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There have been 175 items by Gabby (Search limited from 05-June 14)

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  1. Gabby

    Made a comment, Mar 03 2015 12:41 PM

    This is so hard.

  2. Gabby

    Made a comment, Nov 13 2015 11:43 PM

    To all the H!P fans in Paris stay safe.

    • Krusha's Photo
      Over 100 dead inside concert hall alone.

    • Moondoggie's Photo
      Latest total I heard was 158 and who knows how many more.
    • Laharle's Photo
      Poor people. No terrorists no guns no war no money, idk I don't think we'll ever stop seeing this shit. I can't imagine how desperate the people in the concert hall must have felt.
  3. Gabby

    Made a comment, Dec 20 2015 06:37 AM

    So I guess according to twitter Meimi is graduating.

    • tadase's Photo
      Here's one from UF Link: https://www.facebook.com/notes/up-front-link/en-announcement-concerning-meimi-tamura/991425097583074
    • goodchao~'s Photo
      http://helloproject.com/news/4010/ https://www.facebook.com/notes/up-front-link/en-announcement-concerning-meimi-tamura/991425097583074
    • Zabieru's Photo
      I get off facebook for an hour and this is what happens, you have to be ###### kidding me she's my favorite member next to Ayacho
  4. Gabby

    Made a comment, Jul 28 2016 08:46 AM

    It's really been a Berryz kind of night for me. It's a nice feeling. It really has been a while since I just chilled and enjoyed their music like this. God I miss them.

  5. Gabby

    Made a comment, Aug 19 2016 04:23 AM

    I'm looking for some people to split some kobushi factory sets. I need Rei, Rena, Nanami and Rio claimed for the first two singles sets.

  6. Gabby

    Made a comment, Jan 01 2017 07:46 PM

    I really want the H!P girls to do something with Pokemon but the new sun and moon anime is such crap, I'd almost rather wait. LOL

    • LoveRice's Photo
      Did u watch the anime or were you just the rest who refused to watch it because of "art style" ?
    • Gabby's Photo
      Oh I watch the anime, Pokeani was my life and I've watched all the episodes that have aired but I just can't get past it. It's just trying to hard to be like Yokai watch.
      Yeah and it's so fresh alright along with all the body fluid and lame school plot. SOOO fresh.

    • Gabby's Photo
      Ah plus I don't really like Lillie. I get she's scared of pokemon but it's a little too much?
  7. Gabby

    Made a comment, Jan 07 2017 01:37 AM

    Friends make sure we vote https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehjm0UgCkg3XV89kNS8ez7JF7YjE7Zu3AklqCCn0NtG152cg/viewform?c=0&w=1

  8. Gabby

    Made a comment, Jan 17 2017 11:43 PM

    it kind of just hit me that 39/55 active members are eggs/kss

    • Muyim Pimoup's Photo
      Muyim Pimoup
      and when C-ute disband and Momochi graduate, it will be even more Eggs,, 39/49 :D
    • xibo's Photo
      By the end of 2014 it was 25 members and just as many KSS. HP grew quite a bit >.>
  9. Gabby

    Made a comment, Jan 23 2017 09:28 PM

    Am I making this up? I remember Berryz and S/mileage doing an event together. It was around the time Yattaruchan came out. I remember berryz even did the Yattaruchan pose.

    • Gabby's Photo
      nope I remember it very clear. Berryz did the Tattaruchan pose and it was a little event.

    • Gabby's Photo
      I think I might have found it. Might have been from something to do with the play they did together.
    • Gabby's Photo
  10. Gabby

    Made a comment, Jan 27 2017 03:33 AM

    It's missing all the youngin's but this will do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CCbvs7zUTQ

  11. Gabby

    Made a comment, Jan 27 2017 11:46 PM

    Anyone know where the outfits Kobushi are wearing in this performance are from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwdy-d2qc7s

  12. Gabby

    Made a comment, Feb 14 2017 11:38 PM

    Question. So my qbittorrent is uploading seeds. Has anyone had this problem and do you know how to fix it?

  13. Gabby

    Made a comment, Feb 17 2017 09:39 PM

    They are doing preorders on the Alolan Vulpix and Mimikyu plushes for Pokemon center online.jp I want them so bad.

  14. Gabby

    Made a comment, Feb 27 2017 12:59 AM

    People talking like 4-5 months between singles for some groups is so long. Kobushi is going on 8 since their last single.

    • taylorniw's Photo
      The point is that they're not sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for a release.
    • Obsidian's Photo
      But a film that has a couple of big other names in it is far more likely to get new people interested than just another single. Plus they seem to be doing a lot of the side promo you'd do for a single anyway.
    • Gabby's Photo
      I'm not saying they are. It's still not good to not release a single for 8 months. I'm not saying they aren't doing anything. I'm just saying no need to complain when your favorite group take 5 months to release a single when it could be 8?
  15. Gabby

    Made a comment, Mar 09 2017 06:12 AM

    So for some reason I my google translate was one and translated "Mijuku Hanjuku Torotoro" into "immature soft-boiled a**" I mean I guess that's close enough.

