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Return After 6 Year Hiatus!

Posted by TheAnna18, 14 July 2014 · 463 views

Guess who's back?....

Yes, that is right, for some strange reason I have felt compelled to restart this blog! I haven't written in it since I was 14, and now I am 20...but I still sound like the same bumbling idiot as always! Even as time passes, you can always expect the same "high quality" blog posts from Banana Inc©

Okay so in all of my old blog entries I would first start with the dream I had the night before...BUT I HAVE SOME UNFORTUNATE NEWS!! I do not remember my dream from last night...and I'm not even entirely sure I had one! Well I went to bed at 5 am (oops) and had to get up at 10 for work so the whole morning I was waddling around half asleep and there would be no way for me to remember anything about a dream through all of that haze! If I end up writing another entry, I'll be sure to include a dream synopsis because honestly my dreams are like the hallucinations of someone on drugs. My boyfriend and I have dubbed it "Banana Dream Juice". So if he has a really crazy dream, we say it's because the banana dream juice was rubbing off on him! Which I honestly think it has...you know when we started dating, he never had dreams. I was like "WHAT? NEVER?" and he said nope because he just wouldn't dream, meanwhile I was the crazy dream princess that had a new bizarre dream every night! WELL now the tables have turned, and it seems like we dream pretty evenly, I have less dreams and he has more. I'm happy to lend him my dream juice though because everyone deserves to have dreams! It makes sleeping infinitely more fun!

Lately I have really been into St. Bonapro Gakuen. Correction, lately I have been really into the old St. Bonapro Gakuen! All because of one special little lady....♪YODA AYAKA♪
also known as AYAYA!

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The cutest little girl and the best idol! She is genuine and energetic and a little ball of cuuuuute! Her genuine human-ness just flows from the picture!
And since you have already fallen in love just from that single picture, I present to you a special gift from me to you...the greatest Ayaya clip to exist! (That I am aware of!) If your heart doesn't melt, you should go to the doctor to check you out because you must not have a heart! It is humanly impossible not to melt! Alright, check it!



However, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news....
she has already left the group :(
And I am sorry to give you even more bad news....
she just straight up disappeared!

I KNOW, I thought everything was hunky-dory, she was updating her blog as usual, her last blog entry being about starting 5th grade, and planning to work hard at being an idol! That certainly doesn't sound like the blog entry of a girl who is planning on leaving an idol group...but it gets STRANGER!

I haven't seen any sort of official graduation announcement! I looked all over their blog and website looking for any sort of information about what happened with Ayaya, but there was no announcement of her leaving or anything of that nature. They took down her profile from their website, and more recently finally took down her profile from the modeling agency the group is from. WHAT HAPPENED TO AYAYA?! It is so strange and confusing and it makes me so sad because honestly she had the potential to be my favorite idol of all time. She had that IT factor that very few people have in this world (like my beautiful boyfriend and my favorite cousin!) and now she's gone. She is probably gone from the entertainment industry all together....It would have been nice to know what happened to her :(

BUT ENOUGH OF THE SAD TALK! Let's just enjoy Ayaya for the wonderful gifts she has left us! Like this picture!

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Oh my god, I'm still running into the same problem as my old blog entries. This is painfully long and it's just my rambling! BUT THAT'S THE WAY I LIKE IT!
I wonder if anyone will read this...Daryl? Are you still reading?! Hehehe Daryl is my boyfriend, by the way <3 So if I keep talking about Daryl in my entries from now on, just know who I mean! <3 ANYBODY AT ALL...if you read this all, please comment because I am very curious O_O
OKAY so ummm I guess that wraps up this entry! Thank you for reading!

Yeah, I'm reading this. Thanks for the dream juice, baby lol. This was one truly high-tension post, I must say; very cute.  Ayaya might have been killed and eaten by her parents.  

DARIN!! I think it's sooo high tension because it's 4 am and I haven't sleep and I'm hungry so I'm going a little loopy <3 And NO...ARIENAI TSUUUU NOOO! Ayaya is safe and happy...she's living her happy 5th grade life and just not doing idol things anymore okay....:(

Thank you for the reply <3 And ANY TIME YO, you can drink my dream juice whenever you want!! :D Yay! I love you!

I want lemon chicken.

Oh look it's you.

Yay! It's me, still obsessing over little girls! :D

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