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Two new TV appearances for Asuka Hinoi

Posted by mountainoluv, 10 November 2024 · 448 views
Asuka Hinoi, Hinoi Team, Okura and 2 more...
Two new TV appearances for Asuka Hinoi Hello everyone! I wanted to give another career update for Asuka Hinoi (ex-Hinoi Team).

She appeared on "Okura" (Fuji TV) which was broadcast on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. In the episode of the buddy detective drama, Asuka portrayed a hostess named Shiranui Mika, who worked at a high-class club in Ginza that was frequented by big names in the business wo...

What happens to our stars?

Posted by mountainoluv, 23 November 2022 · 773 views
Asuka Hinoi, Shimobee, drama and 1 more...
What happens to our stars? In this post, I will address the career trajectory of stars. We discover a new star. We decide we really like that star and start following them. Is it inevitable that at some point, that their entertainment careers will end?

You may be wondering what got me on this topic. Here it is . . .

Occasionally, I go through my ‘following’ list on Twitter. The p...

Asuka Hinoi appears in short film 'No Return'

Posted by mountainoluv, 27 September 2021 · 1171 views
Asuka HinoiHinoi Team and 6 more...
Asuka Hinoi appears in short film 'No Return' This post relates to Asuka Hinoi, former leader of J-pop para-para group Hinoi Team. Since Hinoi Team disbanded in 2007, Asuka has been pursuing an acting career. She has had recurring and guest roles on television series. She has also appeared in feature films, some of which were critically acclaimed. (See previous posts in this blog.)

Recently (summer...

Marimo Fujioka: an exciting and cute little singer!

Posted by mountainoluv, 17 May 2021 · 5244 views
Shibuya, Ikebukuro, Akihabara and 5 more...
Marimo Fujioka: an exciting and cute little singer! I came across a new idol on Twitter recently. Her name is Marimo Fujioka. We became mutuals. Her Twitter bio says that she is ‘a little EMO ROCK solo singer.’ She has 3,800+ followers on Twitter. Marimo seems like a nice and friendly young lady. She is also pretty and cute. Her looks remind me of Asuka Hinoi in her prime. Marimo doesn’t usually have a too...

Kosame plans her debut

Posted by mountainoluv, 22 December 2020 · 2896 views
Kosame, Kyoto, singer-songwriter and 3 more...
Kosame plans her debut Kyoto-based Kosame is a singer-songwriter. She is really cute with her bunny teeth. That’s the way they do it in Japan! Too bad you can’t see them in the photo.

Kosame was a trainee in a dance and vocal unit called Passion but it didn’t work out. So, she decided to go solo. Her style of music is metal and she plays lead guitar in addition to singing. She...

Talented Nao Mimura

Posted by mountainoluv, 30 October 2020 · 1852 views
Nao Mimura, Twitter, YouTube and 3 more...
Talented Nao Mimura Herein, I will address Japanese singer Nao Mimura, born July 21, 2001.

I became aware of Nao Mimura on Twitter. I don’t know how it happened, but we started following each other. She is a teenager, trying to make it in the music industry. She is doing pretty well on Twitter, with more than 19,000 followers. She has a mini-album, ‘In Dream,’ and she promo...

Rikoshi of Puchi Palette: charming

Posted by mountainoluv, 02 August 2020 · 2529 views
Rikoshi, Puchi Palette, Twitter and 4 more...
Rikoshi of Puchi Palette: charming It has been too long since I made a post . . . excuse me for the delay!

There is an app called Showroom that a lot of Japanese artists use to broadcast chat sessions with their fans. You can type comment in a chat function, the artists read them and you can see them respond via video. Sometimes they sing or do mundane things like apply makeup. It is a ch...

Rin Sasaki, member of Miss Carat

Posted by mountainoluv, 03 May 2020 · 4788 views
Rin Sasaki, Miss Carat, nurse and 4 more...
Rin Sasaki, member of Miss Carat I’ll address Rin Sasaki in this post. I met her a couple of years ago when she was doing a Show Room. She seemed really nice and she asked me to follow her on Twitter. I did, and she followed me back.

Rin Sasaki was born on June 18, 1996. She is a member of a 3-nin idol group called Miss Carat. She has 3,356 followers on Twitter. One thing I like about h...

Rin Akane: delicate rocker

Posted by mountainoluv, 20 February 2020 · 5546 views
rin, akane, akane rin, idol and 5 more...
Rin Akane: delicate rocker Have you heard of Rin Akane? I didn’t think so.
I will address Japanese singer and idol Rin Akane here. I am fortunate to be a mutual with Rin Akane on Twitter. She is very cute and she usually wears twin tails and a tiara. She has nice costumes, too! There are two things that are remarkable about her appearance: her extra-large eyes and that she often ha...

Becky: actress, model, and talent from Japan

Posted by mountainoluv, 01 December 2019 · 5409 views
Becky, half, model, Japan and 5 more...
Becky: actress, model, and talent from Japan This post will address Japanese model-actress-talent Becky.
Becky was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, on March 6, 1984. Her mother is Japanese and her father is British, which means she is half. She was fortunate to inherit exotic looks, especially, her eyes. I have seen that she joined the entertainment industry in 1998 and 1999. She appeare...

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