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Yajima Maimi,

Suzuki Airi,

Hagiwara Mai,

Okai Chisato,

Nakajima Saki,

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Uploaded on 23-February 10
By Lottie
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Feb 24 2010 12:46 AM
Wow... Chisato center looks very very nice! ! !
 Feb 24 2010 12:50 AM
Chisa center! I approve <3
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Feb 24 2010 12:52 AM
Chisato in the center looks great! It's also cool the way Airi has separated herself just a little bit from the crew. It looks like Sakitty is makin' a fist.
 Legend of Spira
 Feb 24 2010 01:11 AM
Chisa's look for this album / the PV is no good. It doesn't work for her.

Airi and Mai look amazing, though <3
 Feb 24 2010 02:33 AM
Doesnt work for her??? Sounds like its more it doesnt work for you. She looks great as all of them do.
 Feb 24 2010 03:17 AM
I wonder why Airi stands separately from rest of the girls? Hm...
 Feb 24 2010 03:25 AM
Of all the ways C-ute politics could have unfolded, I never would have guessed at this result. Go Chisa!
 Feb 24 2010 03:31 AM
They all look good. o_o'
Mai's catching some height there.
 Feb 24 2010 04:57 AM
Nakky is doing something that I do all the time. If I'm just standing and waiting around, sometimes I just ball my hands in a fist......even if I'm not tense or anything, my fingers just naturally curl in like that!! It's weird. @_@
 Feb 24 2010 06:13 AM
More like Yajima's out of moves and desperate enough to use her as a stopgap against the Suzuki steamroller.
 Feb 24 2010 09:03 AM
Chisa's got Mai squarely on her side. Maimi has to back her, obviously, but even Nakky is throwing her weight in on this lineup (albeit grudgingly). Suzuki has some work ahead of her.
 Feb 24 2010 09:27 AM
More like the Yajimists are surrounded here. Note that, despite how close the four are, Yajima and Okai are the only ones making overt physical contact. The four's separation from Suzuki does not denote that Yajima has rebuilt her faction, but that Suzuki has successfully played them all against each other while providing herself room to remain unmarred by the fallout.

Okai's the last card Yajima has, and she's been placed in the middle to divert attention and hopefully buy time for Yajima to figure out some kind of plan to get out of the figurative corner she's been worked into. I don't expect much - she hasn't proven resourceful or cunning thus far, and I don't see that changing now that her chips are more depleted than ever.

Hagiwara's been firmly in Suzuki's pocket since before Arihara left the scene, and this image does not suggest any change in that. She appears, though, to be operating purely on fear now, given how stiffly she's posed compared to the rest of the players. Suzuki's using Hagiwara to box in the Yajimists from the right; Hagiwara's coming to the realization that she's ultimately expendable. She's convinced, however, that she's locked herself much too far into this path not to let it play to its conclusion, though she knows it will end badly for her. She might be a fatalist.

Nakajima, more than anyone else here, has had a dispensation for vacillating between sides. She's still nominally Suzukian, and has been positioned to contain the left flank, but one can see in her lifeless gaze that she's largely disillusioned by the whole affair. Expect erratic moves from her in the future, though Suzuki will no doubt have contingincies in place for any and all.

Suzuki smells blood. She senses the conflict is drawing to its conclusion, so now she's quite willing to throw away her pawns to clear the way to an exposed king.
 Feb 24 2010 10:22 AM
is that the balcony in the PV site? haha!! cool!! Hello online,please upload the "SHOCKING 5 and Haru No Arashi's torrent download!! i wanna put them in my iPod,because i love Hello Project Songs! pleaseeee!!!
 Feb 24 2010 01:51 PM
I like Chisato in the middle! Didn't know that Mai Mai was taller than her..I really don't mind who centers in C-ute because I'm currently obsessed with all of them XD
But these outfits are just.. bleh.
 Feb 24 2010 06:59 PM
They did put out the official heights not long after SHOCK! released. Hagiwara's taller than both Okai and Nakajima now.
 Feb 24 2010 10:46 PM
@Paul and Cardi: I loved both of your posts. I'm still laughing lol. ><
 Feb 25 2010 01:57 AM
I mean I guess if you find it funny when I talk about these girls' relative heights then more power to you.
 Feb 25 2010 02:37 AM
I meant your post four above my first comment. =p
 Feb 25 2010 04:37 AM
@Cardi: I think you're reading too much into Hagiwara's awkward pose. Look at the look of confidence on Okai's face. She knows she's been given the blessing to take center stage, and she's doing so with panache. Yajima is clearly in control, she's exuding a confidence that's sorely been lacking in recent days. Something must have happened to change the dynamics to this degree, though I don't yet know what that was. I suspect some kind of deal involving Okai that Suzuki could not match, at least at this stage of the game.

