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In Topic: FaqU's one-shots and fics - Contents Page up - updated 7/7

07 July 2011 - 04:01 PM

I know I haven't updated in a long LONG time and I apologize but things have been hectic with personal issues as well as me preparing to work in another country.

I thank all readers that are still reading though :wub: greatly appreciated and again sorry.

Take Me Away

Chapter 11
Risa POV

‘Who does that girl think she is? Why is she with her anyways? Why aren’t you hating her like I do? Maybe...Maybe it’s because she wasn’t the best friend of the ex that caused all of this, yeah...yeah that is probably it.’

“Ane…er…are you okay?” I turned to look at Maimi and Airi who bore confused looks

“Yeah, I’m fine”

“Are you sure? Who was that anyways? The one beside Reina-oneesan?” I whipped my head looking at them

“You’ve seen Reina before?” They both nodded “When? How?”

“We’ve been to Miya’s house before on many occasions when we don’t know what to do, so we chill there and we’ve interacted with her a couple of times, real fun to hang with actually and the best entertainment seeing her and Miya interact” I stood there thinking actually about the multiple times that I have gone out with Reina when Sayu was busy “Er…ane…Airin and I are going to go chill so I’ll be home later…are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah…you go have fun…I’ll meet you at home” I watched them leave happily hand in hand out of sight before I turned to take a stroll of my own. What Maimi said was true, I remember the times I hung out with Reina and she was great company and very sweet.

Flashback #1

“Grrrr…where is Sayu!!!” I had been waiting for half an hour already and still no Sayu as I kept on looking at my watch while pacing back and forth at the movie theatre. Moments later I heard panting getting closer and closer “Sayu, you’re late….” Just to find that it wasn’t Sayu that was trying to catch their breath but Reina

“*Huff* S-sorry *huff* I’m late…*Huff* Sayu can’t make it today” Reina was bent over, hand over her chest trying to catch her breath

“And she couldn’t call?!” I asked her back slightly annoyed that Sayu could have told me earlier

Reina stood back up, breathing normally “She told me to come in her place so that she didn’t have to ruin it for you”

It was awkward considering the fact that I didn’t know Reina that well “Sorry that you had to come but I guess I’ll skip the movie” I walked past her, thinking in my mind what to say to Sayu when I called her

“Wait!” I turned to see Reina standing there shuffling her feet “Since I am here already and you’re here already, why…why don’t we catch a movie?” Her question startled me because I didn’t want Sayu to make her feel like a replacement, even though she clearly was “I…I thought it would be good to get to know you better considering you are dating my best friend”

Racking my brain, the girl did make sense, I thought it might be a good idea to start getting to know the best friend of my girlfriend considering the fact that Sayu knows Eri well enough so I smiled “Sure, any preference?”

Her smile lit up instantly “No, whatever you want is okay with me” as she walked over to the ticket booths

We watched a comedy movie and had laughed so much our tears were falling, in which didn’t stop after the movie. We were talking about the things we liked about the movie and whatnots at a coffee shop nearby and I was having a blast talking to the girl. For some reason we went from talking about the movie to funny moments about our best friends to embarrassing moments in our lives.

End of Flashback #1

That was how it started becoming a habit too because every time Sayu was unable to meet me, she would send Reina and I would be just as happy to spend time with her because she was great company with her little antics and all. I felt that I could tell her anything that was on my mind and she randomly would spit out random comments or questions for that matter, keeping the conversations interesting and ongoing. I smiled at the multiple times that I had fun with Reina be it eating a simple dinner, going to a movie or talking in a coffee shop, she made a great effort in keeping me entertained.

I also recalled the times when Sayu and I would fight and it was funny because Reina would call me up or find me, in which I thought was weird.

Flashback #2

“BAKA!!!!” I hollered out into the open sea through tears, recalling the fight I just had with Sayu

“Gaki-san!!!!” I turned to see Reina running up to me

“What are you doing here Reina?” I wasn't surprised because well she is Sayu’s best friend right? However I was disappointed ‘Why would she be here instead of with Sayu?’

