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Goto Maki,

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Uploaded on 03-June 10
By ASSEMbler
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Tags: Goto Maki  Magazine 

 Jun 03 2010 07:18 AM
While I am probably in the minority by saying this - but there is a small part of me that is a wee bit disappointed in see this - as she is very talented and really didn't need to go this route. But there is a more testosterone charged part of me that is saying "That's hot!"
 Jun 03 2010 07:24 AM
I know what you mean... Just the swimsuit shots would have been fine. I wonder what made her go this route... I guess we're used to seeing the H!P girls as innocent and something like this is just too mature... I'd have to guess this is what I'd feel like if I saw my niece in Playboy...
 Jun 03 2010 07:39 AM
^ You know what I think you really summed it up pretty good there - if this was just some random idol or at least an idol who has always dared to bare a bit it wouldn't be quite the shocker. But as you say we are used to seeing the H!P girls in rather "modest" bikinis, playing on the beach or something around those lines, giving a "tease" every now and again - can you imagine the stir if Ai or Eri pulled a stunt like this.
 Jun 03 2010 08:09 AM
^ ^ I might put it more like seeing a former classmate in FHM. But that's me.

People have to realize that she's no longer a teen idol under the cutesy umbrella of H!P or on contract with UFA, whose idols have an average age well below 20 with set images to uphold. Goto Maki is now like Christina Aguilera years after the Mickey Mouse Club, but less slutty. Obviously the current H!P members are still very closely controlled, so this type of risque photo shoot would be out of the question.
 Jun 03 2010 08:14 AM
i like these shots. and if you askme, maki threw modesty out the window a long time ago.

but yeah, she's about the only girl i've seen have such large breasts and stay as thin as she is.
 Berryz Kamen
 Jun 03 2010 08:52 AM
She's proven what Kago couldn't. You can still do these kind of shots without losing any class. ♥ gocccchin~
 Jun 03 2010 08:56 AM
Yep thats it the difference she is still classy. These look great
 Jun 03 2010 09:02 AM
Call me artless but this and Kago's are the same: GREAT pics :p
 Jun 03 2010 09:09 AM
I'm disgusted by the one where she's fully naked on the sand. Not because she's naked, but because she's naked on the sand.. it looks.. dirty (in an unsanitary way).

I have to say, the pictures are definitely revealing, but they seem to be artistic in a way. I like the ones with the black dress. And like everyone is saying, she's not a teenage idol anymore. She's a full grown woman. She's not the first or the last to have pictures like these.
 Jun 03 2010 09:14 AM
Wow people get so upset buy these types of pictures yet they keep looking lol

There is a clear difference between these and the Ai Kago ones.
 Jun 03 2010 09:31 AM
I think some people need to go back and watch the Some Boys Touch PV (Sexy ver). Goto has never been an innocent girl. I mean her last album was called "How to Use SEXY," if that doesn't tell you what she's aiming for I don't know what will.
 Jun 03 2010 09:36 AM
^ I agree. If I recall, she's always had the sexy image ever since she joined Morning Musume. She had it all along her solo career too. Especially towards the end of it.
 Mr. Tuhis Kissman
 Jun 03 2010 09:38 AM
Whohoo! :D

"but yeah, she's about the only girl i've seen have such large breasts and stay as thin as she is."

I'd suspect God didn't have anything to do with it, but Dow Corning or other manufacturer. xD
 Jun 03 2010 10:32 AM
I can handle a nude Aibon, but a nude Gocchin is a bit too much for me.
 Jun 03 2010 11:04 AM
Yeah the sand ones just look dirty :(

That said, she's looking awesome.
 Jun 03 2010 11:09 AM
Short hair <3

Are those lyrics for a song? they look like something she'd write.
Nice one, Maki. Not too slutty, not too classy either lol
 Jun 03 2010 12:07 PM
"I'd suspect God didn't have anything to do with it, but Dow Corning or other manufacturer. xD"

Nonsense, God filled the world with silicone for a reason. What responsible deity would want us to live in a world without Maki's giant funbags?
 Jun 03 2010 12:21 PM
Woman needs to put her clothes back on and get her album out. :(

Her nudity doesn't bother me, she's a grown woman. She can do whatever she wants, go Queen Bee!
 Jun 03 2010 12:23 PM
I like those pictures.
Those kind of pictures suit her very well IMO.
I prefer watching a adult women in pictures like those, than a 13 year old girl in swimsuit. Just saying.
 Jun 03 2010 12:39 PM
Aw man, serious? Oh well, at lest she's doing it right. The ideal body for these shots :)
 Jun 03 2010 01:05 PM
HOLY JEBUS CHRIST sexy as shit @.@

lower left's got to be my total fave x3
 Jun 03 2010 02:10 PM
OH..... MY........ GO......CCHIN!!!

