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Member Since 29 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active May 03 2013 08:40 PM

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In Topic: Tsunku mixing skills.

03 May 2013 - 08:42 PM

The remix is just really all over the place. Tsunku's songs are always a bit everywhere but this remix by Harada Nao (was it?) is kind of a constant experiment. It's like he tries one idea for a bit and then decides he doesn't like it and changes. It'sdisappointing and way below the standard that we expect from H!P.


Hi there.

I'm so glad you agree.

It is a shame as Momoko is a very talented young lady, and will go far.

Sad way to end a good album.

In Topic: Tsunku mixing skills.

02 May 2013 - 10:39 PM

many thanks, i always thought Tsunku was the Top man Of HP

But obviously not. 

Thank you for your comments krv fae vasftafel.


It sort of pisses me off when they rip the fans off.

I know the record companies don't make money from album sales and it is concerts where they get their cash

but if you wan't to attract fans, then some quality albums would not go amiss.

Thanks for the post.

I actually learned something. 

Do you know why cha cha song was not on the berryz album on the itunes version?

was it something to do with copy rights? 

You also have another good piece of evidence for the lack of control Tsunku really has in H!P and that's the existence of TNX. Why have a parallel company within the organisation largely doing exactly the same thing? (but on a lower budget) The answer is to give Tsunku projects where he does have that control, Noaki needs Tsunku though because of things like this very conversation - he's the fall guy for all the decision making good and bad, and Tsunku is normally man enough to soak up all that public pressure.

Very good observation. Tsunku has been round the music business for years, so he would be the perfect

fall guy. 

In Topic: Tsunku mixing skills.

02 May 2013 - 09:53 AM

The album remix of Yurushite Nyan Taisou was done by Harada Nao,



Then perhaps i need to rearrange my Question.



Why dose Tsukku allow such rubbish remixes of his work to appear on his albums?

In Topic: Tsunku mixing skills.

01 May 2013 - 08:18 PM

well not on my itunes. It says 

composed and mixed by Tsunku.


well, that poses a greater question.

If it is someone else, they why dose he allow it to happen? 


I have checked and for the song Sougen no hito sung by 

Aya  Matsuura it says produced and mixed by Tsunku

so he dose both. 

In Topic: DUB vs SUB

01 May 2013 - 07:12 AM

There is an argument for both.

Older school anime in my opinion, is better watched with subs,

as sometimes the voice actors on the dubs can get it so very wrong.

Anime like ghost in the shell, and cowboy bebop should be watched only in subs.


On the other hand hand, Dubs worked for my favorite anime. Ghost stories. 

The original series was about exciting as listening to the latest Exile album, 

until, they threw out the original Japanese script and re wrote it, with a snappy catchy 

updated western script that appealed to adults, as it was originally a children's anime.

Now it is funnier and the characters are more fun to watch.


But on the whole i will always prefer subs.