. He fell asleep watching TV again. He walks down his strairs, yawning as he went. He went to the fridge and took out a carton of milk and took a big drink of it, and placed it back. He turned around to see the answer machine blinking. He walked over and pressed the button.

"Knayde, it's your mom. I'm gonna be staying out here another week, I asked Misses Johnson to leave you some more money for food and stuff. I'm just calling to say I love you, and see you in a week."

Knayde shook his head. "Gee, Mom. Your last twenty messsages sounded exactly the same. So I'll hear from you again next week I'm guessing?" He chuckled and walked to the door, and looked down to see an envelope. Opening the envelope he saw, many green bills.
"Alright, and if my Math is right," he takes out the money, then takes out his wallet and stashes the money in with the rest. "That makes two thousand three hundred and fourty-two dollars, and seventy-nine cents." He smirks. "All I eat is Ramen and she gives me enough money for a banquet per night." He paused. "Speaking of." He walks to cabinet and opens it. It's empty.
"Crap, I gotta get more. Man, I was going for the record too." He does a stupid looking pose. "Knayde Odaki Ranu! First man to not leave his house for four months. " He shakes his head at his own stupidy and leaves the house, covering his eyes from the sunlight.

Corrugo nods his head. "I know, right? I might not be here tomorrow evening, I might be at some weird school called Nocreturne." He makes a stupid face as he said the school's name.

"Least you'll be out of this town," His friend Kayne offered for support.

Corrugo shrugged. "Yeah, but I won't know anyone. I'll be the new kid."

"So? It gives ya a chance to try and be something new." Kayne noted, then paused. "Wait, Nocreturne? Academy for Heroes?"

Corrugo raised an eyebrowl. "Academy for Heroes?"

Kayne nodded. "Yeah I read about it on the internet. Probally a rumor, but there's this place who trains people to be Heroes and protect the world and stuff."

He just stares at Kayne for a few second then stands up, and starts walking. "I'm gonna go look it up, if I like it I'll see ya in a few weeks, if I don't I'll stop over tomorrow. Alright?"

Kayne held a hand up, "Hold up." He reached to his head and pulled of his bandana and hands it Corrugo. "Don't forget about me, okay?"

He smirked and accepted the bandana. "Like I could if I wanted to." With that he leaves their clubhouse and begins walking home. Bandana in his pocket and hands behind his head. 'Nocreturne, Academy for Heroes? Come on, such a fake name. Kayne's probally messing me me again.' He thinks as he walks. 'I would be getting out of this shithole. That itself makes it worth going to. So boring here, and I bet there's a bunch of girls at that school.' He sighed. 'Yeah but they'd be all nerdy ones, if the school sends invitations it's probally one of those hard-to-get-into schools.' He walks inside his house, kicks off his shoes, and runs up to his room. "Alright let's see how real this 'Nocreturne' is, shall we?" He runs over, sits on his computer and starts researching Nocreturne.

"Thank you, and have a nice day." Says the cashier lady to Knayde as he leaves with his three bags full of ramen.

Knayde merrily begins skipping home, but stops as he turns the corner and begins hearing noises from the Alleyway. "What the.." He turns into the alley and see a old man and a girl. He decides to eavesdrop for a little bit.

The older man grabs the younger girl by the shoulder and squeezes tightly. "Where's the key, Mia!?" He yells to the girl, obviousily upset.

The younger girl, Mia, who seemed to be only alittle older than Knayde shakes her head. "I don't know!"

The man squeezes her shoulder even harder, hurting her, she made a face showing off the pain. "For the last time, Where is it!?" He demands.

Mia brushes his hand off her shoulder. "For the last time, I don't know! And even if I did know, you sure as hell ain't getting it!" She taunted.

The man shakes his head in disapointment. "Then the demons shall have you." He snaps his fingures and slowly disapears from sight. Soon a group of tiny green monsters appear from the ground and surround Mia.

Knayde see's this and drops his bag of ramen and runs toward the girl.

She smirks and holds out her right hand, showing off a white ribbon tied onto her wrist. The ribbon seemed to wobble abit and then shot out, like a web and grabbed the surrounding monsters, making them screech out. They shook like crazy and then faded away into nothingness.

Knayde reaches Mia intime to see the monsters disapear. "You okay?" He asked looking at her, he didn't notice untill now how truly beautiful she was. She was like a goddess to him.

Mia smiled as she saw the boy staring at her, soon she nodded. "Yeah, I had them."

He looks around where the demons vanished. "What were those things?" He asked, very very confused.

She raised an eyebrowl. "You don't know?" She read the look on his face and took it as a no. "It's cause of your energy, I thought you'd be used to this."

Knayde slowly shook his head. "Not really." He paused remembering her words. "What energy?" He asked dumbfounded.

She shook her head, "I have to get ready for Nocreturne, but here," she unties a black ribbon from her hair and hands it to Knayde. "Take this." She begins walking away, "Bye!"

Knayde stares at the ribbon in his hand for a few minutes, then made a confused face. "Nocreturne? What's that?"

Corrugo hands the train ticket to the ticket lady and boards the train bound for Nocreturne. He had looked up information about it, and liked what he saw. He got the money his mom left him and ran to the station to buy a ticket. He looks around and finds a place to sit. He had a weird feeling, something about this train seemed weird but he shrugged it off. He looked over at a old man who seemed to be coming his way. "Mind if I sit there?" he asked.

Corrugo shrugged. "Go ahead." He put his knees up on the back of the chair infront of him and got comfortable. Awhile passes and neither say anything to eachother. "So, uh, where ya heading?"

The old man smiled, showing off his pearly whites, he had good teeth for old person thought Corrugo. "Trodame."

Corrugo nodded, for no reason inparticular. "Cool, I'm heading to Nocreturne myself."

The old man nodded his head. "I see. Good school if I may say so. Been going there long?"

He shook his head. "Nah, it's my first time."

