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meichan111's Content

There have been 54 items by meichan111 (Search limited from 24-September 14)

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  1. meichan111

    Made a comment, Oct 02 2020 06:10 PM

    eyyy have made the chinese wiki again! https://helloproject.fandom.com/zh/wiki/早安家族维基

    • rurupedia's Photo
      this is really cool!
    • meichan111's Photo
      Still got a lot of work to do but the main page is getting there
  2. meichan111

    Made a comment, Mar 12 2019 04:32 PM

    Hi have made a wikia for my rp agency and have borrowed some of h!p wikia's stuff, most works but can't seem to get the group's name into the groups info as I see on the member info boxes here, it simply says script error but not sure how to fix that, the same with HideWikiLinks and age in years,months and days with a weird error as well ;3; any that can help?

  3. meichan111

    Made a comment, Sep 26 2018 12:25 AM

    Pretty bored so if any wanna ask questions about idols or mmd feel free to https://curiouscat.me/memi_0107_

  4. meichan111

    Made a comment, Sep 09 2018 02:56 PM

    damn needed to clean out in my h!p videos since my hdd needed more space xD

  5. meichan111

    Made a comment, Jul 07 2018 06:09 PM

    feels amazing helped with the confession blog!

  6. meichan111

    Made a comment, Apr 22 2018 10:07 AM

    ohh 2 new UUG (2) members! niceeee

  7. meichan111

    Made a comment, Mar 13 2018 10:33 AM

    So sad knowing Mariri will graudate but HKT wasted her talent and can't wait to see her carrer in seiyuu <3

  8. meichan111

    Made a comment, Feb 25 2018 03:18 PM

    Should really get myself together and edit my about me again

  9. meichan111

    Made a comment, Dec 06 2017 02:37 PM

    and now taguchi is gone as well ono this is taking a lot to kobushi

    • GetRapper's Photo
      Ono?????? What????
    • Juriken'14(狩)'s Photo
      is that "ono" an emoji (the one I use is 0_0 ). or is it just "oh no" ? lol
    • Laharle's Photo
      Haha I find this hilarious since it definitely is a o_o face imo or a oh no like ^ said.
  10. meichan111

    Made a comment, Oct 11 2017 10:17 PM

    Yush got my headset back from my bf so hope to cover Wakaindashi! this week x3

  11. meichan111

    Made a comment, Oct 08 2017 11:35 AM

    Still haven't got the hang of HTML so bootstrap is my savior// hope to get my Portfolio done today, well I have to get it done today it's due to tommorow

  12. meichan111

    Made a comment, Oct 05 2017 01:51 PM

    waow with the lyrics i almost already can the whole thing *w* for once I'm able to say it all <3

  13. meichan111

    Made a comment, Oct 03 2017 09:52 AM

    Most likely will end up covering kudo's song somehow since i love it so much and wanna cover something special for once

  14. meichan111

    Made a comment, May 27 2017 01:46 PM

    Still have my 48/46 confession blog up 48-family-confessions.tumblr.com

  15. meichan111cjkuma

    Made a comment, May 24 2017 09:18 AM

    Ah happy to see one like IM@S 765 x3

  16. meichan111

    Made a comment, Mar 19 2017 05:04 PM

    Ahhhh CUCA made it!!! Now let's hope she get's in team SII

  17. meichan111

    Made a comment, Jan 16 2017 11:26 AM

    have made an confession blog for the 48/46 family https://48-family-confessions.tumblr.com/

  18. meichan111

    Made a comment, Jun 30 2016 12:22 PM


    • Mei.ka~'s Photo
      Lol, thanks for the kind words! :3
  19. meichan111

    Made a comment, May 31 2016 06:12 PM

    Thank god there is no 13ki for now felt it was so wrong to add new allready

  20. meichan111

    Made a comment, May 31 2016 06:12 PM

    Bye Kanon ;3; you were such a good impact on MM for me wish you all the best!

  21. meichan111

    Made a comment, May 29 2016 10:12 AM

    uff 14 torrents to download and nearly all is connecting to seeder >3< should have done this earlier

  22. meichan111

    Made a comment, May 26 2016 09:46 AM

    sadly the site might go kinda dead now that the tracker will be gone ono it was the reason i joined back then wished it could be kept up

    • KawaiiLand's Photo
      I hope nobody will leave.. I love this site
    • michikodesu's Photo
      There are still some people here that don't even use the tracker (like me). The tracker is not the only thing that keeps H!O alive and relevant.
    • meichan111's Photo
      true true i'll try to keep myself active but aren't sure about others
  23. meichan111

    Made a comment, Mar 30 2016 06:52 PM

    Made an playlist with Tokyo Girls' Style's HD mv's will add more when they upload the rest https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOLNiG8K0SuW3UnmUWUNLux5rm1kvgJBd

  24. meichan111

    Made a comment, Feb 25 2016 07:26 PM

    xD treeguchi is so damn adorable!!

  25. meichan111

    Made a comment, Feb 21 2016 02:39 PM

    Finallyworking on new sub video~~