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Sayashi Riho,
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Uploaded on 07-January 11
By Nayok-Kihara
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Tags: Sayashi Riho 

 Jan 07 2011 08:22 PM
This girl's dancing ability is incredible. I concur with those who say she is NOT hot... yet, but when she becomes that way, she'll have the moves to back it up... in more ways than one. XD
 Jan 07 2011 08:31 PM
Calling an underage girl hot is just.. no. So, yeah. Totally agree with you.

She's already said she wants to be the future leader of MoMusu, I love her mini diva attitude <3
 Jan 07 2011 08:37 PM
^ True, but I think into the future. Dancing ability is second only to a certain quality Ai-chan has *ahem* among my interests, so I'm sure I will find Sayashi hot at some point in the future.
 Jan 07 2011 10:03 PM
I love her. <3
I'm sure Riho could be a wonderful leader, as she already seems to be wonderful now!
 Jan 07 2011 10:51 PM
^I liked her even more after she said she aimed for leadership ♥

I bet she'll grow up to be quite the stunner! For now she's just incredibly pretty and cute :3
 Tony Sayashi
 Jan 07 2011 11:05 PM
I already consider Riho as the defacto leader of Morning Musume.
 Jan 07 2011 11:12 PM
This girl is amazing, she will be leader when her generation becomes the oldest generation, right there when the 15th or 16th gen is active!
Right now and in the near future there is no way she would be anything above Aika, except maybe better singer, dancer and performer in general... which she already is anyways!

I believe that when she was called "hot" in other pics, some people at least, weren't making a sexual connotation, but more like she is IT at the moment, the focal point, the most important, the one we are waiting to see and hear more about! The HOT item in the store, best seller!!
So calm donw a bit about it.
We all are making her even hotter than she was when we first saw her in the auditions!!!

Hadn't read your comment Tony when I wrote this! hehehe
Yeah... spiritual leader, she'll show MM. the way back to absolute grandure!
 Jan 07 2011 11:16 PM
Riho is definitely leader material, I really hope she gets the position someday :)

I'm pretty sure that isn't the way it was meant by some people, and I'm not angry, just speaking my mind
 Jan 07 2011 11:16 PM
Lol, why do people assume we're not calm or we're freaking out just because we disagree with some of the things people are saying?

Never understood that.
 Jan 07 2011 11:29 PM
^ It's called projection. I always find it so tiresome when people sh*t bricks trying to calm down someone when obviously it's their ass that's on fire...
 Jan 08 2011 01:54 AM
carrls: tony edited his comment. he did say she was 100% hot, but edited it and added a few more words to it to make it less "WTF?!" and more "ohh, well see that's not so bad". whatever though. i think she's pretty alright. i'm not much for outspoken people, but i think she'll do well in morning musume. most likely she'll be put up front quite alot. ^^
 Tony Sayashi
 Jan 08 2011 02:10 AM
^ You're darn right. Riho is MM's new front girl.
 Jan 08 2011 03:25 AM
I meant that I hadn't read the part about Yasshii being the defacto leader, and I said:
"Right now and in the near future there is no way she would be anything above Aika, except maybe better singer, dancer and performer in general... which she already is anyways!"
and after reading his comment I said she could be spiritual leader...
I wasn't talking about anything else.... 8-)
 Jan 08 2011 04:23 AM
^ ahhh, i see. i take back what i said about her being in front most of the time. i agree with you 100%.....on the part where she may not get above aika at least until aika graduates. (man, i hope that made sense. i'm multitasking at the moment ^^; )

tony: i didn't exactly say that as a good thing. ><
 Jan 08 2011 06:32 PM
I think I would rather see pictures of her in action with Morning Musume. All this stuff is in the past.