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Niigaki Risa,

Kusumi Koharu,

Kamei Eri,

Mitsui Aika,
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Uploaded on 23-July 09
By metayero
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Gravure Television

 Jul 23 2009 05:14 PM
Aika looks like old woman, sorry, sweet.
 Jul 23 2009 05:31 PM
No lo..
I really2 prefer say that as Cute^^
 Jul 23 2009 05:32 PM
So Eri blood type is AB..
Same with me..
And she is the only one in that type..
Yes tybe AB so rare this day..LOL
 Jul 23 2009 07:01 PM
^ Dude taht'z claerly a sign!!11 U shudd date Eri. ur maent 4 each other.. LOL .D
 Jul 23 2009 07:23 PM
Maybe i'm stupid but i ever understood why they are always talking about their bloodt types
 Jul 23 2009 08:15 PM
^There's this thing about how your blood type matches the kind of personality you have. In some countries in Asia they make a really big deal out of it, and it's used a lot.
 Jul 23 2009 11:01 PM
o dear linlin and risa are B type??!! theres heavy dicrimmination against B type ppl in asia you know.and they do make a fuss of it. ANyway they look nothing like a B-type personality to me (although you can never tell). I thought reina would be B! lol
 Seimei - Uchuu Daioh
 Jul 23 2009 11:51 PM
.. I am an AB too... Lol... again.. the universal receiver...
they say your blood type also matches your constituition too.. :lol: ...
 Jul 24 2009 03:32 AM
Oh wow. I really like Koharu in this photo. <3
 Jul 24 2009 05:16 PM
a western scientist in like the early 1900s asked if blood types might have an effect on personalities since blood types had recently been discovered. almost immediately scientists from all over the world checked it out and said 'nope'. then wwii happened and japan looked for a way to decide how to set up their army, so a guy suggested just using blood types to determine it. then after the war the general public heard about it and started using blood types as a way of trying to judge peoples' personalities(although Rh gets completely ignored) despite the fact that scientists said it was a dumb theory. that's why people compare it to western astrology. the end. so really it's too young a phenomena to be considered deep rooted cultural aspect or tradition
 Jul 24 2009 07:26 PM
wtf they discriminate B Blood typs? why? :( I'm B too but I really don't know why someone should be discriminate because he/she is B typ xD' I like my personality ! (höhöhö..)
 Jul 24 2009 07:42 PM
i really didn't mean this..^^
since really i read somewhere i forgot that AB type is <10% population..
Pretty rare u ask someone that have my blood type..
then B type is describe as a stubborn personality with a high will to do something ( no offense )
but also there is a positive side..They use perfection on their work..
since they must prepare anything before doing something..
Hehe..that's i know...if u wanna believe^^
oh and to @TRA hehe i like to..if it possible...since i and she is at same ages...(depressed face)...
 Jul 24 2009 09:38 PM
^ Don't loose hope! I don't. I'm totally gonna marry Eri some day. some..... day...
 Jul 24 2009 11:18 PM
2009-07-24 01:14
Aika looks like old woman, sorry

I agree. With a face like that, she's not going to age well. I thought Tsunku was wrong about Koharu but he proved me wrong on that one. She became a beauty. I've waited long enough and he's not right about this thing. It must be hard for her being surrounded by real beauties.
 Jul 25 2009 12:29 AM
^ aika looks pretty damn good to me. what, is aika not to your high standard of attractiveness?
 Jul 25 2009 04:10 AM
I think she is just as attractive as the other girls in MM. It's actually hard for me to rate them by their looks cuz their all so pretty.
 Jul 25 2009 04:41 AM
@SataAndagi+Ataki:yes indeed i see your point.
Yes i know she is not match with the make up...
but see..the other member is currently already or some member nearly reached their 20's..
then this shoot is very2 matured theme..
so what the result is they must balanced the setting and then make your opinion like that..
ehm..but still i can't see the old ladies you say previously on her..
that's cute man not old...geez...=.=
 Jul 25 2009 04:42 AM
somesomesome day?
I feel that is really2 like a thousand years again....
 Jul 25 2009 04:45 AM
I do really like long haired aika at Shouganai yume oibito..
she looks fantastic..
hem..wonder why she cut her hair..
but truly..
if Gaki or Sayumi done that..i will kill myself..wakakaka(jokes!!)
 Jul 25 2009 07:09 AM
^wow, that was like you were having a conversation with yourself. anywho, aika had extensions in SYO. her hair was already short. i have a feeling we'll be graced with a short haired aika for a while.
 Jul 25 2009 01:02 PM
I do not have high expectations for their beauty,
the beauty is not important for me, but Aika look like not very well on this photo.I think it's the photos.
 Jul 25 2009 01:41 PM
... and mellow , good character, good nature are more important.
 Jul 25 2009 04:00 PM
I also don't have "high standards". As always, I'm just conversing and stating my opinion. It's never my aim to bash anyone so, don't interpret me like that. I'm all for the "average girl". I'm not into the super model types and what have you. I prefer down to earth beauty over all. Even with that, in my opinion, she's just not very attractive at all. Everyone has their own tastes right?

I don't believe in only being allowed to voice positive opinions because the girls are "idols". If there's a conversation going on and I have an opposing viewpoint, I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to voice it. I'm agreeing with someone else's opinion that it's not a flattering picture for her at all. She really does look like an old lady to me.

I will be honest though, I have seen a picture or two of her when I would almost say she looked cute. It was when she had long hair and it wasn't pulled back as it usually is. I was like, "That's not bad."

But, anyway, this isn't about how attractive she is or isn't. That's all relative to personal tastes so, I'm going to leave that alone. :) If you think she looks great then, rock on. As they say, there's a butt for every seat!
 Jul 25 2009 04:09 PM
yes, yes, yes, thanks, thanks, thanks
 Jul 25 2009 05:39 PM
yea..i replyin 3 times like talking with myself LOL/./
yes i agree//
she is cute ovo
 Jul 25 2009 06:15 PM
gatamekira, i had no beef with you. what pissed me off what the line "it must be hard for her being surrounded by real beauties." yes, you're right that everyone has an opinion, but they should also be ready for an onslaught of comments if their own comment is negative, especially when it's downright mean. but we all have our interpretations of what's mean, and what's not. there can be a fine line between the two sometimes.
 Jul 27 2009 03:21 PM
I agree with Glasseylashes completely. You say something, then have the guts to either 1. back it up or 2. deal with the repercussions that will come with it. And we can all say "to be honest" but really, what you're saying is "I don't like this member either". There are a couple of members who I'm not totally fond of; but I will at least say positive things about them. Not just because they're idols, but because any human being should have that kind of respect paid to them and that everyone does have something positive that can be said about them. I hate the double-standard that fans have for members; but I know that's just how mindless some people are.

No, this is not her best picture. She seems very uncomfortable to me. She's actually looked that way in all the photos for the magazine. Like, she's not really feeling the fashion shoot. And maybe she's too honest with herself to put on the fake idol smile just to get a job done. But all in all, Aika is a very attractive young lady. And she doesn't have to over-pose to look attractive. All the girls are natural beauties.