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Kamei Eri,

Kusumi Koharu,

"Li Chun, Junjun",

Michishige Sayumi,

Mitsui Aika,

Morning Musume,

Niigaki Risa,

"Qian Lin, Linlin",

Takahashi Ai,

Tanaka Reina,
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Uploaded on 26-November 08
By metayero
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Nov 26 2008 03:59 AM
XD junjun squatted- don't know why I find that funny -_-

well anyway, they all look FOINE
 Nov 26 2008 09:07 AM
ahaha somebody noticed the junjun squat. great XD
 ★Shining Star★
 Nov 26 2008 10:54 AM
I love it how Koharu stands out of all in that bright red dress. :D <3 I Kusumi we trust.
 Nov 26 2008 01:07 PM
gaki looks a bit in pain and JunJun's pose doesn't look to comfy either
 Nov 26 2008 02:49 PM
lol Junjun had to go down pretty low to have her as Linlin's arm rest xD and she's still too tall =P
 Nov 26 2008 03:55 PM
WAIIIII!!! Mittsi in heels!!

Koharu doesn't look awkward with her pose, Sayumi and JunJun are matching bookends and Reina has a pose that says "Say Hello to my posse"!!!!
 Nov 26 2008 04:46 PM
I think I actually agree with ★Shining Star★ on this. Kusumi has the brightest color out of all the girls so she stands out the most. lol But Mitsui in heels and a dress >D very nice.
 ★Shining Star★
 Nov 26 2008 05:16 PM
And I agree with Risa/Misa. Good to see that you joined the empire of light and miracles, and worship Koharu with us.
 Nov 26 2008 05:35 PM
i thought junjun looked really good ^_^
she made the pose look easy

i also think reina and linlin look great
 Nov 26 2008 06:45 PM
Crouching Junjun, Hidden Sayu!? Nah, that doesn't work, Sayu's not well hidden enough. xD Sayu needs to be on the other end...unless Linlin is the only "book".

Ah, the photo's good anyway. Koharu really stands out. o-o
 Nov 26 2008 07:33 PM
Reina's like "i'm da boss" and i like wut ai is wearing for some reason lol
 burnt glitter
 Nov 26 2008 08:32 PM
Looking at the thumbnail it looks like someone placed a lighter over Eri. She looks really out of place. Even though they took these pictures individually and just pasted them together in photoshop couldn't they have picked a better pose for Eri so she didn't look weird?

I like this picture, though.
 Dec 13 2008 10:59 PM
reina really stands out in this picture !
 Dec 23 2008 03:41 PM
I think JunJun squated to make reina look taller.lol.