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Sneaky Teacher

Posted by michikodesu, 05 August 2015 · 2646 views

I have a great idea on how to broaden my students' horizons when school starts............

Okay, it's still summer vacation for me and I have 25 more days until I actually have to go back for teacher workweek, but I'm already thinking about school (I just can't stop being a teacher, it's scary).

I figuring that I'll infiltrate some K-pop and J-pop into the classroom. Whenever we are in Health, I'll have a video from my laptop playing over the projector as they walk in. I'll have maybe Got7 or Crush or 2PM or SNSD playing. With the type of students that I have, many of them have no idea that people outside of the US would like the same style or perform the same style of music that they (my students) listen to. I mean, they would probably freak out that it is not in English. I'll probably get some laughter; but I bet, by the end of the 1st 9 weeks, they'll be so used to it and hopefully will request to watch a certain song that was already played.

Some of the videos would definitely be a no go like videos from SISTAR and even some SNSD videos; but I'm sure that there are some other ones out there that are fun, upbeat, show some cool dance moves, and can belt out a song. I don't want to get a phone call from a parent complaining that their child is watching something inappropriate in class.

So, would that be an abuse of power? To force the kids to listen/watch it when they walk into classroom.............kinda like indoctrinating them on Asian pop music??

Good idea! I wish my teachers did this.