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In Her Defense

Posted by michikodesu, 13 June 2011 · 801 views

Okay, I'm going to rant and I'm going to rant hard. Some of you will not like it and some people will agree. Others will probably be on the fence. But I would like to say that "enough is enough!". For what I'm about to write, I, for one, find that I shouldn't even havae to write out something like this. I would think that in this day and age people would have the intelligence and foresight to not even bother with this type of behavior, but unfortunately I am totally mistaken and grieved by the the fact that people still act this way. So, here goes.......*AHEM*

As a fan, I have no idea why other fans cannot just like a group for a group. Yes, there are favorites (everyone loved Paul from the Beatles, or Michael in the Jackson 5), but does that mean that if there is a favorite, then the fan can dump on the person that they do not like in the group?

I am biased, of course, because most of my favorite members in Morning Musume have always been the ones who were totally unpopular to begin with. Kei was not that popular, Yossy was not that popular, Makoto was not that popular, Ai (at the beginning) was not very popular, and Aika is not that popular. Now, for some dumb reason, fans equate popularity with worthiness and talent. I'm sorry, but that's just stupid. There are tons of talented and very worthy people who deserve to stay where they are even though they are not popular with the public (American Idol is the biggest example where popularity is held over actual talent).

Everyone now knows about Kei and Yossy and Makoto and Ai and they will say that the girls are popular; but during their stint in Morning Musume, there were not. Yossy just became popular once she lost a good bit of her weight and took on the cool role (and started hanging around Miki) and Makoto and Kei won their popular status AFTER they graduated from MM. Because, now they're former members (during the golden era) and so nostalgic fans swoon over them as if they were hot stuff while in Monring Musume when actually they were pretty much backgrounders (and even popular members like Yuko and Kaori were backgrounders as well, unfortunately).

I am a HUGE Aika fan!! I found her charming and cute when she first entered MM and she has just grown into a fine member. A worthy Musume. To me, she embodies the entire spirit of Morning Musume. Her resilience, her perseverance, her girl-next-door personality, her talent (in dance and voice), and her high work ethic, are all the things that the 1st generation held as members of Morning Musume. And that was why I loved the group as well as their music. That's also the reason why I listen to the older songs (1st and 2nd gen) and the more recent songs (8th gen to present) more than any of the songs in MM's discography.

Anyway, with an unbaised eye, I've seen Aika grow and change over the course of time; from her looks to how she carries herself, the improvement of her vocal and dance skills, her maturity (especially over some of her senpais), and so much more. Yet, in spite of all this, she is still despised, for no reason by other fans who, just out of sheer malevolence and evil, want to make fun or hate on someone to either feel justified, or elevate their self-esteem, or just to be devious. These fans cannot think or type logically and even when presented with facts (usually these facts will stump their feeble attempts to justify why they're doing what they're doing), they still rave and rant on things that are either untrue, a source of misinformation, or something totally misconstrued in action. Every little thing that she does (or doesn't do) is totally blown out of proportion and critiqued; yet another member can say or do (or not do) the same exact thing and it's either ignored, brushed off or seen as no big deal.

I've noticed that most people who do not like Aika for some reason or another are the same ones who have not been fans for a very long time. They were either fans since 7th generation and later, meaning:
*Most can't get over the fact that Aika won the audition (beating out his/her favorite) because someone in H!P made the decision that she was best suited for MM (and possibly the only one picked because H!P already knew that they were going to add LinLin and JunJun----which I believe those plans were already in place before the final auditions---how do I figure? Because paperwork of that nature takes a good bit of time to become finalized).

*Some are still mad because she said that her rival was going to be Koharu (most of the girls when they become new members already have someone in mind that they are going to be rivals with already in the group----but to most fans that seemed to be a decleration of war)

*Some are mad that Aika beat JunJun in a memory contest (JunJun cried out of frustration---and Aika kept going because she thought the contest was still on. No one told her to stop and no one told her that JunJun was crying. In a competition, you're not worried about the other person, you keep going so that you don't break your stride....most people who are athletes know this)

*Some say she has no personality (they obviously haven't seen backstage clips, anything dealing with Guardians 4, and the times where she has snapped on other members during interviews. Just because she didn't act hyper for no reason----unlike someone else I won't mention----doesn't mean that she doesn't have any personality. Acutally, these same fans say the same about Aichan)