I have lost all interest in Goto since long ago; but these shots (especially the lower left one) are too good to pass up

Now, THIS is a body that's suited to show naked, not Kago's..... THOSE BREASTS! *¬*

Now we need Ishikawa or Okada to start doing this, just sayin'
 Jun 03 2010 02:38 PM
This place is so silly it makes my tummy hurt ;_____;
 Jun 03 2010 02:44 PM
I think the difference between Gocchin and Kago is that Maki likes to show herself off while Aibon wants to shock you with her nudity. That's just the impression I get. Maki's proud of her sexiness, Aibon is using it to be rebellious. I prefer Maki's approach, but they each have the right to do what they want who am I to criticize?
 Jun 03 2010 02:48 PM

You know what's the only difference to the naked Kago pics is ? I wouldn't have to brown bag Kago.
 Jun 03 2010 03:10 PM
Comparisons to Kago are unnecessary. They both look great.
Here, I am especially fond of the photo where she is hanging out of her toga.

(PS: I never realized just how big-- !)
 Jun 03 2010 03:56 PM
Finally! It's about time!
 Jun 03 2010 04:17 PM
I think they were done sort of tastefully at least? Sort of. xD
 Nichan Desu~
 Jun 03 2010 04:19 PM
I see a censored nipple
 Jun 03 2010 04:56 PM
I LOVE these pics. Not because she's hot or anything. But it's the best thing ever to go to the bitchy side. <33

Maki's just perfect in everything that she does.
 Jun 03 2010 05:00 PM
^^I see it too
 Jun 03 2010 05:14 PM
I think Maki just likes to be nude. She's never been one to hide herself and that is fine. And yeah, the rolling in the sand seems a little gross what with all the bacteria. But the one thing that kind of surprises me is that they didn't play up her face more. Like, it it half hidden in every shot. She's a beautiful woman! Show her face to the world!
 Jun 03 2010 05:19 PM
finally some sexy shoots i feel like it's been years! mm mmmmmm!
 Jun 03 2010 05:23 PM
YAY Maki side boob :P
 Jun 03 2010 06:18 PM
She looks pretty I hope sayumi is
naked next.
 Kain Slaughter
 Jun 03 2010 06:21 PM
I totally adore this shoot...maybe the concept is that her return to music = her rebirth.
Sexy, sexy, sexy and still classy. What a beautiful woman!
(Kago, take notes.)
 Jun 03 2010 07:12 PM
tuhis kissman. maki's always had big boobies. and those lay too naturally to be implants. imo. either way though, she looks amazing.
 Jun 03 2010 07:33 PM
I just love it.. beyond anything.. i just love it.. i don't care what people say.. maki is just great!!
 Jun 03 2010 07:41 PM
Tits are so big for her body that it's comical.
 Jun 03 2010 07:43 PM
I expected it sooner or later.
 Jun 03 2010 07:58 PM
I said "AWWW GAWWSH" out loud.
like srsly.
 Jun 03 2010 09:40 PM
I can agree that the b/w picture is classy. That looks great. But the one of her naked in the sand. Not sure I would call that classy.
 Jun 03 2010 10:31 PM
she has a nice side boob
 Jun 03 2010 10:38 PM
None of these pictures are classy, what the hell are y'all talking about?? These are pictures you'd find in Maxim, not like in an art show or museum XD
 Jun 03 2010 10:40 PM
i'd take pictures like this too if i had nice of a body like gocchin does.
if you don't like it just keep scrolling down the page -_- obviously you don't hate it if you're wasting your time complaining & nobody is forcing you to look at the pictures.
 Jun 03 2010 11:03 PM
I have a friend who had huge boobs and skinny. She actually had a breast reduction because it was painful. If the boobs aren't fake and they're that big, you know she's not anorexic ;) The boobs go when you are.
 Tiger Yuri
 Jun 03 2010 11:58 PM
My friend is an anorexic and her breasts GREW a size. Lol.

And as for the picture, I have to agree with Chrisron. The B&W one is classy enough, not too bad. The others, not so much. When you have to blur out the goodies, it's no longer classy.

I mean I love how the only argument for her is, "It's classy". That's about what I hear as a defense in EVERY half-nude shot on H!O.
 Jun 04 2010 12:26 AM
Is it cold there Maki?
 Kain Slaughter
 Jun 04 2010 01:26 AM
Get over it, people.
Nude pictures done in a good way are artistic. Duh!
None of these pictures have boobs nor ass zooms, neither a slutty looking face nor attitude. Naked equals to vulnerability, and well...people aren't born wearing clothes so the term 'reborn' is well fitted. And yeah, maybe she was cold, but despising the adversity, a person can always shine.