“Er…Sayu…Sayu wanted me to check up on you…she wants to make sure nothing happens to you” Reina responded

“Well you see me now, so you can leave” I spat out at her. She didn’t move just stood there shuffling her feet “If you are not going to leave, then I will” I stomped off across the sand and walked past her until I felt her hand on my arm

“Gaki-san…Sayu loves you, don’t let an argument affect you”

I flung her hand off me “What do you know? She’s being unreasonable about spitting out venom at me, I am the one hurt here”

“Sayu regrets it…she honestly does because if she doesn’t she wouldn’t have asked me to make sure you are okay right?” I didn’t respond “I just don’t want to see you guys like this, not over a small squabble that escalated. Sayu is ill-tongued but she is that way not because she means it, you should know that. She has always had an ill-tongue but there is a reason for this and…I am grateful that she did” she let go of my arm with such a sad look, like something was bothering her. “Never mind, you need time alone, I’ll…I’ll just go” she turned around leaving me confused about her last statement.

“Wait!” I grabbed onto her “What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing…just nothing…I’m going to go” she continued walking not looking back at me

I don’t know why but I chased after her, I wanted to know, probably because I was curious but I knew that I wanted to know “Reina!” I grabbed onto her hand “you can’t start something only to leave me hanging, if you want to make sure I am okay you better start spilling” I pulled her down to sit beside me staring out at the waters

“Well do you know how Sayu and I became best friends?” I was stunned at the question because I didn’t know, I just knew they were so I shook my head “My family moved a lot so I wasn’t as outgoing or stable about making friends, not when I knew that I might have to move again. When I moved to Sayu’s hometown, I was an outsider, an outcast because of my character." Funny how she mentioned this because Sayu was like that too “I wasn’t outspoken or offending anyone but I guess trouble loves looking for me. I may look and act like a yankii but I wasn’t one before I met Sayu, I was more timid and afraid and I guess that made me an easy target because I was picked on and would never say anything about it nor would I fight back” Reina lied down on the sand looking up at the stars as she continued to recall her own history “That’s when Sayu stepped in, she once found me being pushed into the washroom, my books were scattered and was teased about me being a loner. What surprised me was that she didn’t have anyone beside but herself and her ill-tongue” Reina let out a light chuckle “A couple of words and the people left me alone, now mind you the way she was is pretty scary for me, the new transfer student and I would have thought she would leave but she helped me gather my things and she talked to me in a tone that was totally different from the tone she had just used. I commented that she was brave for someone to step in without any backup and she just chuckled telling me that she was just as scared if they decided to hurt her too.” Reina’s expression became serious once again “She taught me that regardless of what happens if you show any signs of fear then they will trample over you. I guess that is how my yankii character came up, from the things I’ve learned in other towns and from Sayu and it did wonders because the next time those people came to bother me again, I toughened up, I talked back and I didn’t back down. We became friends and support for each other in situations like this…until she moved when I felt so alone once again. Mind you, I have already built a reputation for myself so I didn’t have to worry about others bothering me but I worried about Sayu because she is all talk, nothing else, whereas I developed the physical scare” Reina sat up and looked at me “I heard about Sayu’s incident when Sayu called me and immediately I knew I had to transfer here but I want to thank you Gaki-san”

It didn’t occur to me why the girl was thanking me “Why?”

“She got into trouble with the school’s feared ones and I heard that you talked them into letting her go. I didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t there when she needed me like she was when I needed her but I was glad that you were there for her. But overall you have to understand that Sayu does it out of habit she isn’t really that bad of a character once you get use to it and I know she is hurt by how her usage of words have hurt you” Reina turned to look out at the waters again while I sat there thinking until Reina got up “Well I guess you probably don’t want to see me so I’ll leave you”

“Wait!” I got up and gave Reina a hug “I’m sorry that you have to relive those memories but thank you”

“What are you going to do now?”

I pulled back grinning at her “You don’t expect me to call her up do you? She is the one that is in the wrong but I might consider forgiving her faster when she calls”

Reina chuckled “I didn’t indicate that Sayu wasn’t going to apologize nor am I saying that she shouldn’t before she is forgiven. This might teach her a good lesson in thinking before spitting”

End of Flashback #2

It was true, Reina was great company and she tried helping my relationship with Sayu to the point that I did consider her as a close friend too but when things blew over, I took my anger out on her instead. If anything Sayu and I were guilty of making her a replacement at all times and at all costs just to keep our relationship together and it was unfair to her.