*Some say that she hasn't improved while being in MM (again, people are not watching concert clips and actually listening to her voice. She has become one of the prominent dancers in the group----especially after watching her audition and she has better control over her voice and breathing---better than Sayumi, Koharu, LinLin, and JunJun. She doesn't have pitch issues like Sayumi does, and Koharu, KonKon, and Rika did. Even Reina sometimes has pitch issues live----pitch meaning not hitting the actual note but going either sharp or flat--singing just above the note or below the note)

One thing I would like to mention as well, is that she pretty much charms the pants off anyone that she works with. And yes, that includes the Kyuukies. There have been many times where they've said "sugoi" or "kawaii" when watching Aika. And, most people who are scolded and basically told the truth of what is expected, are held in higher respect than those who just sit back and is always nice. A few good examples would be Yuko, Rika, Yossy, and Miki. I'm kinda tired of people using their own "non-experience" to make false assumptions. If anything, the Kyukkies are given a good example of how to be professional from Aika right now because she is still performing and staying commited to her duties while being hurt and staying positive about it. Aika's good example of this very thing probably came from Ai-chan when she still performed while injured. And possibly other members when they come to practice and perfrom sick and with fever.

I'm going to make a generalization and some people are not going to like me for it. Now, this doesn't fit everyone, but it sure seems like it fits many fans here on H!O.
They have no idea what it would even take to become an idol or do anything like this because they've never been challenged in their lives. They've never stepped in any situation that would be remotely competitive or have done something where they had to push themselves to the limit (both physically and mentally). They are also socially awkward. Many have never sang or danced or performed in front of a crowd of strangers, nor are they motivated to perfection. These fans are the ones who are proned to unintelligeble posts and nonsense, nor can they debate on an intellectual level. They just argue non-facts and imaginable stats in a mob-like fashion.....meaning whoever makes the most noise or makes the most excuses without making any sense will win. And saying that something is your opinion and that it is the internet so you can write whatever you want is the main key word used for douchebags who have no life. You're just saying "I have no idea how to handle situations like this in real life, so I'll do it on the internet where no one knows who I really am, and I'll be excused for it because I have no accountability".

This rant was mainly for Aika, but it could be used for any of the girls who have a some point in time been dumped on or hated on because of some stupid reason or another....mostly because she was not the favorite for that fan. I have one person in H!P that I'm not a big fan of but I won't tear her down. I know that, despite of the things that bugged me about her, she worked hard and put in a lot of effort to acheive what she achieved and I'm not going to be the one to take that away from her just because of a few personal issues that I have. All these girls work their butts off to entertain us and some of us can't even enjoy that simple fact. And these girls do not deserve that kind of behavior. If you don't like a girl (for whatever trivial reason you can come up with), then you don't have to like her. Not everyone is going to fall in love with every girl, but you should at least acknowledge that these girls were picked for a reason, have fulfilled the reason they were picked and that's why they're still doing what they are doing. Your thought on what they're worth doesn't mean a hill of beans. If you want to critique, I suggest you turn that magnifying glass around and look at yourself and your life.

And please spare me the "well, people are going to like who they like and dislike who they do not like". DUH!! I know that. Most people with a brain knows that. But just because someone is not your favorite doesn't mean that they should automatically be hated. For example, if you like Morning Musume, then you must automatically hate AKB48 or vice versa. NO, that's completely foolish. If you think in terms like that, you live a sad life and I feel really sorry for you.

To close, this is really in defense of the girls who have ever been dumped on. For the times when some troll comes on another members topic and just spews crap just to spew crap. These girls don't deserve it at all. It doesn't matter what the sales are or where they lie in popularity. They are all a part of a group of one kind or another and they contribute to the group in a huge way. Regardless if they are pushed up front or are always in the background. They do their best, either way. And what they do, far exceeds anything that any fan can do or imitate.

Trolls beware!!! lol.

Well done! :good: I agree with everything that you say, and I hope whoever you're targeting reads this.

