Member Since 01 May 2009Offline Last Active May 27 2014 05:24 PM
About Me
My H!P experience so far
Oct 2009:Hangry&Angry @ Paris Chibi Japan Expo
First row at the concert
Received glow-necklaces from both Yossie and Rika
Got 3 tickets for the signing events
Talked to both Yossie and Rika at the signings
Did "Mr Moonlight" with Yossie and "Ha~ppi!" with Rika
Showed and gave Yossie a drawing
Went to the conference
Asked one question each to Yossie and Rika during it
May 2010:
Hangry&Angry Tour, live in Paris
First row
Was selected to ask a question to Yossie and Rika during the mini-event at the end of the concert
Went to the signing twice (thanks to making friends with their manager)
Gave bags of gifts w/ letters, in hand, to Yossie and Rika
July 2010:
Morning Musume @ at Paris Japan Expo
First row at the concert / lots of eye contact and interaction with Risa and Eri
Yuko as a special guest during the interlude
My video message was feature in the intro montage
Went to 2 signings (gave my third ticket to Lolli)
Talked to and shook hands with all 8 members (Eri high-fived me)
Interacted a lot with Risa while waiting in line, she responded to all my hand gestures by mirroring them
Got Risa to do the Mayuge-beam sign with me
Got Sayu to do the Usa-chan peace sign with me several times
Gave bags of gifts to Ai and Risa
Went to the conference
Greeted MM upon their arrival at the airport and was there for their departure
July 2011:
MORNING DAYS ~ HAPPY HOLIDAY ~ Ai x Risa FC Bus Tour in Hakuba:
Mini-live, Surprise Event, Activity with Ai & Risa, Talk Event
3-shot with Ai and Risa + Small group shot with them
Ai-chan talked to Lolli and I during the Activity
First row at the Event thanks to Lolli
Handshake event, talked to both Ai and Risa
Lolli and I gave Ai a letter and Risa gifts + a letter
Wrote a special message for Ai-chan's graduation board
Waved to Ai's mom at the end of the concert (she was sat just upstairs from me) and got waved back ^^
April 2012:
MORNING DAYS ~ HAPPY HOLIDAY ~ Risa FC Bus Tour in Shizuoka:
Mini-Live, Event with Risa, Talk Event, Surprise Event
2-shot with Risa + Small group shot with her
Risa talked to me several times during the trip, asking me if I was alright, patted my shoulder and picked up my crutches for me
Was featured in the Talk Event since my award for Risa was chosen
Received my 2-shot from Risa's hands
Talked to Risa at the handshake
Lolli and I gave Risa a gift + letter
Ikuta Erina was attending the Tour as a fan and randomly waved at me during the Talk Event (?)
Risa waved at Lolli and I as the bus drove away
Kea, dedicated Risa fan since: October 2nd, 2008.
Risa is awesomeness ~ Ai is loveliness
Community Stats
- Group Senpai
- Active Posts 691
- Profile Views 16203
- Member Title Risa's #2 Western Fan
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday April 11
Le Château
Previous Fields
Favorite Idol
Niigaki Risa