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Nakajima Saki,
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Uploaded on 24-August 09
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Tags: Nakajima Saki 

 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Aug 24 2009 04:07 AM
When all hell is breaking loose on stage, it's Sakitty's job to stay cool and keep a firm and steady chorus line going. Sakitty is freakin' awesome and is another reason why °C-ute is the new FlagShip group of Hello! Project.
 Aug 24 2009 04:15 AM
Okay, T.M. Sure. Whatever you say.

*backs up slowly and calls for the men in white jackets*
 Aug 24 2009 04:33 AM
Avoid eye contact and sudden movements.

I have to say, though, I'm liking °C-ute more and more as time goes on.
 Aug 24 2009 05:12 AM
Don't you mean Nakki???
Sakitty is Ogawa Saki from Hello! Pro Eggs!!
Now to say that C-ute is the flag ship... that's another matter, they sure have to at least match Berryz Kobo to be even considered, not to mention try and reach the level of Morning Musume. But If you are happy that way, then I'm happy too! XD
 Aug 24 2009 05:20 AM
^ If I remember right, Ogawa Saki is "Sakichy". xD; I think she even has a shirt with that on it.
 Aug 24 2009 05:32 AM
Probando... probando... PROBANDOOOOOO
 Aug 24 2009 07:37 AM
I thought Nakajima was the first to have the nickname Sakitty before Ogawa Saki join H!P.
Anyway, Nakky look great in this photo
 Aug 24 2009 10:47 AM
You know, when her mouth isn't visible...

And Pro-Tip; Just call them by their real names and not some weird weeaboo construct.
 Aug 24 2009 03:03 PM
@ Cribbaz:

Amen to that my friend!!!!!!
I thought I was the only one who felt that way!!
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Aug 24 2009 03:10 PM

That's great advice for the noobs just getting into the scene.
 Aug 24 2009 03:11 PM
Or just learn their real nickname? Its "Nakki"

Like someone else said Ogawa Saki is Sakitty/Sakichy

I agree don't use some stupid nickname you thought of yourself, thats retarded.
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Aug 24 2009 03:15 PM
H!PBerryz is correct. Even two years (maybe 3 years come to think of it) ago Sakitty was Sakitty. However, that's not her only nickname. Nakki is commonly used too.

edit (all below):

This is really bothering you, hunh? I don't know if there is a video with Sakitty being called Sakitty. And I'm certainly not going to look. What is for certain though is that many Sakitty and °C-ute fans use the nickname Sakitty for Sakitty. It really doesn't matter to me what you want to call her. Knock yourself out, bro. I'll continue to call her Nakki sometimes, Saki sometimes, and Sakitty sometimes.

@cribbaz : hehe... good one...

@michikodesu : How about Tokaikko Junjou?
 Aug 24 2009 03:21 PM
I love it when people spill their 4chan on the rest of the Internet.

"Pro-tip": be creative instead of spewing somebody else's pre-spewed and re-spewed garbage, and maybe try also posting when you DON'T have something jackass-ish to say, just so I can believe you're well-rounded.
 Aug 24 2009 03:54 PM
I challenge you to find ONE video where she is called "Sakitty"
 Aug 24 2009 04:08 PM
I've started liking C-ute and like their newer songs..........but they still aren't the flagship of H!P. Sorry, T.M.
 Aug 24 2009 04:24 PM
Well I like SASQUATCH. lol
 Aug 24 2009 05:06 PM
TJ is pretty good; the one song that I just DON"T care for is LALALA Shiawase no Uta. I guess I really started paying attention to their songs after Namida no Iro. Much more so than BK's songs.
 Aug 24 2009 05:11 PM
Well as it goes, Nakajima is called nakki or sakki, not sakitty. No where since she joined has she been called Sakitty. Even if you search for Sakitty in her thread it yeilds nothing.
Ogawa saki's official nickname is Sakichy, by fans she is called Sakitty, Sakarin and Ogasakichan.
 Aug 24 2009 05:32 PM
"official nickname" haha oh wow...
 Aug 24 2009 05:33 PM
K then i gues ill just call her Creepy-Smile from now on

And ofcourse im pissed about it, when you abuse my favorite idols nickname
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Aug 24 2009 05:54 PM
Well, OK then. Sakitty is one of my favorites too. And Sakitty has been a legitimate and well used nickname for at least 3 years. BTW, Creepy-Smile is kind of funny.