Nakajima, on the other hand, has been bought - but not willingly. I suspect that Yajima has some sort of hold over her. She's either withholding something that Nakajima desperately wants, or she's blackmailing her. Either way, she's reluctantly aligned herself with the Yajimaists. In the picture, Yajima has turned her back on her, so she must be confident in her hold on her. Nakajima seethes under this treatment, as you can see by her expression and her clenched fist. I suspect that Nakajima carries the luggage and performs other sundry tasks and grates under the treatment. Yajima had best watch her back, for the revenge of Nakajima will be swift and dramatic.

Hagiwara clearly sees which way the wind blows. She's close to Okai, and wants to avoid the treatment that Nakajima is currently experiencing. Her expression, to me at least, clearly says "Well, what did you expect me to do?"

The clearest evidence of serious trouble, though, is with Suzuki herself. Her expression is one of unbridled anger seething under the surface. She's obviously not used to being denied, and she feels even worse knowing that she fell for Maimi's "forgetful, happy elf" appearance. She's clever enough to know that now is not the time to strike, but is biding her time waiting for a weakness she can exploit.

Now, I'm not one to underestimate Suzuki. I think the only reason this insurrection has progressed this far is the trouble she's been having with Tsugunaga in Buono and overconfidence in her hold on C-ute. I suspect that machinations are already underway, and that she is busy laying the ground work as best she can in light of her obvious miscalculation.

Right now, I'm going with the Yajima-persona-hides-a-clever-genius hypothesis, although it's possible that Okai has been pulling the strings all along.

Only time will tell. I wish I had a hidden camera ready for the next time Suzuki and Yajima pass each other in private. I suspect the fireworks would be a sight to be seen.
 Feb 25 2010 04:38 AM
0_0 Maimai's almost dwarfing Chisa
 Feb 25 2010 08:17 AM
Nakki looks so pissed XD
 Suzukira Hikari
 Feb 25 2010 06:36 PM
ok let me sum it up:
airi: basically seperated for an obvious reason (if you choose 1 or 2 it's up to you)
maimi: basically in rivallry mode with airi
chisa: trying to take control herself to stop the yajimavrssuzuki moments
mai: torn from the situation in a confuzzled way
saki: like mai, torn from the situation, only in a more agressive way; basically wants to end this herself in the wrong way XD
 Feb 26 2010 07:27 AM
They couldn't see themselves when they posed for this picture. They probably don't realise that there's a gap. Now they're pissed that you are all reading so much into it. And Nakky's pissed that people are still calling her Sakitty. OBVIOUSLY.
 Feb 26 2010 08:21 PM
That has to be the most preposterous and unrealistic reading of this picture ever. I'd like to visit your fantasy world someday.

@Paul: I think you have a valid point in that I misinterpreted this as a sweeping victory for the Suzuki faction, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a Yajimist victory per se.

Between our interpretations, however, I find it unclear where Nakajima's thrown her lot, or if she's really on anyone's side at all anymore. I really labeled her as a Suzukian here as a tentative proposal, but her loyalties have wavered so wildly throughout this crisis to the point where I doubt either side sees much value in employing someone as directionless as her. The fact that she appears lifeless and frustrated here, and that Yajima has her back turned to her in a manner of disinterest - really, disinterest- tells me that Nakajima has been completely marginalized. Perhaps you're right, she could very well be a grudging Yajimist here. I don't think it matters anymore; either way she could very well flop to the other side by next photoshoot, and nobody would care. We do concur, along with Dr. Hikari above, that her downward spiral will most likely end in an irrational and dramatic final gesture before she clears herself from the board. By then her hitting power will be so depleted that I have little confidence in her significance as a wild card.

I agree on Hagiwara's expression, except the "what did you expect?" is precisely because she's still marching to Suzuki's beat despite knowing full well that she's plunging headfirst into the grinder by doing so. Hagiwara knows now that her amateurish scheme to use Suzuki's ambition and momentum for her own gain has backfired horribly, but Suzuki has her talons set in real deep. Hagiwara is too completely terrified to think rationally anymore. Unlike Nakajima, though, her fear manifests in rigidity rather than vacillation, and so she remains Suzuki's lackey.

Okai's confidence is false, or perhaps deluded. Of everyone involved, Okai has the worst capacity for understanding the weight of the matter, and probably truly believes that her placement in the middle is a credit to her own merits rather than the diversionary measure it is.

I agree, though, that I misread Suzuki's demeanor, and she is not completely victorious here due to an unreliable pawn (or pawns, depending on what side Nakajima's on today). Our disagreement lies now in just what Yajima accomplished. I still hold that it was a delaying action on her part, and one with little gain, to boot. I don't see a converted Hagiwara like you do, and Nakajima's loyalties no longer matter. This means that the situation has simply been reverted to something resembling the Zekkouchou-SHOCK interlude. I'm sure I need not remind you that Suzuki already had the positional advantage then, meaning that even after this minor victory Yajima is still on the run and will need to pull more tricks with her rapidly dwindling resources if she wants to turn this around in any meaningful way.

Her bravado here, then, is either empty posturing or self-delusion. All she did was expend most of what she has left to rake in some small change.