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ITunes Relisten [Part 3] - Exhaustion!

Posted by Snapple, 21 December 2011 · 226 views

MY GOD THERE ARE A LOT OF SONGS ON HERE. I haven't listened to anything new for ages. January will be a big month for me listening to new releases.

~ The new thoughts!


29. 'I am the Best' by 2NE1 is my favourite song of the year, Madonna's 'Forbidden Love' (even though it was released in 2006) comes a close second.

30. Radiohead are very, very good background music to listen to if you are doing other things. It is easy to appreciate their music and concentrate on whatever else you are doing.

31. I really want to listen to more Hitomi Shimatani, and Rina Aiuchi.

32. The very start of AAA's 'Daiji na Koto' sounds like the start of AKB48's 'Flying Get'

33. Alan is an amazing singer, and I was saddened to hear that she wouldn't be doing anymore Japanese music, as she is moving back to China. Fair enough I suppose as she wants to be with her family and such but...we will miss her!

34. I know Nana Kitade is mainly a hard rock/gothic metal singer, but her certain forays into pop have been awesome (Kiss or Kiss, especially) and I would like to hear more pop from her! I think I prefer it to her hard rock stuff.

35. I know I have already mentioned them, but Tokyo Girls' Style are fantastic, great vocals, great dances, awesome PV's, I can't get enough! Ayano is a GEM when it comes to idols.

36. GACKT IS GREAT. Why haven't I listened to him more?

37. I love dance music of most sorts (except hardstyle) but I absolutely despise clubbing.

38. A bit of chilling music is extremely appreciated at certain times.

39. 4nin S/mileage is probably the last time we see them as a firm united group. Now with their second graduation coming up, who the heck knows what's going to happen in 2012. Their voices are still far too squeaky for me to appreciate fully though.

40. May J. 's fantastic and upbeat style of R'n'B really needs to be more publicized. I have pre-ordered her new album to show my support for her music. I do wish her songs didn't have such silly spellings of the titles though. 'A Million Ways' is just fine, 'MILLION WAYZ' does not make it more 'cool' or whatever.

41. Buying independent artists on itunes is a great way to find new music.

42. Dubstep is so individual and differs so much from song to song that I don't understand how anyone could dislike the entire genre.

43. YUI is a really relaxing artist to chill out to.

Ayano is terrific. She'd shine even if she had been a member of SweetS.
How such a voice can fit that little body is beyond me.

Seems like our opinion on the year's best song is very split (The same song is #1 on a very different list for me, haha! :P)

Any recommendation for some good independent artists worthy of looking up? :D
alan and YUI are awesome. @.@
Ah LeMonAmoururu did you not like Limited Addiction?

Independent artists, the ones that immediately come to mind are Sun Ghost (a cool American soft rock band) and Shunsuke Takai (I love his 'Cool and Fresh' song, and he has a facebook fanpage.)
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Did you mention GACKT perchance??? :good:
Huh? Yeah I absolutely adore Limited Addiction!

I was refering to "I am the Best" :P Although granted, favorite and best doesn't always have to be the same, haha.

That Fresh de Cool song really is pretty cool though, thanks! :D Need to purchase this one for sure.
LOL I completely forgot I wrote that in there, I thought you were referring to my blog.

<3 Yes! Fresh de Cool is such a sweet song.

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