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Yajima Maimi,

Suzuki Airi,

Hagiwara Mai,

Okai Chisato,

Nakajima Saki,

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Uploaded on 12-December 09
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Picboard: Hello!Project 

 Dec 12 2009 11:44 PM
Well this seem accurate of how C-ute's next single cover is goona look like! jk
 Dec 12 2009 11:55 PM
^Like Mitsui?
I love This Pic they have one for all members! Airi! <3
Ha! they have all different Skirts, looks like Mai and Chisa get the same, Nakky and Airi too, and Leader get's a a special skirt only for her! ^-^
 Dec 13 2009 12:11 AM
What does Mitsui have to do with this? But if you mean if I like her than yes, she's my favorite Musume member.
 Dec 13 2009 12:19 AM
LOLOLOLOL @ the new cover
and btw I love your icon ♥
 Dec 13 2009 12:21 AM
It was only a matter of time..
 Dec 13 2009 12:25 AM
I might've interpreted the Mitsui thing completely the wrong way, but dang, I lol'd.
 Dec 13 2009 12:42 AM
"like mitsui" does that mean she's the one standing out? while everyone has their backs to her?
 Dec 13 2009 12:48 AM
I'm disappointed in H!P now.... T_T I mean, "take a picture of Maimi's back"???!!!!

WTF??! ...oh, and I feel sorry for the other girls too..
 Dec 13 2009 12:57 AM
If they have one for all memebrs then it's an awesome set, I love this kind of pics when everyone gets their own :D !

Airi looks amazing here ~ ♥
 Dec 13 2009 01:28 AM
hahahaha this is just horrible XD
 Dec 13 2009 01:30 AM
^i'm sure there's one for each of the girls. at least, i would hope so. ^^;
 Dec 13 2009 01:40 AM
C-ute future right here.
 Dec 13 2009 02:32 AM
I now theorize that Umeda and Kanna's departure was just a cover story for the untold turmoil of Airi's new acquisition of leadership and her new demands: Maimi must cut her hair as a sign of humility to Airi's usurpery of the Captain title, and the U+K leaving was just a plausible subject to blame the cut on.

Or perhaps, Airi, embroiled in a heated exchange over who would become Captain now that the power struggle dynamics had changed, had bested Maimi in some feat of cunning (something doe-eyed, I'm sure) and as a reward, bound Maimi somehow and snipped a large lock of her hair to use as a trophy, leaving Maimi no choice but to cut the rest of it so as to appear as if everything were actually OK, when instead, Airi has strong-armed her way to the top. That's gotta be it.
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 Dec 13 2009 02:33 AM
^ Excellent analysis

Team Suzuki !
Sounds good.
 Dec 13 2009 02:46 AM
^ ºC-ute don't have a Captain, they have a leader. Berryz are the only group with a Captain ♥
 Dec 13 2009 02:51 AM
Oh man that's so hot
 Dec 13 2009 03:00 AM
^^She's on to Berryz next so WATCH OUT.
 Dec 13 2009 05:57 AM
Really now... D:

Seriously, sometimes I think people are just looking for a reason to say "oh UFA is really bad at managing C-ute". H!P does these photo sets ALL. THE. TIME. The fact that Airi's surfaced first only means that a fan wanted to scan her photo first. End of the history.

And just in case:
Maimi's: http://i48.tinypic.com/2448cud.jpg
Nakky's: http://i46.tinypic.com/2ut3y2v.jpg
Chisato's: http://i50.tinypic.com/w5jiu.jpg
(don't have the rest, sorry)
 Dec 13 2009 06:06 AM
If you were talking about me than I knew that they had shots like this for every member, I'm not that ignorant to believe they would only have one photo. And I also know that not all pictures for members get scanned (I'm a Mitsui fan, come on now)
 Dec 13 2009 06:16 AM
My comment wasn't aimed to you. It was general... plus I got reminded of "C-ute is doomed"-ish comments that have been kinda frequent recently.

Unless some of the comments in this thread were sarcastic... Most of the time I fail to see sarcasm (and I really think that's bad). In that case, I apologize... keep on being sarcastic people.
 Dec 13 2009 11:50 AM
Yeah people loves to picking the leads because they don't have anything to do better then commenting stupid things about such Pics....^-^
Dear H!O User they have for all Members a pic like this.
 Dec 13 2009 12:04 PM
i love chrismas \o/
 Dec 13 2009 05:53 PM
I love pic! I love Airi!

I honestly hate these types of comments: C-ute Airi is just!
When I saw this picture, I found beautiful, wonderful and always knew I had the same photos for each menbro anyway. But there are people who either hate Airi, and the only reason you have to attack it (as she is beautiful and has a beautiful voice) and the fact that center in ° C-ute.