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Member Since 30 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2012 12:45 AM

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H!P Mashups

08 November 2009 - 09:27 PM

So I realize this is an awkard place to post this thread, but I wasn't really certain where to throw it. Just bear with it.

Lately I've been getting into mashups and bastard pop and now I'm wondering if anyone has extensively done H!P mashups with Western artists. Found a few that a Brazilian DJ, Maso, has done, but its mostly Momusu's newer stuff (that I'm not really that fond of). Does anyone have any files, or know of anything floating around the interwebs?

SPACED: American Remake

20 April 2008 - 01:04 AM

This is old news, but I thought I'd post it anyway...I'm not sure how many people here are that familiar with the British show Spaced...

So yeah, I wasn't "there at the beginning", as I was 11-13 when it originally aired (and I'm also from the U.S) but Spaced quickly became one of my favorite shows after I watched the episodes not too long ago. IF you don't feel like reading my own "rant" on it, then please, skip to the end

Variety article announcing remake

Now, when I first heard about the possibility for the show to be reworked in the United States, I was pretty livid. This was Edgar Wright's, Jessica (Stevenson) Hynes', and Simon Pegg's child, essentially....and now they don't have any say in the direction of the show. Jessica wasn't even credited for the show when the remake was announced, probably because Edgar and Simon can be associated with Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

Simon Pegg speaks out against 'Spaced'

Edgar Wright's thoughts on remake

Now, granted, yeah it worked for the Office. But the American version and the UK version are still 2 completely different shows, and I personally find them both funny in their own right....but not in the same way as each other. I'm not taking the stance here of a diehard UK Office fan who refuses to watch the American show. The thing with the Spaced remake is more of an issue of bastardizing something that a lot of people worked hard for and was, in every sense of the word, genuine.

It's not just an offbeat sitcom...theres so much more to it that I've never seen in any other show before. It was wacky and immature and geeky all the while being heartwarming and identifiable. I can't really put into words why I love Spaced, but I just feel like a remake is more of an insult than anything, overshadowing what made Tim and Daisy and Mike and Brian and Collin and everyone so endearing to us in the first place.

Things like Mike dancing to an A Team remix or the imaginary gun fight...Tim realizing that he can't get back into a relationship with someone who hurt him, Marsha constantly fighting with Amber...its a mixture of little and big things that make me say "wow...THIS is what needs to be shown." It doesn't need to be remade "for an American audience" or whatever, its perfection is already there. I can watch all 14 episodes over...and over...and over again and not get tired of them.

You can also tell the blood, sweat, and tears that Edgar, Simon, and Jess put into the show, and having this ripped away from them is just...so insulting.

So...for fans of the series, or anyone with something to say (on topic, of course) what are YOUR thoughts on this? I know its fairly old news, but I just wondered what fans in the community think....I know there has to be some out there.