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Mitsui Aika,
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Uploaded on 03-January 10
By Risa/Misa
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Tags: Mitsui Aika 

 Jan 03 2010 08:56 PM
Wow, UFA reeeaaaally needs to something about this girl...
Although she's wearing something cute, Aika looks like granma...
 Jan 03 2010 09:00 PM
^ IT'S THE FRIGGIN PULLED-UP-BANGS!!!! Get them back down, UFA hairdresser!
 Jan 03 2010 09:16 PM
she looks adorable
 Jan 03 2010 10:13 PM
Don't know what "granma" you're seeing, she looks young and cute to me.

I'd still like to see her fringe down, though. :P
 Jan 03 2010 10:56 PM
i like her hair pulled up too. she looks cute no matter how her hair is fixed.
 Jan 03 2010 11:35 PM
she is cute, maybe your granma is this cute
 Jan 03 2010 11:40 PM
She looks like a grandma that had a young face to begin with, then started to use creams and such that tightened the skin, then moved on to going to a doctor and had machines attack her face. Then a face lift followed. if she looked like a grandma.

(I think her expressions are strained, causing the old look.)
 Jan 04 2010 06:12 AM
^ Such kind words about a girl whose constantly in the public eye and trying her hardest. I'm sure every 17 (is she 17... or 16.. oh well teenage) girl would want to hear that about them.

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. Why attack people? =_=
 Jan 04 2010 11:33 PM
I know right~! And Mitsui turns 17 on the 12th :D
 Jan 08 2010 04:13 PM
Because certain fans are a bit miffed about a certain event that happened earlier; and since they only liked the group because of one person, they have to bash on all the other members.....and for some reason, Mittens is getting the brunt of it. I'm surprised that no one has commended such smart and mature behavior (end sarcasm).

Mittens looks waaaaaay too cute in this picture!
 Jan 08 2010 05:09 PM
I didn't mean that that's what she looks like. xD I was trying to give a reason that if she did look like a grandma, that grandma would have to go through those procedures to look like her. :P I thought I put that in there..'If she looked like a grandma.' Sorry if you took it that way. :/

I think Mitsui's cute, but I stand by that her expressions tend to look strained, like Momo's does. Doesn't mean she's faking, but it looks strained. xD I think Mitsui's cute like a little puppy.
 Jan 08 2010 05:54 PM
She's got a nice mix of cute and glamorous going on in this picture. I like her hair up, I just wish they wouldn't have her put on makeup that bleaches out her skin color so much. It's the darker skin around the fringe next to the whiter skin that throws me off a little. It's not as noticeable in this picture, though. She still looks adorable, though.
 Jan 08 2010 06:06 PM
KowaiiKoharu: That's bull. Your grandma can't possibly look this cute.

Mittens is cute no matter what she does with her hair. Even Yossi looked cool with her Oosaka Koi No Uta quaff. Cute face no matter what hairstyle!
 Jan 08 2010 06:42 PM
Put those friggin' bangs down again!!!!
 Jan 08 2010 07:41 PM
@MOCHU: my comment wasn't towards yours. I guess I should have put the name down. My bad.

@Paul: I was wondering about the make-up that they use for Mittens too.......like, can they not find the perfect shade for her or maybe it's fashionable now to have lighter skin in Japan? When I danced and performed on stage, we would do the exact opposite (wearing darker foundation) so that our features and our skin wouldn't look so washed out by the lights.
 Jan 09 2010 03:17 AM
^Sorry, mine was more towards chriiistopher. :P But thanks for clearing that up. n___n

and also, whitening the skin seems to be rising in popularity with a lot of Asian women. More products are coming out that bleaches the skin. And in fashion you're starting to see the more pale look. :p

And with the Japanese, I think white skin has always been viewed as beautiful.
 Jan 09 2010 03:47 AM
theonlyfiona. i dunno, my grandma was adorable.

mochu. i didn't see your comment as rude at all. i knew exactly what you meant. as for the whitened skin, i'd be a goddess in japan. (has the palest skin known to man)