The man nodded sagely. "Invitation right? They sent you one."

Corrugo nodded, abit suspicious. "Yeah, actually. They did. How'd you know?"

The man motioned toward Corrugo, "You have no luggage nor is your clothing torn or stained."

He raised an eyebrowl. "So? What's that got to with it?"

The man grinned. Then Corrugo noticed he kinda of reminded him of his own grandfather in a way. "Nocreturne is a very hard school to get into. They rarely send invitations. The only way to become accepted is to do something to prove your worlth. Normally they decide what needs to be done. However if you manage to do something of a great challenge they may accept you."

"Yeah," Corrugo began. "But that doesn't answer my question."

"Almost all of the tasks needed to be done involves fighting of some kind. No one really knows why but it's their way."

Corrugo sighed. "Great, I'm going to some army school."

The old man chuckled. "Not quite. Well you'll see when you get there. It's quite a long trip, I suggest getting some rest."

He nodded. He was abit hesitant on sleeping so close to a stranger, but he seemed so friendly and Corrugo got a good vibe from him. He rested his head on his hand and closed his eyes.

Knayde types up Nocreturne on an internet search engine. He gets a few results but only rumors, then he tries Nocreturne.com. Turns out it's the official website. He clicks the link called General Information. He reads about it, "Wow, so it's a school and not a strip bar. Damn. So Mia goes to this school. Wait, it's Summer." He reads abit more, learning it's a year round school year and it begins in Summer. He clicks 'Enrollment.' "Alright let's see how to get in. I gotta see her again." He reads on, all it said to do was give your name, age, and address. He did so, and a window popper up. He read it outloud. "Thank You For Enrolling Into Nocreturne, Academy For Heroes. Please Hold While You Are Tested." He stopped, getting a cold chill down his back. "Tested?"

Knayde jumps back as his computer suddenly shuts down, by an unknown force. "Maybe the power's out." He says to himself and goes outside to his backyard and looks around. "Yeah like I know where the power box is." He chuckled and looked again at the yard. This time seeing a group of men all wearing the same type of uniform and glaring at him. "Umm, Hi?"

The tallest man stepped forward. "Knayde Ranu, correct?"

Knayde took a step closer. "Yeah. I'm Knayde."

The man raised his arms and rolled down his sleeves and took a fighting stance. "We are here to test you."

Knayde backed up, very concerned. "Test me for what!? I didn't do- " Then he realized. "Ah, Nocreturne. So we gotta fight then?"

The men nodded. Knayde shrugged and took a martial artist stance he called 'Dark Pheonix Flame'. He stood still, and waited for the men to attack. His strategy had always been, Evade and Counter.

The tallest me, who seemed to be their leader, gestured for one of the men to go forward. The man to his right went forward, and walked to Knayde. "Good Luck."

Knayde smirked, "Right. You too."

The man stepped forward one more time, and punched right at Knayde's face, at speeds used by professionals. His hand was smacked away casually by Knayde's right arm. He then backhands the man hard in the face causing him to spin and drop to the ground. "Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm awesome."

The man sighed and motioned for two more men to go after Knayde. They looked at eachother than ran at him. The two men leaped into the air and went in for a kick to Knayde's chest from opposites side. Knayde grabbed each man's leg and spun them around and sent them into the line of other men. Then twirled around reentering his stance.

The leader of the group was shocked. "I do not understand, we are trained fighters from Nocreturne how are you able to defeat my men so easily?"

Knayde shrugged. "Well the people around here, well they tend to pick fights alot so I got alot of experiance." He looks at the man. "I'm waiting."

The man nods and walks to Knayde, his walk turns to a sprint and soon he's right in Knayde's face. He throws his arm out and closelines him, sending him back and crashing into the wall of his house.

He smiles and stands back up. "Least your better than your boys." He holds his arm back and then runs at the man. Reaching him, he sends him fist right at the man's cheek. A smile appeared on his face and pulled his head back to avoid the attack. Knayde went with the rythym and did a spin. As he spun he jumped and lifted his foot kicking the leader in the face and knocking him over.

As soon as the man hit the ground he pushed himself up, and went back for another attack. He punches repeatedly at Knayde, he had entered a blind rage. Soon one of his fists were caught, then the other. He saw Knayde's smile and gulped.

Knayde pulled the man's arms behind him and thrusted his head forward and headbutted the man, causing him to lose counsisness and drop like a rock.

He looked at the man and shook his head, Some fighter, he thought. Then he looked up to see an old man standing there in the middle of the yard. "Impressive."

Knayde retook his stance. "You here to fight?"

The man shook his head. "No, I'm here to congratulate you. Normally Vyd would come but he was busy preparing entrance exams for tomorrow." He walks closer and takes out a peice of paper from his pocket. "This is a Certificate of Acceptance. Show this the Mister Vyd when you see him." He checks his watch. "Better get a move on. You gotta be there by tomorrow at noon. Next train there leaves in ten minutes."

Knayde looks at the man for a few minutes then grabs the paper and runs inside and gets ready to go.

Corrugo yawns as he wakes up, at first he was confused. He wasn't sure where he was. Then he remembered he was on the train to Nocreturne. He looked over to where the old man had been, but now a kid around his age was there. He had a blue vest, dark red spiked up hair. Blue pants with dark blue flames, black boots, and a head band with "K.O.R." on it. "Uh, Hello." He said, as polite as he could.

Knayde turned to him. "Hiya! I'm Knayde, hope ya don't me sitting next to you. You looked like the most normal person here."

Corrugo slowly sat up then chuckled, "Nah, it's alright. I'm Corrugo Kindorushi." He held out his hand. Knayde stared at it then soon shook it. "Everyone calls me CK though."

Knayde nodded. "Who where ya headin' ?"

"Nocreturne." He reached in his pocket and took out his letter, and showed it to Knayde.

Knayde smiled and showed his letter aswell. "Looks like we're both going to the same place. Maybe we'll end up roommates." He joked.