Sorry if I sound like a weirdo, but I try to give a deeper meaning instead just rant : /
 Jun 04 2010 02:07 AM
Y'know, her boobs don't actually look that big to me. They're too perky. After a certain point, big boobs just sort of start flopping around, especially on girls with smaller waists and pecs (take this from a girl with a chest). I think they look as big as they do because of the way the shadows are used, especially in the BxW pic. A shadow instantly adds depth, making it look like there's more there than there is.
 Jun 04 2010 02:30 AM
^depends. she has nice size boobies for a girl her size, but take in the fact that she's laying down, they tend to spread out a little bit and that in turn makes them look bigger.
 Jun 04 2010 03:39 AM
I'm not really too shocked to see her doing poses like this.. I guess when Kago did it, it was a tad more shocking just because they always played her as a sweet, innocent little girl (then the smoking thing, but that's another story) and Maki was sort of.. i don't know.. rougher? she's talented without showing her body like that, though
 Berryz Kamen
 Jun 04 2010 04:41 AM
classy does not mean artistic :P
I actually really like the sand shots, I think she pulls them off amazingly <3
 Jun 04 2010 05:35 AM
Cardi: Tits are so big for her body that it's AWESOME

Fixed.... hehe (although im not one for fake boobies.. hers look pretty good)
 Jun 04 2010 09:05 AM
 Jun 04 2010 09:44 AM
when was this released ??
 Jun 04 2010 01:13 PM
To be honest, this is a dream come true. Gocchin (and Yossi XD) were the only girls from H!P I wanted to see naked for a long time XD Fake boobs or not.

She looks skinnier, but that doesn't make her less beautiful. I totally love these pictures.

Also, I agree with Yossi_love. I'd rather see this than 13 year olds in bikinis.
 Jun 04 2010 01:51 PM
Wow, she's stunningly beautiful. And I see the photos as artistic as opposed to slutty so imo, it's fine, though, having said that though, she's not an idol anymore and has no obligations to uphold an image of innocence so.. whatever she wants I guess =) Go Gocchin!
 Kain Slaughter
 Jun 04 2010 06:40 PM
Both comments above me speak pure true :)
 Lovely I-Chan
 Jun 04 2010 09:51 PM
I don't like them... For me there's not such thing as "artistic nude"... These pics are just like the one's in erotic magazine, the "obvious" nudity, just covering the nipple with your arm... And dunno why, but I get the vibe "my mom died, now I can be naked on magazines"
 Jun 04 2010 10:09 PM
With all of the girls from Morning Musume, current and past, Goto's attitude and personality are perfect for Avex Groups' Avex Trax label. This shows the big difference between the two companys. Avex's sexy and mature brand vs. Hello! Project's cute and innocent image. Still, I would love to see Abe do something like this!
 Jun 04 2010 10:14 PM
WOW, those are two really nice, ehm, assets. :)
 Jun 05 2010 12:08 AM
boobies... censored nipple... stunning beauty...
 Jun 05 2010 12:23 AM
aren't these pics supposed to represent her phase of "rebirth"? isn't that what she's trying to get across to ppl? :P
 Jul 29 2010 08:20 PM
Her implants are now too big for her current body. She needs to put on like 10-15 lbs if she doesn't want the edges to show like they do here. They actually looked totally real back in the How to Use Sexy days and I even argued that they were real, but her weight loss makes the edges of the implant very obvious and gives that "I have grape fruits shoved in my chest cavity!" look =/
 Jul 29 2010 10:24 PM
Old controversial pic is old :/
 Jul 29 2010 11:29 PM
Difference between Gocchin and Kago's nude pics?

Well for starters, Kago looks like she had fun, Gocchin looks like she just got fucked on the beach and camera people came telling her to suddenly pose.
 Helder Ribeiro
 Jul 30 2010 02:28 AM
^HAHAHAHAHAHA sorry, that made my day... I hate my imagination! I can see it happening so clearly...
 Jul 30 2010 04:41 AM
I didn't want to waste my time reading ALL the comments, lol but here's what I think:
It takes a hell of a lot to be in pictures like this. Who knows how many crew members are behind the cameraman.. And for her to do this is amazing because she is confident and showing what she's got! Just like Aibon, except that Aibon was much better because she went from being looked down upon to just doing whatever she felt like doing, not caring who said what..! Oh, and Aibon doesn't have implants either xD
All in all, Maki looks effin' hot and beautiful, and it's gonna sell which is ALSO very good for her and her company.
Oh, and FYI, she's like almost 25 and has been out oh H!P for a hell of a long time, she don't have to be innocent anymore.
 Jul 30 2010 10:38 AM