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Photo Cards, woohoo!

Posted by TheAnna18, 27 March 2008 · 271 views

So to start out my bloggie today, these cards should be coming soon! (If you're entering in my contest, you can pick from most of these. [Except like momo cause i absolutely need that one. heh heh])
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Well, I also got one for Kim and Jenni (extra large) but i just wont post those, since im too lazy to go to tinypic again.

Okays, enough about those.
I had another weird dream. o.o! What a suprise! (Not)
In my dream, I was at the outside of my sisters high school. So I was just sittin on the grass you know, and then Walt from Lost is there! Posted Image (He had been kidnapped in the show, but would randomly pop up later on) Of course, I was in shock! So I was like "Omg Walt, what are you doing here?" and then he didn't say anything. I thought that was lame. So you know hes just standing around and I'm sittin in the grass, and this old guy comes up to me, and says "Yous ever hurd bout Hen County?" (Some kinda countryish accent. thats the best i could portray it) and i was like "Uh no", and then hes like "Yous ever hurd bout Tennessee?" and I was like "Yeah" cause like come on, everyone in America knows about Tennessee. (I would say everyone, but theres lots of people from other countries who just might read this blog! ;o ) So then this old guy starts talking about Tennessee and I was pretending to pay attention, and then suddenly I was at my house! ;o (Walt didn't teleport with me) I was in my driveway, and this super rich looking sleek black car pulls up to our driveway. So I went to the car, and then the guys like "Oh, can you fill up this canteen for us? We're very poor and can't afford water" and i was like "Okay" and I went into our house and then I looked in the canteen and there was BAKING SODA in it. (In my dream when you mix water and baking soda it bubbles up and goes everywhere) I was like "PSH! Well that was rude!" So I poured out the baking soda, and then put water in the canteen. Then i got a snickerdoodle from the cabinet, and went back to the guy in the car, and I handed him the cookie and canteen. The guy said "Thanks" and drove off.
Then I woke up, and that brings me to now.
Right now I'm really hungry. >.<! I'm so hardcore when it comes to h!o I didn't even have breakfast yet, I just grabbed the laptop and went straight on. hehe. My tummy has been making lame gurgly sounds the whole time I typed this. :lol:

My birthday is coming up! woohoo! April 18th! Only like 20 something days! That means I'm 6 days younger than Airi! How cool. ;o My mom was like "Anna, what do you want for your birthday" and i was like "I dunno, stuff from ebay thats hello project i guess" So my mom gave one of her classic big sighs and said "Well, what do you want?" So of course I immediately went to ebay, and I found THESE perfect b-day presents.
Posted Image Ai kago's autograph. >.<!! This is 1# on my list, and im trying to convince my mom to get it since theres only 3 days left for bidding. D=

This set of Hagitty Photo Cards! (I cropped the images together, so it looks really lame. I even added my own personal message!)
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I'm absolutely smitten with Sayumin, so I have to get something of her >.<!
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And Then Sayumi again
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Kamei's so cute, I have to get some of her too. The egao yes nude one isnt the best, but oh well.
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And of course
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I'm sorry this is so long with all of the pictures. >.<!
If I got most of this, that would be the best b-day ever!

:good: awesome prizes for your contest!

What a weird dream, but I do the same thing with my labtop in the morning too. XD Straight on for like 15 min before rushing out. XD

I hope you get everything you want for your birthday! I can only give u a big shoutout in the birthday thread. :lol:

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