Hmmmm.... obviously the "FlagShip" part is my own opinion. Morning Musume has grown a little tiresome. Many years of listening to them, many DVD's watched and re-watched, several of their concerts attended in Japan, etc. The only really exciting members any more are Koharu of course, and Sayumi.

As far as Morning Musume goes... a chance to see them won't be passed up. But pursuit of °C-ute and/or AKB48 tickets will be made (instead of MM) next time. °C-ute is where H!P is happening. Airi, Maimi, Sakitty, Mai rule! Erika and Chisato are pretty good too. That's why °C-ute is the FlagShip of H!P. °C-ute has all the members, °C-ute dances all the dances, and °C-ute sings all the songs I want to watch and hear.
 Aug 24 2009 06:28 PM
Why so 4chan cribbaz?
 Aug 24 2009 06:43 PM
i vote Nakki!
 Aug 24 2009 07:05 PM
@wingates; I'm not whatever, I just love to point things out.
 Aug 24 2009 07:07 PM
Love this picture. xD

I have heard Nakky with C-ute members, but Sakitty seems to be the creation of Fans. Everyone should be allowed to call them by some nic-name, but shouldn't be offended if it isn't recognized by others. :P And yes, there is such a thing as official nic names..

btw, Creepy-Smile should be awarded to someone in Morning Musume imo..:p
 Hope Faith
 Aug 24 2009 08:22 PM
Aw, Nakki looks uber adorable in this pic! And Nakki's the only Nickname I've heard for Nakajima...
 Aug 25 2009 12:47 AM
*Late to the party*

 Aug 25 2009 01:22 AM
^ My thoughts exactly!
 Aug 25 2009 01:50 AM
^ Agreed

And just call her what you want people, she's not ever going to know anyway.
 Aug 25 2009 05:09 AM
I refuse to believe that she isn't antsy all day waiting to see what our opinions are on here! Ever since the Infamous Balloon Picture, she probably checks this site twice a day, just in self-defense :)
 Aug 25 2009 05:54 AM
I've always called her Gus. She just looks like a Gus to me.
 burnt glitter
 Aug 25 2009 06:28 AM

 Aug 25 2009 06:41 AM
I prefer calling her Nakichi --
See the making of Shochuu Omimai Moushiagemasu if you have no idea what I mean !

@Cardi: a gus...?
 Aug 25 2009 12:48 PM
@paul & cardi: LOLOLOL. Your two comments made me laugh so hard. XDDDDDD
 Aug 25 2009 03:02 PM
I have always been a fan of Nakkichisakkicacchisakkittinakki, and if you don't like it, you can kiss my grits.
 Aug 26 2009 03:21 AM
All this "THAT'S NOT HER OFFICIAL NICKNAME YOU FOOL" thing is really stupid. I mean, T.M. can call Nakki as he wants, lol. I can call her "the girl with annoying voice and horrible smile" and it'd be fine. So yeah.
 Aug 26 2009 06:41 AM
Nakajima Scrawny (Official Nickname ™)

Azumangalicious: "@paul & cardi: LOLOLOL. Your two comments made me laugh so hard."

Well, my job here is done.
 Aug 27 2009 05:34 PM
The nickname "Takitty" has never been an "official" one, yet since it's popular a lot of people call Takahashi like that. In fact it's even in the usernames of many people here at H!O/other sites.
Both Richancho... I mean Risako and Risa are called "Rii" (or Ree) by different people.. and I haven't seen them argue. yet :P