Corrugo chuckled. "Well you better be good at studying, cause I suck." They both laughed.

"Hmph. Morons." A voice said from behind them. They turned to see a shorter boy, wearing all black, and mean look on his face. He glared at them. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Knayde rolled his eyes. "What's your problem, dude?"

"They let two idiots into Nocreturne." He replied.

"I take it your going to Nocreturne too?" Corrugo asked.

"Duh." He said. "Only difference is, I know what I'm going into. You two don't."

Knayde shrugged. "It's a school, how different can it be? Reading, Writing,.. Something else with an 'R'."

The train manager steps into the passenger room. "We have reached Nocreturne, please get off accordingly."

The boy behind the two gets up and walks to the exits. "See ya around, morons."

Knayde and Corrugo looked at eachother then laughed. "Well, I guess every school has one of them." Knayde said to Corrugo, who nodded. They got off the train.

They looked around as they got off the train, and was shocked at what they saw. Beautiful green grass. Not like back home, this was the brightest green they had ever seen. The air was so fresh too. It tasted good, and felt refreshing with each breathe they took. They looked forward to see the gigantic school of Nocreturne. It was huge, it looked like a giganitic mall. There were many people standing around the school talking, which made it really loud.

"Wow," Corrugo said. "Where is this?"

Knayde shrugged. "Something tells me we're not in kansas anymore Toto." He chuckled at his own words. Then his face changed from one of jokes to one of seriousness. "Mia."

Corrugo raised an eyebrowl and pointed to himself. "No, Corrugo."

He gave Corrugo a confused look, then he realized. "Oh, Sorry. I just remembered I'm looking for a girl."

Corrugo sighed. "Aren't we all?"

Knayde shook his head, "No, this girl I saw yesterday she said she was coming here. That's why I'm here too."

He raised an eyebrowl at Knayde's words. "All this way for a girl?"

He shook his head. "She's not a girl. She's the girl. The girl of my dreams." Hearing this made Corrugo chuckle. "Not cool, dude!" He looks over and see's a girl with long blonde hair, like Mia's. He runs over to her, "Mia?"

Corrugo flinches as the girl slaps him. For ten minutes he watched Knayde go to every single blonde girl he could find. He comes back to Corrugo, bleeding and sore. "You okay?"

He spits some blood out his mouth, "Guys shouldn't be allowed to have long blonde hair, seriousily."

Corrugo bursts out laughing, Knayde glares then laughs at his own stupidity.

A short elderly man steps up to the gate of the school, and motions toward two men in uniform to open the gate. He walks to the podium alittle ways from the gate, the podium had a symbol on the front, to Corrugo it looked like a dragon. To Knayde it resembled a broom. The man tapped on the microphone a few times, "Can everyone hear me?"

The entire crowd shouted Yes including Corrugo. Knayde was the only one to say No. He received many strange looks.

The man smiled, pleased. "Alright, now let's get straight to business. First off, I am Principal Vyd. You may call me Vyd for short, as most people seem to. I assume you are all here to join Nocreturne?" The crowd shouted Yes, once again, while Knayde shouted No. "Well today is a very special occasion for you all, we have a few special guests with us. These people have been accepted into Nocreturne, because we know they show much promise and will be a great asset to us all. Now let me please introduce these members." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a peice of paper and began reading names off. "First off, we have Christian Todd!"

The crowd rustled abit and an older boy walked to the podium. He was tall, dressed in a dark robe, had long bangs and even longer hair in the back. Also wore a strange necklace. He looked around the crowd like he wanted to kill them. Vyd handed Christian a ring with the same symbol. "This is the Nocreturne Honor ring. Gives you automatic entry, meaning you can avoid all the tests if you'd like. Now you may chose to enter the gate now, or pass test one, take your pick."

Christian scanned the crowd, he stopped as he noticed Knayde and Corrugo. "I'll pass." He turned around and walked in the gates of Nocreturne.

Knayde leaned toward Corrugo, "What was that about?"

He shrugged and turned his attention back to the Vyd.

"Next we have Knayde Ranu!" He looked right at Knayde and nodded. "Come on up here, and claim your ring."

Corrugo grabbed Knayde's shoulder before he went up. "Do you know that guy?"

He shook his head and walked toward the podium, he was almost there and then he fell flat on his face. The entire crowd including Corrugo laughed.

Knayde got up, dusted himself off and reached Vyd. "Yo."

Vyd smiled, and handed Knayde the ring, "Here you go."

He looked at Vyd weird, "Is this a proposal?"

The crowd laughed once again, Corrugo face-palmed and Vyd gave him a confused look. "No, this is from Nocreturne. Not from me."

Knayde looked around, "Well where's Nocreturne?" He leaned toward Vyd, with a deadly serious face. "She hot?"

The crowd laughed harder, Corrugo was in shock.

Vyd took a deep breathe, "This ring allows you into Nocreturne, which is the school. The, uh, building infront of you. Also you can chose to not take the tests, or take them. Now please chose."

Knayde reached in his pocket. "Actually I'm suppose to give this letter to a man named Vyd, you seen him?"

Silence filled the area for a few moments, then Vyd grabbed the letter from Knayde's hand. "I'm Vyd, thank you."

He nodded and walked back to Corrugo, "What an uptight guy."

Vyd sighed and looked at the paper once again, "Tas Kilu Desper!" He looked up to look for Tas, but Tas was already there. He snatched the ring and walked into Nocreturne.

Corrugo recognized him, he was the kid from the train. "Great," Corrugo said. "They let him in that easily."

Knayde raised an eyebrowl. "You know him, I'm guessing?"

He was about to explain that they met him on the train, but then gave up the idea. Suddenly he heard his name. He looked around.

"Mister Kindorushi, Corrugo Kindorushi. Please come get your ring."

Corrugo ran to the podium, "Hey, sorry. I didn't hear you the first time."