    • onesnowyday's Photo
      I mean, if you use Twitter's translator, half the stuff always ends up with boobs or cum for some reason.
  16. Gabby

    Made a comment, Mar 14 2017 06:37 PM

    Oh no looks like Meimei is getting her teeth fixed. No more fangs.

    • Snipey's Photo
      She wants to break out in musicals and become an actress, so I guess she wants to shed her cutesy idol image.
    • iwabo's Photo
      While I personally prefer fixed teeth and never was a fan of yaeba I find that new "trend" of getting it fixed when they are older worrying in the sense that I hope they do it for the right reasons. It would suck if they don't really "want" to fix their teeth but only do it for the sake of potential job success.
    • taylorniw's Photo
      It's probably less they don't want to but are so much as they never cared about it until it has an effect on their career. I highly doubt that anyone looks back and regrets getting them fixed.
  17. Gabby

    Made a comment, Mar 16 2017 06:59 PM

    IDK what it is about Nishiuchi Mariya that reminds me of Yurina. They just look like they could be related some how.

    • Laharle's Photo
      Cousins maybe but that's as far as I can see. Are you watching the dorama? I love the song Motion ♡
    • Gabby's Photo
      It's just something about the way she looks in switch girl? Maybe the hair and face minus get nose
  18. Gabby

    Made a comment, Mar 23 2017 11:58 PM

    Lets be real, she's the real genius of MM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gzt9uMFWsM

  19. Gabby

    Made a comment, Mar 26 2017 02:52 AM

    I'm kind of sad Rikako got Meimei's part in miniskirt postwomen. I wanted Momona to get it since she's the youngest.

  20. Gabby

    Made a comment, Mar 28 2017 09:38 PM

    Okay but like if kobushi's performance of Asian celebration doesn't make it on the Hinafes dvd I'll cry

  21. Gabby

    Made a comment, Mar 29 2017 07:09 PM

    I finally got my first shiny pokemon. It's an Alolan Vulpix, and like it was only the 7th egg.

    • Yayomo's Photo
      My first shiny was a crobat and I'm still conflicted because it's a shiny which is great but I hate Zubat and its evolutions with burning passion :<
    • Mixi's Photo
      Crobat is the best though. such a reliable Pokémon.
    • LittleBerry's Photo
      I've gotten these shinies so far: A ponyta, a krabby, an exeggcute, a ratatta and a tentacool. Thing is I don't particularly like any of those Pokémon (save Ponyta and Ratatta) and I don't really loove their shiny palettes either lol (save tentacool's and again, Ponyta's). But it's the rareness that counts I guess. Those are from older versions though.
  22. Gabby

    Made a comment, Apr 20 2017 12:06 AM

    Hello Station is still boring af.

    • Snipey's Photo
      It would be a lot more fun if they did trending youtube challenges or pranks on one another.
    • iwabo's Photo
      Especially with that show being reworked I see it even more as a reflection of what is (only in my opinion of course) the problem of H!P: Trying to seem like high end quality when it's really just mediocore at best, and ending up looking ridiculous in the process. And, of course being very boring.
    • Laharle's Photo
      I hate the camera angles they are trying. I don't like the MV intro either, especially since two of the videos have the black frame idk how to explain it. Idk if it's better in Japanese but for us that don't know it the pv comment section is useless. The same with no drawings lol at least we tried guessing now if someone here doesn't translate we can't do a thing. Not that I participated.much but still
  23. Gabby

    Made a comment, Apr 22 2017 03:38 AM

    So they restocked the angerme microfibers and takechans already sold out OMG.

  24. Gabby

    Made a comment, May 03 2017 07:27 PM

    LMAO at someone saying Nonaka carried the other members in that performance of Crazy about you. No one member in that (even taguchi and her like 1.5 lines) needed to be "carried" lolol

    • Lurkette's Photo
      Oh true Kamiko is baby-sized. That also makes me more confused as to how Miki was supposed to be carrying them all. Just the one. http://i.imgur.com/591Tdl1.jpg
    • Laharle's Photo
      It was a great performance, but yeah I mean even if she was really good the rest were just as good. Miki benefitted from getting most of the lines and the important one, and even the rap. I noticed she dances weirdly at times though.
    • Laharle's Photo
      And I'm still waiting for Kamiko to have a line like Miki got here in Crazy about you. It's like her voice is so nice to the ears and she never fails but she also never gets this big power lines?
  25. Gabby

    Made a comment, May 08 2017 06:47 PM

    I just had my first package stolen from my mailbox today. There where so many good takechan goods in there too. I really hate living in the ghetto

    • Gabby's Photo
      I'm so mad I spent like $70 on that package. Only for them to shove it in my too small mailbox leaving it exposed to the rain and then get stolen. UGH

    • honeyharunanfan's Photo
      I'm so sorry to hear that :(
    • akogare's Photo
      I'm so sorry that happened to you. I know that feeling. I ordered a large box of birthday decorations for my daughter's 1st birthday party, the box was stolen off our porch. I was so sad!

      Sorry about your Takechan stuff. :*(