I think it's sooo annoying to have to skim through three pages of an argument before getting back on topic in the threads. ESPECIALLY when it's all just petty hate on this girl or that one. Reina has to be my least favorite member of all time, but I simply don't have the time to take out of my day just to try to convince everyone else to feel the same way as me. And on the few occasions where I have decided to share my opinion, I try to be as civil as possible, AND I try to give ligitimate reasons as to why I don't like her, rather than just calling her annoying and useless. If you want to state your opinion, fine. I enjoy a good argument as much as the next guy. But you don't need to be a dick about it. In my mind, that proves you don't know what you're talking about, and you're just trying to irritate me enough so that I might just give up instead of putting you in your place.

Plus, I think the Mittsi argument has been going on way too long. Everything she does is wrong and if we defend her, we're just biased. But like you said, back in the day, some of today's most popular OGs were Aika-status. Perhaps people truly never appreciate what they have until it's gone.

But anyway. Good rant!!!
I agree with all of this.

On a forum I mod on, often times people will say they think Aika doesn't deserve to be an idol for this or that and I've gotten so sick of it.

When I posted about her ankle fracture, I left a note in a spoiler. "How's that for "doesn't deserve being in MM"? This is the 3rd time she's continued performing while in pain/injured. Aika will do anything to avoid letting her fans down. Even risking her health."

As I've brought up several times on this issue, Aika is probably the most desperate to not let down ANYONE. Fans fellow members, management. This biggest example is when she was in the H!P concert some time back. Not too far in her side started hurting a lot but she didn't tell anyone and kept performing as if she was fine. Then after she breaks down back stage and is rushed to a hospital where they find out her appendix needed to be removed. If your appendix bursts, 99% chance you will die unless SOMEONE you're like in a hospital and they stop it super fast. I don't understand how going through that amount of pain and still performing to please others is unworthy of being an idol. I've had that kind of pain. It is unbearable and I ca'n't even breathe sometimes yet she was able to sing and dance as if nothing was wrong.

Aika is a strong girl who loves making her fans happy. And she has a lot of fans. At PikaPika, she mentioned seeing some purple glowsticks, so they lowered the lights and there was a sea of purple and Aika started crying, she was so happy. At the Osaka concerts, the crowed did "Mitsui!" chants for her. Aika has very dedicated loving fans. I also remember hearing someone at the SayuReinaAika bus tour was shouting Aikachan! and tossing purple glow sticks for her. Just because she doesn't sell like Reina or have a ton of PBs like Aichan does make her unworthy of being an idol. And MM is very happy to have her, the kyuukies saying she's the most helpful and important sempai and her own sempai saying she's very important to the group. Aika is very worthy of being an idol and she's a damn good one.
I'd just like to say that I'm not a huge Aika fan. I never post in the "members" section or whatever, so I have no idea what kind of stuff goes on over there. But, there is just something about Aika's personality or demeanor that slightly annoys me. It's one of those things that is hard to put a finger on, but that's honestly how I feel about her, I just can't explain exactly why. Now, I don't completely hate the girl, so don't think I came here just to flame haha. I actually think she has been a good fit for MM, she definitely has her own charms that contribute to the group. Honestly though, I've never viewed her as a Kemeko-type or Ogawa-type though for some reason, I really wasn't aware that people thought of her that way.

And I hope that middle-end section wasn't directed at me! lol. Just because I picked a fight with you once back in the day! haha. I know I do make some strange arguments and drag them out sometimes, but I get bored of reading the same crap over and over and over and over and over again on forums. Hopefully my posts do make some sense though. But, these are the kind of posts I love to see! This is what makes coming to these forums interesting. (Meaning this blog entry you just made, not lame trolls)

Oh, and I agree with you about the popularity and talent argument. Just because someone is popular doesn't mean they have talent, or just because someone isn't very popular doesn't mean they don't have tremendous talent. My point to this is Taiyo to Ciscomoon. In my opinion, I think they are the most talented group that H!P has ever had, but they never reached any high levels of popularity.
Obviously, Kantutan, you can't read, or you would have also seen the part of my post where I actually dedicate it to all the girls who have had haters......but I don't expect too much from you. Your type is the one I'm complaining about. Being on this forum, and reading many of your posts, you have done nothing but start things with others, in my opinion, just for the sake of it. There's another one up here that does the same, but I don't think he will take the bait as easily as you did. Your posts are irrational, emotional, and lack the common sense that I would expect most people to have when they come on a forum. There are newer members on H!O who start out like this; but then figure out how to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. I didn't hand over victory, I've declared war!!! So you should be prepared, because I cannot ignore ignorance and blatant stupidity.