Vyd smiled, "It's okay," he handed Corrugo the ring. "Pass or take the tests?"

Corrugo looked at Knayde, who seemed to still be talking to him, even though he left. Then he looked at the entrance to Nocreturne, where those two mean looking people entered. He smiled to Vyd. "I'll take the tests!"

Vyd nodded and went back to speaking, as Corrugo returned to Knayde. "Now, this last recruit is a very, very special one. She's royalty nonetheless. She asked to remain anynomous so as not to attract attention to herself." He looked around for her. "Princess, are you taking the test?" He received her answer from her expression."It seems Mister Kindorushi, Mister Ranu, aswell as Princess Traeh is going to take part in the tests, now everyone please follow me." He turned and followed the side of the gate, without entering to a building to the East of the school.

Corrugo took a deep breathe and turned to Knayde, "Ready, Dude?"

He nodded, "I'm ready."

Vyd stopped walking and gestured towards a large machine, which looked like a computer ate a stove. "Now, this is test one, a fairly easy test. All you need to do is find your energy level. Energy will be explained later one. Remember what your energy is, it'll be important later."

Knayde walked closer to the machine, not trusting it one bit. "Hmph, how dumb do they think we are?"

Corrugo raised an eyebrowl, "Pardon?"

He pointed to the machine, "That."

"What about it?"

Knayde sighed. "It's a trap."

"Why do you say that?" Corrugo was abit uncomfortable at this point.

He turned and smiled goofily. "Just messing with ya."

Corrugo took two steps close to Knayde, and thwacked him hard in the back of the head. "Not funny."

"Now," Vyd began explaining. "In order to start the machine you must place your hand on the silver orb for about three seconds. The machine will then print out a peice of paper with your statistics. Make sure you keep that peice of paper. You may now begin."

"Wanna go first?" He gestured toward the machine.

Knayde nodded. "Yeah, okay." He placed his hands on the orb, then took it off.

"What's wrong?"

Knayde looked toward the ground, bashfully. "We haven't even been introduced."

Corrugo stared at him, his face a mix of shock and annoyance. "Machine, Knayde. Knayde, Machine." He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb, "I can leave ya two alone if ya'd like."

"Nah," He placed his hand on the machine, for a few seconds. Suddenly the machine beeps, a paper slides out of a slit and Knayde grabs it before it hits the ground. He reads. "'Knayde Odaki Ranu. Age: Fourteen. Weight: One Hundred and Forty-Three pounds. Height: Five Feet, Nine Inches. Energy: Junta. Combat Style: Evade and Counter. Weakness: Pretty Girls.' " He puts the paper in his pocket. "Junta, huh? Sounds dorky."

Corrugo rolled his eyes and put his hand on next. "Well dorky kinda suits you." He chuckled.

"Well takes one to know one." He stuck his tounge out at Corrugo.

Corrugo shook his head, and waited for the paper to shoot out, once it did he grabbed it and read it alloud. " 'Corrugo Tynyr Kindorushi. Age: Fourteen. Weight: One Hundred and Fifty Eight Pounds. Height: Five Feet, Ten Inches. Energy: Jentue. Combat Style: Attack and Evade. Weakness: Upper Body.' " He put the paper in his pocket. "Well now what?"

Vyd raised the microphone to his mouth again. "As some of you may have noticed, your paper is blank. A blank paper is failing. As long as your paper has anything on it, you pass. Now follow me." Vyd then turned and left, everyone following him.

Corrugo turned to Knayde. "Guess we pass test one."

Knayde nodded and they followed Vyd once again.

They all followed Vyd inside the gate, which was locked after they all entered. Vyd began speaking. "Test two is actually the first real test. The machine was just a way to weed out the weaklings. If you decided to come even though you failed Pre-Test One, your here at your own risk, Nocreturn isn't responsible." The crowd got kind of loud, unsure of Vyd's meaning. He raised a hand and they all became quiet. "This test is unlike any other. For the most of you, this will be your first experiance with demons." At the word Demons the crowd got loud again, while Knayde and Corrugo remained quiet. They were the only ones who weren't affected by the word. "Clyde, come out here please."

The door to Nocreturne opened and out walked a tall man, wearing glasses. He was dresses nice, black pants, white shirt with the collar down. Even a tie. His hair was combed neatly aswell. He walked closer to Vyd, and bowed upon reaching him, "Is it time, already?"

Vyd nodded. Clyde scanned the crowd and smiled. "You can go now, Cysso, I'll take it from here."

Vyd turned and walked back inside. The group was surprised at the change of people and got loud again. Once again, Corrugo and Knayde remained quiet.

Clyde reached behind him and removed a bow. He grabbed the string and pulled it back. As if ready to fire an arrow.

The crowd quieted, as they watch Clyde with his bow.

"Although you can't see it, There is actually a bow in my hand. A Special bow, only to be used for this test. Upon firing this bow, it will actually cut through this demension. Ripping space and time. Through the rip, demons will come out. Don't worry, if you passed the first pre-test this will be no problem. Once the demons arrive, you are to slay the demons or avoid them, untill the rip closes. At that time, the remaining members will have full access to Nocreturne. Remember: If you fall in battle during this time, the demons might take you to their demension and then eat you. I suggest climbing the gate." He watched a few people leave the group and smirked. "You were told you failed, this is only your fault." He released the string and before anyone even noticed, the sky had a rip in it. It looked like a rip on a shirt, but it was the sky.

Clyde smiled and walked back into the doors of Nocreturne, locking them as he did.

The group looked up at the sky as something seemed to fall through. Followed by something else. Soon it was raining large figures. Test one was now begining. The group scattered. Half went to run away, the rest to fight.

Corrugo and Knayde looked at eachother, confused. "Y'know," Corrugo began. "I'm actually not scared right now. And it's freaking me out."

Knayde nodded. "I know the feeling. Confused about creatures we don't understand appearing, but also knowing it feels right."

