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Member Since 26 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 12 2011 08:30 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Your current love status

12 August 2010 - 04:35 AM

Today is the 20th year wedding anniversary. Of course, we were together about 2 years prior to getting married. 25 is Silver, right? Almost there.

congrats to you and your wife on happy 20th year together, yeah 25 years is the Silver Anniversary, you are almost there!!

In Topic: Jun Jun / Li Chun (ジュンジュン / 李純)

12 August 2010 - 04:32 AM

so sad that Lin Lin, Eri, and especially Jun Jun will be graduating in the fall, i wish them the best in their careers.

In Topic: Girls' Generation ''So Nyeo Si Dae'' "Shōjo Jidai"

07 August 2010 - 06:20 PM

Well guys I'm happy that they're Korea's #1 right now, but it can't last forever. Sure they can be #1 in your heart but popularity isn't eternal ^^; .

The thing is, keep supporting them even if they're not popular. That's what a true fan does.

I've been a fan of theirs for almost a year, and I was lucky enough to get one of their CD's Run devil run while I was in Seoul a few months ago.
It came with a nice poster of one of the girls, but not my favorite one, Taeyeon....
but I love this group and their music, one of the girls was on some Korean Married tv reality show, she plays a married girl with some young guy.

In Topic: Korean Language General Thread

07 August 2010 - 06:15 PM

^ Thanks for the correction, I was about to tweet the message again (since he's an idol he gets bunch of tweets so he most probably didn't read mine anyways :D)

This forum lacks Korean speakers baaaadly

Hey Arche, you're trying to learn Korean too eh?
I do agree, this forum does lack Korean speakers. There is definitely more Japanese language learning books at the bookstores.
The best way to learn a foreign language is by people you know, that know the language, that is the best and quickest way.

In Topic: Beauties Of Asia

07 August 2010 - 06:11 PM

^ Mariko-sama!!! much more beautiful in person! i can honestly say I met her once at a book signing event in Akihabara in '07.

and Kim Hyo Yeon, pretty girl indeed, my favorite SNSD girl is Tae Yeon!