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Mitsui Aika,
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Uploaded on 29-July 09
By pitaten
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Tags: Mitsui Aika 

 Jul 29 2009 06:26 PM

She's got that smexy look down :)
 Jul 29 2009 06:28 PM
 Jul 29 2009 08:28 PM
Pissed off Aika doesn't look attractive at all. Unlike angry Reina, for example.
 Jul 30 2009 01:57 AM
totally disagree with ya dude (or dudette)! Pissed off Aika is totally fierce, cool, and very attractive. She's almost reached Miki and Yossy status.
 Jul 30 2009 01:59 AM
^ yea I agree to that :D
 Jul 30 2009 04:10 AM
 Jul 30 2009 08:12 AM
I really like Aika, but that photoshopping that someone is doing on these photos really gotta stop. Removing the shades and shadows from Aika's face makes it look flat and pasted in. Why tamper with perfection? If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Jul 30 2009 08:46 AM
V for vendetta , K for Killthebloodyphotoshopperswhooverdotouchups...
 Jul 30 2009 09:19 AM
surely, they wouldn't sell the photos like that, and if they do, they must think the fans that buy them are blind, or just don't care. what're they thinkin?
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Jul 30 2009 09:32 AM
^ good one! :D... the fans are rabid, aren't they... hmmmm
 Jul 30 2009 02:12 PM
Oh yeah, they sell these photos... Hope the fans who buy these stay away from the shopped ones.

I rather see cellulite in the FACE of an idol, than blatant photoshops. Even if the photoshopping was good, it's deceiving the fans. Wouldn't it be nice too come at an autograph meet, and your idol looks ten to fifteen years older? Wrinkles, dimples, pores, freckles and moles that actually makes them look their age?

Wota(s?) should unite to combat the increasing photoshopping, both for the idols and our sake. Sometime in the future, they will release vids and stuff on HD Blue-ray, and no amount of over-lighting and reduced contrast is gonna present the idols the same way photoshopping do. By the way, this is the trick they often use in photos where bright parts of clothes and skin become indistinguishable from the white/bright background. Almost half of Suzuki Airi's photos are like this, and it makes a lot of wrinkles/lines go away before any shopping has been done. And the picture become sort of the opposite of HDR.
 Jul 30 2009 02:49 PM
This Photo is from the concert tour, and was sold ONLY there in a silver frame, each concert day a new Set (as u probably already know), But that was the only day where I bought the whole set :p
grim Aika is grim
 Jul 30 2009 03:10 PM
I, never having been to Japan, knows very little about how these picture are sold. Are the pictures sold in a metal(silver) frame? What about paper/print quality? Are there whole sets available? Digital? What's up with the "hand writing" and "hand drawing" on some photos? And what about the fans who can't go to the concert, if the sets are only sold there?

Sorry for being a newbie.
 Jul 30 2009 03:21 PM
@ dazzy
Here are my photos with the frame
they're printet on HQ Kodak Photo Paper
and the handwriting is already on the photos
yes, they were exclusiv for the tourat the concerts and you could only buy em there
 Jul 30 2009 06:22 PM
@nimrod: Thanks for the picture and information. I hope they didn't charge too much for it. The pictures are kinda small, and that cardboard is barely a frame.
 Jul 30 2009 06:28 PM
600 yen from what i remember. Anyway i find this pic sexy :P
 Jul 30 2009 10:05 PM
^ Thanks for the info, Erika. That's around 40 NOK, 6.3 USD, or 4.5 €. I find it a little pricey. At least when you want to buy more than just one, and all you get is a paper frame with a picture in A5 size. With doodles on it. Seems like standard concert-fleecing to me.
 Jul 31 2009 05:44 AM
^ they are a nice addition to a collection.
 Jul 31 2009 01:03 PM
^ And that's what UFA is counting on; that every wota will pay through the nose to expand their collection. I guess that the sum of all the little things really add up after a while, but who wants to confess that they have spent too much money on such things?