"Exactly." He stated raising his arms to his chest. "Ready, dude?"

Knayde took off running. "Last one to the finish line is a rotten egg!"

Corrugo smiled and ran off aswell. Looking for a demon to attack. As he ran around the large feild of people and monsters, he noticed the demons were all different. So far he noticed three kinds. The smaller demons seemed to run from the humans. The human sized ones were fighting other demons, aswell as humans. The larger of the demons attack all the humans they saw. Weird, not all the demons seem to be evil. Is that even possible?

Knayde stopped dead in his tracks. Then ducked. A large brownish claw sweeping over his head, missing him by a second. He spun around on his right foot and looked at the demon who dared to attack him. Damn! He's freakin' huge! He smiled, and adapted a stance.
The demon paused at Knayde's change, then attacked. Trying to grab Knayde by the torso and eat him whole. However he misjudged Knayde.

Knayde grabbed the two large claws of the demon, and pulled. He raised his legs into a ball and leaned back, sending both feet right into the demon's chest. He does this repeatedly untill the demon falls down. Now Knayde was standing on the demon's chest holding it's arms up. he released his grip and walked off the demon. "I suggest you stay down. Your injured now, and there's alot of people here who'd take advantage of that."

Corrugo sped up as he came closer to the woman's cry for help. She was now in his view, right under a tree, surrounded by two human sized demons. They were growling at her, causing her to scream more. He leaned down as he ran, his arms flailing behind him. As he reached the demons he tackled to the closer one, causing the second one to fall down aswell. The domino affect. He quickly got up and turned to the girl. "You okay?"

She nodded slowly, still pretty scared. He motioned toward the left. "Go. I'll take care of them."

She smiled, causing Corrugo to turn away. "Thanks," She said before running.

Corrugo turned to watch her leave, he smiled. She was cute. He turned back to the two demons, who were now standing and growling at Corrugo. The two demons were a dark shade of blue, a horn on the top of their head, and a loincloth around their waist.

The demon on the right swung its arm trying to get Corrugo's face, but he hopped back avoiding it. But not by much. He looked at the two demons, trying to think of a plan. They weren't that tall, and they were skinny, so a good attack would be good. He looked down at his two fists, remembering what that peice of paper said. Weakness: Upperbody. Well good thing I already knew that. He avoided a second attack, and send a powerful kick with his left leg at the demon's side, knocking it back. Still balanced on one foot, he hopped up turned and kicked the second demon in the stomach with his right foot. The demon now hunched over and the other still in pain. He turned and brought his knee up at a great speed, smashing the demon's face, and knocking it over onto it's back.

The first demon turned to see its friend fall. Anger fueling its rage it punched right at Corrugo's face. Only to be haulted by Corrugo's left arm.

He made a fist with his hand, and blasted the demon right in the face, busting up it's nose, blood gushing out. The demon fell, and Corrugo smirked. This was an interesting feeling he was experiancing. His adrenaline was pumping faster than ever. He never really fought before, but he now was in love with this rush. He looked down at the demons.
The first one holding it's face and stomach, the second just its face. They were in pain. But that girl.. She.. Crap. She had no injuries, they were just taunting her. Damn it! He face-palmed, feeling guilty for attacking the demons. His mother's guilt trips coursing through his mind, how would you feel if it happened to you?

Two boys who seemed abit older than Corrugo came over with sticks, looked like branches from a tree. "Here's two more!" Said the blonde.

The shorter of the two, with black long hair nodded. "Yeah," He looked at Corrugo. "You did this?"

Corrugo nodded, looking down at the demons. "Yeah.."

He patted Corrugo's shoulder, "Nice work. We'll finish it off for ya." He raised the stick, now noticing nails in the stick, all over the stick. The blonde copied the taller one's stance.

They swung the sticks down at the demon's face.

Knayde pulled back his arm, and sent a strong punch at the face, followed by a shot in the stomach, then the chest.

The boy fell down, his lip bleeding.

He looked at Knayde, two little demons behind him. "What are you doing?! They're demons, you idiot! They're evil!"

Knayde looked at the two demons cowering behind him. "They were running from you. Ass. They're not evil. They're demons. You're the evil one. Attacking little demons, that are obviousily scared of you. Might aswell go attack a nursing home!" With that Knayde walked off. The little demons, who reached Knayde's waist, following him. He received alot of angry looks, which he just ignored.

He sighed, as he stopped. Kneeling down, he put his hands on the demon's heads. "Y'know what? If you guys wanna not be hurt you oughtta just run. Stay hidden." He shrugged. "I can't help you all the time. Ya gotta change."

The two demons passed glances then turned to Knayde. They glowed for a few seconds, a yellow light surrounding them. Soon their form changed. As the light went away, he looked at them. "A dog? And a cat?" He smiled, knowing they weren't really evil. He forward he saw Corrugo standing over two demons. They were in pain. "Damn, my intuition about people is usually good. He's just like the others." He saw two more boys run over to Corrugo, with sticks. "They better not be.." He saw them raise the sticks, going for the kill. "Damn it!" He sprinted to help the two demons, but slipped and crashed into the ground.

Corrugo looked down, the demons now has blood scattered on their entire bodies. Drops here and there. He looked down at his hands, which also had blood on them.

The two boys stared at the sticks, which were caught by Corrugo's hands. The nails, sticking into his skin, causing blood to seep out, and fall into the demons.

He was in pain, tons of pain. The guilt was still worse, however. He decided to ignore it. He considered it even. He caused those two demon's pain, now he saved them, while suffering pain. He grabbed the sticks tightly. More pain, and blood. He pulled them from the two boys grasp. They stepped back a few steps, in shock.

He threw the sticks to the side, over the gate.

The taller boy stepped over. "What are you? Some kinda freak? Protecter of the demons? This is Nocreturne! Academy for Heroes! Not Villains 'R Us."

The blonde boy stepped to the taller one's side. "Plus we don't need sticks to kill the demons. We got fists."