And, as you can see from the other comments (people who actually read, take into account what they are reading, and then give intellectual feedback, instead of stating the obvious, which you have done), I don't mind people who dislike other members. But disclose a reason why and when someone responds, respond back in a manner which is becoming of an intelligent human being, and not some Neanderthal who can bang words out on a computer.

For example....I'm going to use you Mab :), the discussions that I have with Mab are great. They're insightful, and although we did have a bit of a heated discussion/argument, it was still respectful and well thought out. I enjoy having arguments like Aly said, but they have to be ones where there is respect of another's opinion and backing of information on both sides. I can truly see the other person's point of view and it could change the way I viewed something. That's how you have a discussion. You think about what the other person is saying. Yes, that requires thought. THe "critical reasoning" that is supposed to be found here on H!O can only be found from a few other members (besides the ones that commented earlier, I can add sswishbone, aussie, the mods, Mal, and a handful more).

If more and more people would stand up and say, I will not tolerate this, then this rant would not have happened. This type of behavior is not found on an Arashi forum that I used to frequent because everyone had the same mutual respect for each other and pretty much held each other accountable for stupid and useless posts. It's not all puppies and rainbows either. I mean, people disagree about liking a single, phototshoot, member, etc.....but they do it in a way that is not an all out attack.

Thanks to everyone else who commented!!
You can't be bothered because my logic totally trumps your irrational babbling. You cannot comprehend what people are typing because you interject with your own wording, therefore you cannot follow along. I said absolutely nothing about the internet not being what I want it to be (your own wording and misunderstanding).

Obviously, in your case, anyone who stands up for something that they believe in and has the cohones to back it up is concieved as someone who cannot just sit back and placidly let stupidity take reign (the dumbing down of America should be a good example of why someone should not sit back and just enjoy their own little world while chaos is wrecking havoc unpoliced).

Besides, I take you as someone who has no morals or backbone because hating does embody the root word "hate". Where does a lot of strife and misunderstanding come from? Hate. However you use (keeping semantics at bay), the term hate is a very powerful word and provokes very powerful feelings. Not just from the person spewing it; but also anyone who may be on the recieving end. There's something called huamn decency that should be followed, no matter what. Hatred is unwanted, no matter who it is poured upon. That's just like if I sit there and witness someone being bullied for no reason whatsoever, but since I'm happy sitting there and enjoying my newspaper, I should just turn a blind eye to what I "deem as irrational hating" so that it wouldn't bother me. It's the same thing, regardless if it's in real life or written on a screen. I will speak up for injustices.
Aika is my favorite member in MM. It's really nice to see other fans of her on H!O. Most of the time when I go on her thread I will see some words of encouragement for her (especially with her injury) but before that there was a lot of negative words and many people becoming discouraged because of all the hate towards her on H!O. I hope that no other members of HP have to go through all this hate because it is difficult to go through. In saying this though I feel that Aika has grown stronger through the hate, and that in all will make her better and better in the future. She will be able to help the future members of MM deal with it all and to be there biggest fan when they need. I wasn't really an Aika fan till I saw some clips on Youtube in which I saw many haters talking about how she shouldn't be in MM. From that moment I saw that she needed the fans and that she actually was good at what she does. Thank you for these words that made me see that not everyone on H!O is out to point out the flaws.

No, you're complaining that the Internet isn't the utopia you want. As for the rest of your blahblahblah, I don't even wanna bother wasting my time. Obviously you are someone who can't just enjoy your Aika-shipping & well thought out discussions; and simply ignore what your eyes & mind deem as irrational hating from bothering you. That was what I meant by "handing over victory", you let the haters get to you, upset you.

This is the perfect example of what a troll would say. If you bother me, it's my fault for letting you bother me. How annoying.

She's allowed to say what bothers her, and if trolls, like you, use it as ammo, you're really only proving to the rest of us how pathetically ignorant you are.
Hey hey~ Just thought I should let you know that I reaaaaally love this entry. <3 Much love to you for ranting something I've wanted to rant about for so long.

Oh, and I... sorta referred to your post in my own post here. I hope you don't mind, for you really did point out a lot of things I wanted to. :3