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Uploaded on 15-April 11
By Reinabeauty
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 Apr 15 2011 07:27 PM
MG 2 Episode 1

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
 Eric Mesias
 Apr 16 2011 01:08 AM
This story is complete different from the first season Kojima became a model, Itano is working in a office, and Mariko became a nurse If you guys remember Maeda was trying to become a nurse this was Takashi Minami dream and now Yuko is a ghost sacrying the other girls from the school.
 Eric Mesias
 Apr 16 2011 02:02 AM
I think all the old members from akb48 are about to graduate and do something else you don't see them in shukan or in akbingo is like they are planing to do something else . They didn't chose Itano,kojima , mariko, sayaka ,takashi for the main caracters in Majisuka Gakuen 2 . Is like seeing Morning Musume without the original members Like yuko , Abe , Ida , yaguchi , Aibon , tsuji , rika , hitomi , eri , koharu , goto , lin Lin , jun jun . If I had money I will create Morning musume and AKB48 from the USA.
 Apr 18 2011 01:12 AM
well, not really, cause those members can't really fit into the story line cause they graduated last season (with the exception of Gekikara, but she was in juvy most of the time that season :P) or they died (TakaMina & Yuko)... Plus management is really trying to push new faces like the Kenkyuuseis and Yui for more variation. IMO, I think it would get less interesting if you saw the same people and no new people.