Corrugo smirked, still in pain. "Heh, so do I." As much as pain as it caused him, he made two fists and punched to two kids right in the face, pushing them back. The shorter one falling to the ground. He stepped up, got infront of the demons. Blocking them from the two punks.

The dark haired boy, grabbed his cheek an turned to the blonde. "George, get Mike and Joey!"

The blonde, george, nodded and ran off.

The taller boy, stepped closer to Corrugo. "Y'know I've been stopping rapist, theives, murderers for three years now. I'm gonna be a hero, and now I got a villain to fight. You."

Corrugo smiled, he didn't care if he was a villain now. He didn't think the demons deserved to die. They didn't hurt anyone. Fine, I'll take this whole goddamn place down to save these innocent demons. "Fine, I'll be the villain of this peice. Call me, Corrugo."

The boy smiled, as three more kids came to him. Corrugo assumed the two new ones were Joey and Mike. "I'm David."

Corrugo looked at the four boys, his hands useless. "Good thing I lost my weakness." He sent a powerful kick at David, knocking the wind out of him. He fell back into the other three. He looked at David, all hunched over. "Now this I won't feel bad about doing." He sent his knee up, busting David's nose up. Making him fall to his knees in pain.

George went after Corrugo next, "Damn it, Joey! Get up ya fag!" George punched Corrugo hard in the chest, knocking him back. The tallest one, Corrugo assumed Joey, got up and reached in his pocket. He pulled out a chain, and wrapped it around his knuckled.

Acting quickly, Corrugo kicked George in the crotch. As he grabbed his area, Corrugo uppercutted him, knocking him back down.

Joey gets the last man up. Mike, by process of elimitation. Mike takes a dagger out of his pocket and grins.

Corrugo turned to the demons, who were looking up at him. "Run you fools!"

Corrugo ducked the dagger, but got hit in the shoulder by Joey. It was now dislocated. His right arm useless now. He makes a fist with his left hand. This was gonna be his last attack. He swings his arm around, hitting both punks in the jaw, knocking them back.

He dropped to his knees. His hands in pain, his shoulder aswell. Guess fighting has its downs too. He looked at Joey, who was still able to get up.

Joey rubbed his jaw abit, and leaned down picking up a big rock from the ground. He lifted it above his head, "Your deadmeat!" He slammed it down.

Corrugo closed his eyes, and just waited for the rock to knock him out. After a few second pass, he opened his eyes to see Knayde standing over him, his left wrist blocking the rock.

Knayde smiled at Corrugo. "You okay?"

Corrugo nodded slowly, confused about what happened.

He turned to Joey. "Today is your lucky day."

"Wh-Why's that?" Joey stuttered.

Knayde punched Joey in the stomach with his right hand then kicked him in the face. "Cause I'm in a good mood." He sat down, and looked at Corrugo. "Not bad."

Corrugo turned away. "Get out of here. Heroes aren't what I thought, if innocents have to die, then screw it. I'll be a bad guy."

Knayde chuckled, "Dude, I've been saving them too. Actually check this out." He looked at the two demons, who seemed to have recovered. "Change."

Corrugo turned around, and was surprised. The demons were glowing yellow. Soon they changed. Instead of demons, they were two girls. Feeling even worse he stood up. Great now I hit girls. Could this get any worse. He continued walking but stopped when he felt two hands on his shoulders. He turned around, and it was the two girls. "Ah, Geez. I'm real sorry about that."

The girls smiled and took his hands. His hands glowed and the cuts sealed up and the blood disapeared.

He looked at his hands, surprised. "How did you-Why did you?"

The girls smiled and vanished. He saw Knayde walked towards him. "Way I see it," he began. "The demons are people in disguise. I think thats the trick to this test. Cause I seen some people fighting people instead. Aslong as we don't kill them, I don't think we'll be in trouble."

Corrugo looked down, "I hurt them, I can't take that back. I cause an innocent pain."

He sighed and smacked Corrugo hard in the back of the head. "Dude! Your not perfect! Far from it. Your human, we all got flaws. You learn from shit like this, not run away. You can't just give up after one bad thing that happens. Thats not what a Hero is!"

Corrugo took in Knayde's words. He was right. He smiled. "Thanks. I need that."

He nodded. "Anytime." He turned around ready to continue the test.

"Knayde." He heard Corrugo called from behind.

He turned. "Hmm?"

"Never give up. Promise?" He smirked.

Knayde smiled. "Promise. You too."

Corrugo nodded and walked to Knayde's side. There they stared at Nocreturne, Looking around at the people fighting.

Knayde spotted a kid kicking a large demon. While Corrugo saw a group of small demons getting stones thrown at them. "Hey, CK, Wanna see something cool?"

He nodded. "Sure."

Knayde grabbed his left wrist, alittle behind the ribbon. He held his hand at the large demon getting kicked. "Dark Ribbon!" The ribbon stretched out and became larger. It shot out like a web and surrounded the kid who was kicked the large demon. He retracted the web and moved his wrist to the group of demons getting hit by stones. He dropped the kid onto the kids throwing stones. Then retracted the web fully.

Corrugo was amazed. "Dude! How'd you do that!?"

"Remember me mentioning Mia?" He asked.

Corrugo chuckled, remembering him going to every blonde haired person who could find and getting beat up. "Yeah."

He held up the ribbon. "She gave me it. Has some kinda weird power obviousily."

Corrugo nodded staring at the ribbon.

Suddenly a loud noise came from the rip in the sky, which then closed up. All the demons then changed into their true forms. The smaller demons became cats, dogs, bunnies, raccoons, beavers, ect. The human sized demons, changed into people, both male and female. The larger demons changed into bears, lions, alligators, tigers, horses, ect. Each creature and human entered Nocreturne. Minutes later Clyde came out.

