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Mano Erina,
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Uploaded on 06-August 09
By metayero
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Tags: Mano Erina 

Ougon no GT September issue (Tabloid)

 Aug 06 2009 01:17 PM
This article is pretty scary -_-"
 Aug 06 2009 01:17 PM
Somehow it seems wrong to put pictures of Mano's childhood right below a zoom-up of her breast.
 Aug 06 2009 01:20 PM
 Aug 06 2009 01:21 PM
There's no nipple there. What's the point of the close-up?
 Aug 06 2009 01:41 PM
^ Show the tanned skin ?
 Aug 06 2009 02:39 PM
They're claiming that her nipple is showing.. but I don't see it even in the extreme closeup, so I don't know what they're talking about
 Aug 06 2009 03:07 PM
agree with grubby ;]

it's really nothing special on the close-up
poor mano :[
 Aug 06 2009 04:17 PM
^^ So this is EVEN MORE scary T___T
 Aug 06 2009 04:59 PM
Even if there was a nipple, or some aureole, Mano Erina qualities are not her breast(its her ass).

I would say there is no doubt the guy who did the "article" is a virgin.
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Aug 06 2009 04:59 PM
It took awhile, but now I can see what all the fuss is about.
 Aug 06 2009 05:07 PM
HAH! This is so pathetic!
 Aug 06 2009 05:14 PM
HAH! This is so pathetic! ²

There's nothing wrong with this pic!!
Some people have to try to do more useful things ...
 Aug 06 2009 05:38 PM
ah haven't noticed the tan line before. cute :p
 Aug 06 2009 06:04 PM
Wouldn't that be the water reflecting off from the sun onto her body? That's why I get a lot of my sun burns like that. It looks a bit too off setting to be a tan line.
 Aug 06 2009 06:12 PM
That's disgusting, but oh well. That's japan.
 Aug 06 2009 06:23 PM
Don't worry about it everyone. It's from a tabloid magazine, and most likely photoshopped.
 Aug 06 2009 06:37 PM
She looks so young; I keep forgetting that she's actually 18...but it seems so wrong despite how old she may be. xDD
 Aug 06 2009 07:17 PM
Desperate, aren't we?

If they are pointing out where it is supposed to be, tbh, from where I am looking, it'd be abnormally high? O___O

This article is an overall LOL mixed with a cringing back-step.
 Aug 06 2009 07:26 PM
Its just a burn line...if you see her skin has a red tone to it... SPF 60 for Mano PLZ
 Aug 06 2009 07:28 PM
Aureole? That shot has hardly even cleavage!

MAJOR EPIC FAIL, editor-san
 Aug 06 2009 08:28 PM
her skin is a a bit tanned there, so what? is that a sin in Japan?... btw if you can't see it with your eyes only then is fail.
 Aug 06 2009 09:28 PM
maybe there's a scar that didn't show on the magazine? idk...

Short-haired ManoEri looks so cute <3
 Aug 06 2009 09:51 PM
Someone need to translate this. Seems stupid to enlarge when nothing is showing. All I'm seeing is the black void in her empty bikini top. She must use some serious padding.

That "tan-line" everyone is talking about is simply the water she is sitting in.
 Aug 06 2009 11:19 PM
Oh my god, loose bikini!?

Someone, call the press!
 Aug 06 2009 11:56 PM
Police would be more helpfull.
 Aug 07 2009 12:17 AM
Ehh... for a moment I didn't even remember where those pictures were from, if there was "something" to look at it would have been all over 2ch.
Someone must have been seriously bored -.-
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Aug 07 2009 12:31 AM
... nothing to look at... absolutely nothing... even is there was "something" .... would it even matter.... stupid tabloids....
 Aug 07 2009 01:04 AM
You can see her nipple mark in the OTHER boobie, not the one they're ponting out. WTF?
 Aug 07 2009 09:34 AM
After reading all the comments and studying the picture I still don't get what all the fuss is about.. There's nothing there but bikini clad breasts. In the sea.
Hello! Fun in the sea!

...sorry XD
 Aug 07 2009 03:36 PM
Tabloids take the ridiculous and turn it into the hilarious.
 Aug 07 2009 09:08 PM
i don't even think that's a tan line. Isn't that the surface of the water?
 resonant project
 Aug 08 2009 04:42 PM
pathetic!! poor mano-chan!! :/