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Member Since 12 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 11 2014 07:35 AM

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In Topic: Kamei Eri (亀井絵里)

18 March 2010 - 06:32 AM

So she's even random during ofuro time :lol:
Basically her ideal type has to love food and have lots of money XD It sounds a bit frivolous that way, but it's probably just Kame being random again XD Translating what she said into a more "general" thought, my interpretation is that her ideal type is someone who can be there for her and give her attention.

I'm thinking she just sees boys as a means to an end. That end being cake.

In Topic: What would be your worst nightmare of H!P?

27 October 2009 - 07:36 PM

Yeah, member or former member tragedy would be bad. The few I already know about were hard to take. Scandals too, they make you question what you see from H!P.
The worst would be a hybrid. Niigaki murdering Miyabi or something like that which would be horrible in and of itself but also a huge dissapointment and would make all of H!P's image suspect. I think more realistically and almost as bad would be a current or former member suicide. Again, it would be a tragedy on it's own and it would cast the H!P idol lifestyle and practices in a harsh light. Even if it were characters like Mika Todd, Michiyo Heike or Asuka fukuda.

If Momoko or Nacchi or someone like them offed themselves my mind would be completely blown. Ugh!

Another one would be if all the girls were members of a Tsunku cult.

In Topic: What do you LIKE about the current MM?

27 October 2009 - 05:05 PM

I'm pretty old school in general. I just started noticing the current MM while my brother did a 3 2 1 breakin' out video for that contest. Immediately I liked how easily they seem to work together. Certainly more smoothly than previous line-ups. Nine is also a really good number for a group like this. That really doesn't have to do with the girls, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

As for the girls.
Takahashi is gentle by nature but is a character chameleon by talent. She turns sexy, bossy, intense, or giddy with ease. Scary ease actually. I really would like to see her do some serious acting. Of course, she's also gorgeous.
Junjun, I just like Junjun. I like the way she sacrifices her dignity for our amusement. I like the fact that she isn't mortally terrified of everything like the most of the other girls. She also has an odd noble streak that's pretty cool.
Niigaki is so full of personallity and energy that I just can't take it. I like this about her. Anyone that can work an overbite like that to sweet and sexy effect is special. For all of her youthfulness she's also kind of matronly; Vaguely spiritual, has a strong vague sense of what is and is not appropriate, looks out for others, always tires to be prepared, things like that.
Michishige is hard for me to explain, early on I sort of found her annoying and percieved her as a bit sinister/manipulative. She's grown up a lot though. I really like her laugh. When she suddenly laughs so hard her throat kind of bulges like a bullfrog, that's gold right there.
Tanaka is cute as a button. I'd say cuter than Michishige. Even with her serrated teeth and wonky eye. I like that she's aways "candy coated" in her hair, clothes, and accessories. Usually not something I like but it works for her. I like how confidently insecure she gets sometimes. None of the others put so much constant effort into their idol appearance or behaviour. which I suppose is good and bad.
Koharu is my least favorite, I think I liked her better younger but I'm not really sure. At first I didn't get it at all. Why was she a "miracle girl" everyone in the Project were completely amazed by her. It's a strange spell she casts. As time goes by though, I can sort of see her casting it, which is cool by itself. She's also pretty funny. (I think being funny, whether intentional or not, is what I like most about H!P in general and Momusu in specific.)
Kamei, I like the way she thinks. Her weird sideways logic is really appealing for some reason. I relate, I guess. She doesn't think things through.. or maybe she just thinks them through aloud. Either way listening to her talk (or reading her talk) is completely entertaining. She's also beautiful.
Mitsui, What's not to like. She's cute, clever, has that fantastic voice, is all smiles and has an adventurous spirit. She isn't as good at modeling or selling herself through movement as any of the others, but she's fun to watch just being herself. Well, herself plus a lot of smiling and polite Tokyo style Japanese.
Linlin is cool. Cool/dork. I like her attitude and her weirdness. She's very relilient and very talented she doesn't shine as brightly as the others yet, but she will. I like watching her develope as a member.

In Topic: Matsuura Aya (松浦亜弥)

04 August 2009 - 11:14 PM

I'm not nuts about the new hair, but it is within the top 50% of her hair styles. (She does some unflattering things with her hair fairly often. She's just lucky she's so pretty and engaging.)

In Topic: Welcome to the MM Beauty Awards!

03 August 2009 - 05:44 AM

Ken Version:

Most Beautiful Eyes

CL: 1.-Niigaki Risa 2.-Kamei Eri 3.-Takahashi Ai

OMM: 1.-Abe Natsumi 2.-Niigaki Risa 3.- Kago Ai

Cutest Nose

CL: 1.-Aika Mittsui 2.-Tanaka Reina 3.-Kamei Eri

OMM: 1.-Kago Ai 2.-Yoshizawa Hitomi 3.- Yaguchi Mari

Sexiest Mouth/Lips

CL: 1.-Takahashi Ai 2.-Niigaki Risa 3.- Tanaka Reina

OMM: 1.-Tsuji Nozomi 2.- Goto Maki 3.- Takahashi Ai

Cutest Face (Overall)

CL: 1.-Li Chun 2.-Tanaka Reina 3.- Aika Mittsui

OMM: 1.-Kago Ai 2.-Abe Natsumi 3.- Tsuji Nozomi

Best "Oppai"

CL: 1.-Takahashi Ai 2.-Niigaki Risa 3.- Sayumi Michishige

OMM: 1.-Goto Maki 2.- Abe Natsumi 3.- Tsuji Nozomi

Sexiest Abs

CL: 1.-Kamei Eri 2.-Tanaka Reina 3.-Takahashi Ai

OMM: 1.-Goto Maki 2.-Kamei Eri 3.- Ishikawa Rika

Best "Oshiri"

CL: 1.-Takahashi Ai 2.-Kamei Eri 3.- Tanaka Reina

OMM: 1.-Takahashi Ai 2.- Ishikawa Rika 3.- Kamei Eri

Best Legs

CL: 1.- Li Chun 2.- Kamei Eri 3.- Takahashi Ai

OMM: 1.-Goto Maki 2.- Fujimoto Mikie 3.- Iida Kaori