He walked to the podium. "As you may have noticed, Test Two wasn't about slaying demons. Infact it was no test at all. It was a lesson. That lesson being learn about your enemy before attacking. Had you killed any of the demons you do not enter Nocreturne. Had you hurt any demons-" Corrugo frowned. "-You do not get into Nocreturne. However, if you did hurt a demon, but later saved a demon you may enter. Do not try fooling us, the people you have injured or saved gave us descriptions. Also we have cameras, so do not try to fool us. You know the rules, now either leave or enter."

Corrugo and Knayde looked at eachother, smiling from ear to ear. "Come on!" They said in unison and ran into Nocreturne.

The group, which was now cut down alot, enters Nocreturne. There was gates on the halls, so they were stuck in the main room, which was pretty large. Vyd appeared on a television infront of them all. "Congratulations to all those junior heroes who passed. You are almost students of Nocreturne." The television switched to the cameras that recorded the first test, people fighting other students, showing Knayde and Corrugo's battle occasionally. "The test was set up for two reasons. One was to explain that humans and demons are not different at all. As you noticed-" The scene changed to the large demon attacking Knayde, followed by more demons attacking humans. "-Some demons can be evil. As can some humans-" The scene was now a group of people bashing small demons. Or ganging up on the human sized demons.

"The second reason was to see how much you would risk, protecting. If we had used humans as enemies, you recruits would have protected them, just to prove your worlth it. So we made the enemy something only true heroes would protect-" Scenes of Knayde proteching Corrugo, students fighting to protect demons, the final scene was Corrugo getting bashed. "-Them."

The crowd murmured for a few. The scene switched back to Vyd's face. "Now the weaklings and imposter heroes are gone. We go onto the next test. I'm sure you all have made friends with someone, but for now, you will be alone. Well not alone, physically. You will now be issued Saintais. A saintai is someone who will help you understand your power. Which will be needed for test three. Test two has a time limit of a week. To find your Saintai look at your paper. It has new information. Follow the information to find your Saintai."

Corrugo and Knayde looked at their papers. "Saintai: Blade, Room 764." Corrugo read.

"Saintai: Shaddow, Room 325."

They looked at the hallways which were now open. Corrugo started walking one way as Knayde walked another. "Ck, I'll see ya before Test Three starts, alright?"

Corrugo nodded and searched for his room. Great, alone again. Well this kinda bites. Well hopefully I'll run into Knayde later. Hopefully I WON'T run into those two creepy dudes. He finally reaches his room, and knocks. Blade.. He imagines a large man with blades all through his body. And to his surprise the person behind the door was a pretty woman with long blonde in a pony tail, and small framed glasses. A black short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans. Corrugo stared at her chest for a few seconds, smiling, before realizing what he was doing. "Uh, Hello. Blade I take it?"

She nodded. "You are?"

"Me handles Corrugo." He extended his hand, which she shook. He then entered the room and she closed the door. "So, uh, Training?"

She nodded and took the peice of paper from him and read it. "Ah, your a Kindorushi?"

"Yup." He paused. "Why?"

She smiled. "I knew your dad."

He was entranced by her smile, aswell as her breasts. "Oh." He smiled, not understanding what she said.

Blade rolled her eyes. "Training!"

He looked at her face. "Right! Okay, uh what first?"

She held two fingures up, which glowed and poked Corrugo in the eyes.

"Ouch! Hey, that was mean!"

She sighed. "Well for one, you had it coming."

He narrowed his eyes at her. A shirt THAT tight, is asking for attention. He squeezed his eyes, trying to ease the pain.

"For two, I wanted to see if you two share the ability. Which you do."

The pain in his eyes was driving him insane. "What ability?"

"A technique. It's called Jentue Search. The most basic of techniques actually. To use it, channel Jentue to your eyes."

"Jentue? What?" The pain now subsided.

She looked up. "Of course Vyd would leave the explaining up to us." She looked at Corrugo, her palm out and pointed up. A white orb slowly appeared, it swirled around, looking like a ghost. "This is Jentue. It's energy in your soul. Each soul is different so the energy is usually different. There are three general types of energy in humans. The first is Jentue. Which as you can see is this. It's main attribute in Jentue is that it's light."

Corrugo nodded. "My friend Knayde had Junba, What's that one?"

The orb on her hand changed from white to black. "Junta is like Jentue in every aspect but a few. While Jentue is light-based, Junta is dark based. No real difference from those two."

Corrugo nodded once again. "You said three?"

The orb now had some white mixed in the black. "The third is Kupico. Also known as God Energy. Kupico has both light and dark attributes. To put is simple, Kupico is Jentue and Junta put together and more powerful."

He turned his head. "So what do the energies do? What's their purpose?"

The orb now changed back to just white. "These energy's allow Techosent's special ability, Elemental Manipulation. The ability to manipulate, or rather control elements to your will. Watch." The orb changed into a small flame. "Put your hand near it. It's really fire."

He did and felt the heat. "Wow."

The flame changed into a ball of water with ice in the middle. "Go ahead, feel it."

He did and it was cold. It was like a cup of ice water.

The orb changed again, this time into a yellow ball. She smiled and motioned for him to touch it. He did and felt a shock. "It's electricity." The ball vanished. "Two more elements remain." She held her hand to the floor. It cracked and shook. Soon a blast of dirt came out and covered her hand. "The power of Nature." She shook her hand and the dirt fell off.
"The final element is Wind." He pointed at Corrugo, and he was hit by a large gust of wind, which caused him to get pushed back. "Now as you can tell each element except earth, which is always neutral, has a light tint to it. That's Jentue. Junta manipulation gets a dark tint."

He was astonished. This ability was amazing. "Wow, Elemental Manipulation is Awesome!"

She smiled, remembering her first time learning about it. "There is one more thing. Not only can you control elements. But you can control the Jentue inside you which controls the elements."

"Uh, Come again?" He asked dumbfounded.

