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Sayu blog translations 2011 01 03 and 2011 01 04 (partial)

Posted by kurikaesu.haru, 06 January 2011 · 460 views

Looks like Sayu blog translations have resumed at Hyakupa! Yay! I had these already translated, so I'll just post them since they're not up at Hyakupa~~For pictures, please go directly to her blog (link provided).

Good Morning ☆

Good morning(^-^*)/

It's a cold morning today, too, huh?

Everyone☆I hope you don't catch a cold ☆(^_-)

In this cold, everyone who came to the concert, thank you very much.

Because Sayumi's throat hurts, since this morning she's been having 100% honey throat lozenges(*^_ ’)
Please go back to normal soooon(_´Д`)ノ~~

Rather, starting today...or since yesterday. Morning Musume has 9 people(・・?)

Like, my mind is still all mixed up(゜U。)? LOL

Gotta pull myself together.・゜・(ノД`)・゜・

Well then. I'm goi--.


Face is swollen (LOL) Me


Today at Nakano Sun Plaza
Stretch and vocal exercises have ende-----------d!

Looking forward to meeting everyone today, too.

Well, the rehearsal starts now.
I'm going-ing-ingpa--ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Rehearsal break


It's rehearsal break right now♪♪♪♪♪♪

Once Sayumi's turn was over, I came back to the dressing room to take some throat lozenges \(^ー^)/

I blogged while I was at it (LOL)

As for rehearsal, even when I don't appear, observing everyone is fun.

I mean,
there are so many cute girls.

Hello Pro is amazing( ̄∀ ̄)☆

Well then, I will go appreciate rehearsal(*^o^*)

Soon ☆


It's gonna be the real performance soon ————♪

Looking forward to it 〜
Please treat us well!

I curled my hair once, but it didn't suit me, so I changed it to straight afterall! (b^ー°)

The photo, Gaki-san, for the background reflection, tha--nks (LOL)

Well well. I'm off--!

Good work

The concert has ended today, too\(^ー^)/

It was fu----n♪〜θ(^0^ )

I've already removed my make-up o(^▽^)o
Taha--( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Right now, I just ate a really delicious cutlet called mille feuille cutlet.


It was huge, but I ate all of it(*^□^*)

Ah~~I wanna go home and lie down soon (LOL) o(^∇^o)(o^∇^)o

Want-to-talk disease

I've arrived home~~~!

Today, generally speaking, Sayumi had the I-want-to-talk disease...
When I'm not talking, I can't settle down.
When I'm not talking, I'm uneasy..
It was that kind of feeling!

But I was talking so much the whole time that the staff and even the members got annoyed..

At the end, no one was listening to me, so before my turn to perform, I was talking to myself at the wings o(`▽´)o

And then, somehow, I got really lonely,
during the performance of “Tomo“ at the end, I nearly cried!

what the heck! (LOL)

Ah~mo~this is not good. Someone listen to Sayumi's talk---.

After this!! Sayumi all dressed up...



On TV Tokyo,

on Gengo Yuugi Ou

Sayumi will appea--r ♪♪〜θ(^0^ )

Please watch, ok ☆
The time is

For this recording, I was so absurdly nervous (>_<)
It was scary!
Even just now, I nearly cried!
But it's amazing,
Sayumi dressed up in pink was cute☆(^_-)

.............eh, that? (LOL)

For the time being, with cute Sayumi as your aim (LOL)
watch it, ok☆

The show was really fun(o‘∀‘o)('∀'●)



Good morning 〜♪

As for yesterday, I made one more entry about it\(^ー^)/

The contents are... ↓↓↓↓

“Gengo Yuugi Ou“
I watched it in real time!

During the commercials,
I unthinkingly dozed off..
when I thought I would sleep only during the commercials,

Aa--h. Who would've thought that just like that, I would sleep for about 15 minutes(>_<)

Not goo--d--I want to slee---p.

But for Sayumi, the concert the day after tomorrow has a completely different pattern, so right now is review time \(^ー^)/

It's for the day after tomorrow, so I thought it's ok if I review tomorrow, but

if I do everything tomorrow,
I can easily see it becoming too much for me! (LOL)

so, dividing it between today and tomorrow, I will review for the day after tomorrow!

Sayumi is calculating, isn't she?ヽ(´▽`)/

↑↑↑↑A blog entry saying that. The picture, too, is from yesterday♪〜θ(^0^ )

o--k. let's prepare to leave the house (^_-)

Don't know what to do with the time

Well ☆

I've done my preparations(^_^)v

Unexpectedly, I have some time left (LOL)

I wanna divide it and share it with last year's times of lateness~~


This year I want to aim for zero lateness(*^_ ’)
I'll do my best(_´Д`)ノ~~

For example, I want willpower and strength to cope so that I can deal with it calmly even when I'm late!

Today's objective ☆
Even if I have the I-want-to-talk disease like yesterday, I won't talk too much!!

It's because I'll bother those around me,
and thinking back on it afterwards, I'll be pitiable(>_<) (LOL)

I wonder if I can do it( ̄∀ ̄)☆

Once I'm done writing this entry, it's time to leave the house. I'm going~

Hair won't curl well(-_-#)


Ah-I want to talk I want to talk I want to talk.

Like, want to talk about nothing in particular,
like important subjects,
and fun jokes,
I don't have any, though...(LOL)

Anyway, I want to talk.

with just my voice.

But, I can't do it with my voice so I'll do it through writing (LOL)

You don't have to listen too seriously--.
If you could just handle it halfheartedly!
Or better, I want you to say, “Ah, is that so?“
And then
“Ah--that--what the--“
then I can talk again! (LOL)

Anyway, starting now, it's stretch and vocal exercises.

Through speaking, I can voice out my heart's desire (LOL)

Thanks for the meal


↑♪☆ Today's lunch ☆♪↑

It was delicious (^〜^)

Today, before the performance, the time was quite calm~

I ate slowly,
I carefully curled my hair,
my heart was able to stay calm,
it was good o(^▽^)o

I'll do my best at the performance ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

p.s. S/mileage's face and behavior is soo cute Aah what should I do..I'm all slow♪( ´θ`)ノ



The first concert is over (*^o^*)

It was soo fun!

When I can meet everyone, my courage multiplies a hundredfold. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

There are a loooot of members at the Hello concert, and of course to that extent, various fans come, but


I can clearly hear the voices shouting this♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

I'm thankful.
Thank you.

Reborn Morning Musume.


Having taken in new members, this is Morning Musume with a new system!

9 people ♪♪♪♪♪♪

The top row has the new members!

Since this is their first time on this blog, I'll introduce them(*^o^*)

From the left..

Fuku-chan☆ Fukumura Mizuki-chan
Zukki☆Suzuki Kanon-chan
Eripon☆Ikuta Erina-chan


From now on, we're gonna work hard as this 9-person group (・o・)ノ
Please treat us very kindly.