"The ability to use Element Manipulation comes from your energy. Jentue, Junta or Kupico. Jentue in your body would be like fog. No true form. Once it leaves the body, your able to create a form for it with your mind. I'll show you an example." He raised her hand and a white axe appeared, which she grabbed. He held it close to Corrugo. "This is Jentue, but it's in the form of an axe. More of a adept ability. To create this axe you must learn to not only control the Jentue that leaves you body, but make it take form. Then be able to hold that form for a period of time. Once you get used to control Jentue, you'll be able to create moves like mine with ease."

Corrugo frowned, "So I can't learn any cool moves now, huh?"

Blade smiled. "There are two moves I will teach you, that are easy." He held out her thumb and index fingure making it look like a gun. "Do this."

He does so. "Okay."

"Now this is the easiest ability because it doesn't take any control at all. All you have to do is sent some Jentue to your index finger." She points at Corrugo, her fingure-tip begins glowing and a tiny blast of white energy comes from her finger, as if it were a gun. It hits Corrugo in the head, which felt like a poke.

He rubbed his head with his index finger abit.

"To channel Jentue all you have to do is Clear your mind, and imagine your whole body, well the outline of your body. Now focus in on your stomach, imagine a white mist moving around there. Now move the mist to your arm, then to your fingure."

Corrugo does as she says. He could feel something move through his body, felt like water in a way. It was moving fast as it reached his wrist, then it shot out his fingure, right into the ceiling creating a hole. "Whoops. Heheh."

"Good job. Now your able to channel Jentue. Now do the same, but this time, to your eyes."

He repeated the process as she stated, he imagined a his own body. In his mind, it was transparent. He focused in on his stomach, slowly imagined a white mist. As he imagined it, he could feel something in his stomach, like before. He imagines the mist moving toward his head, feels the water like affect. As it reaches his eyes, his vision gets blurry, soon he can see nothing but light. No form, no shapes. Just light. "Oh My God! I'm blind!"

Blade laughed, "No your not. This is what happens when Jentue is channeled to your eyes. Now, I have a small pin somewhere in this room. If you share the ability, 'Jentue Search' you should be able to find it. To do this, just clear your mind and imagine the shape of a pin, the texture of it."

He remembers the time, a few weeks ago when he and Kayne were throwing pins at eachother for fun. "Alright, I- I can feel it. Whoa, I really can. So small and hard. Ouch!" He frowned. "It's sharp."

"Alright you got the feel down, but your not picturing it."

"Sorry." He tries to recall the shape, soon something starts appearing in the light. A black pin. The ones he seen were always silver or gray. "I think I did something wrong, all I see is a black pin."

"No your doing it right. Now, just try to hone in on the pin. Zoom in, like a camera. Once you do, you'll see something. Well you should."

Corrugo does as told. He tries to zoom in on the black pin he sees. And it works. The small pin gets bigger and bigger. He starts seeing something else. "A number?"

Blade forms a small smile. "What's the number?"

"Uh, one-hundred and seventeen."

"Correct. Congratulations, you have Jentue Search."

"Oh, cool. Uh, Hey, Still blind over here."

"Do what you did to make it like that, only backwards. Imagine the Jentue going from your body to your stomach."

He does as told again, slowly as the mist makes its way to his stomach, his vision returns.

"Oh, and you might be a tad-" She watches Corrugo wobble around then fall on his butt. "..dizzy."

Chapter 2. "New Friends, New Enemies"

"Alright, teach. What's next?" He asks, eager to learn another technique.

She chuckles. "Well lets see. You learned to harness Jentue into an ability. Also to manipulate it into an attack. Now you'll learn to form Jentue into an element and form it into an attack."

"oOoOoh. Sounds fun."

"Alright. This works alittle bit differently then before. Now do as before, when you preformed the Jentue Bullet. Draw the Jentue to your wrist. It should be abit easier than before."

Right before he goes to imagine the transparent outline of his body, he feels the water-like feeling in his stomach like before, this time he was more aware of it. He tries to control it from inside his body and it works. The watery stuff in his body was moving to his hand. He was in full control.

"Once the Jentue reaches your fist, hold it there."

He moves it to his shoulder, through his arm and to his wrist. Once it reaches his hand he stops it. He looks at it, to see a white aura surrounding it. "Cool."

"Alright, good. I can see your in control now. Now control the Jentue, make it swirl around in your hand. But in your mind, think of snow. Ice, winter. Anything cold."
He imagines ice cream. Vanilla, of course, his favorite. The energy in his hand was begining to get cold. Really cold. "The Jentue stuff, its getting coldish."

She nodded. "Good. Now, slowly. Slowly release it. Make the cold Jentue surround your hand fully."

He does, and it felt strange. Like blood leaking from his entire hand and covering it. As soon as all the Jentue is in his hand, he hand forms ice over it. His hand was now a giant ice cube. "Ah, Cold. Me no like Cold."

"Can you still move your hand and fingures easily?"

He shook his head. "Nope, they're frozen."

"Ease up on the cold then. Just have a cold aura around your hand. Not actual ice."

He imagines something less cold. Just a glass of ice water, and soon he can move his hands freely, but still was surrounded by cold air. "Hey, cool. I did it."

Blade forms two cold auras around her hands. "Now the other."

He does, alot quicker and easier. Now both hands had icy cold auras. "Now what?"

She smiles. "We spar. Each time one of us makes contact on the other, a small portion of out body will freeze. All you have to do, is land on punch on me, while maintaining the icy aura and I'll teach you yet another technique."

Corrugo grins. "Alright, but don't hold back."

She rolls her eyes. Her hand flies out from her side headed for Corrugo's chest. He narrowly avoids the attack. His eyes not used to her kind of speed. That and he's never fought before. He was really out of his league. Luckily all I have to do is hurt her once.

Blade attacks a second time, he avoids it again. This time he studied her stance, looking for an opening. He saw nothing. He looks at her eyes, which seemed to be staring at his chest. Not even a second later her hand was balled into a fist and she attacked his chest. He leans back to av

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