In Topic: FaqU's one-shots and fics - Contents Page up - updated 7/7

07 March 2011 - 03:32 PM

@ Chimai: This also explains the reason behind why Reina helped Sayu keep the secret about Sayu and Eri's relationship, Sayu wasn't just a best friend, but also her first love.

We'll see more of what Saki thinks soon enough.

@ oddball: Recall that Sayu is Reina's first love, however does Reina still love Sayu? That's undetermined because although it seems like Reina still has feelings for the bunny it could be possible that Sayu is now just her best friend and Reina is doing her best to help her. Another way to look at it is that there is a saying "you can't forget your first love" regardless of the outcome, a person can never really forget their first love so that could also be the basis for why Reina is helping so much. Reina apologizes on behalf for Sayu because it's like the only thing she can do about the wrongs that her best friend/first love have caused. She also feels guilty for keeping the secret and helping Sayu because to Reina, she had indirectly caused the mess.

Ai's actions of defending Reina is because she sees how pure of a person Reina is, Reina is not just an acquintance anymore because it was Reina that has helped her over the situation or at least eased the pain by distractions or whatnot. If anything Ai is defending Reina because Reina is her friend and because of gratitude.

Saki doesn't really know about Maimi's sudden relapse actually, because in Airi and Miya's perspective, they just saw Maimi fighting to save them thinking that this is the capabilities of an angry Maimi.

Finding Bliss

Chapter 12

Saki POV

I had called my parents and informed them to go to the hospital to sign forms for Maimi, and I expected that they would freak out, it’s been ages that or what feels like ages since Maimi was admitted to the hospital again. They questioned me about what happened and I told them a brief overview, leaving some of my concerns and some of the truths out. My mind had been going non-stop at why Maimi had fought with others, not like what others see but something that the 2 girls said to me had me thinking this wasn’t as simple.

I had managed to go through my classes trying to take the necessary notes but I really wasn’t paying attention much. I wanted to skip out on dance practice but the competition is coming up and everyone was working hard yesterday when I left abruptly so I can’t skip it. I had been thinking about what I was going to do while coming out of class that I didn’t really see where I was going.

~BUMP~ “Sorry” I bowed still looking at the floor thinking not really caring who it was I bumped into and walked away

“Ano…” Is this person going to give me trouble? Just what I need, more issues to deal with.

“Sorry” I repeated my actions again and was about to walk off again when I felt someone pulling me back. What in the world? Are they going to make a big deal of it? I turned around annoyed to find the 2 from yesterday, the cute one and her friend.

“Ano…sorry to bother you…but we were wondering…how is your friend?” I was staring at the cute one while her friend was talking “Sorry for coming to you so unexpectedly, um…let us introduce ourselves senpai, I am Natsuyaki Miyabi and this is my best friend Suzuki Airi” Suzuki Airi eh? Cute name for a cute girl.

“Shimizu Saki, she was admitted but thank you for coming to find me telling me about it” Yes I am staring but I still know to respond and express gratitude, score one for me!!!

“We…we were wondering if we could visit Yajima-san with you if you were going…” Suzuki-san is even cuter when she is stumbling with her words but this may be the solution to my problem, looking at the both of them. I recognize Natsuyaki-san to be on the baseball team so that solves another item on my to-do list and them going can solve my dilemma.

“I can’t visit Maimi today…” their faces fell, for what reason I don’t know but I’ll just ignore it for now “but if you can do me a favour that would be great”

“W-what is it?”

I turned to look at Natsuyaki-san first “Natsuyaki-san, do you mind telling the coach Maimi will be out of commission due to family issues, we don’t need the school to know the truth about what happened” fully understanding the implication of this, Natsuyaki-san nodded “ and can you visit Maimi on my behalf, tell me her condition as well if anything happens?”

They both smiled and nodded happily “Er…how do we contact you? I mean Miya running all the way would be difficult…”

“Give me your cellphone” Suzuki-san handed me her cell so I inputted my digits, pressed the “send” button so that I have hers as well, before giving it back to her “there, you’ll be able to contact me without having Natsuyaki-san run back to the school all the time”

“Thank you, we’ll be off then, so you don’t miss practice” they bowed slightly then walked off.

Seeing them walk off I thought back to what caused all of this, something just didn’t seem right and the only person who can possibly answer my questions is lying in a hospital bed. I didn’t have to worry about the doctors telling those 2 Maimi’s previous condition because I made sure, with the aid of my parents, to stress that no information was to be given unless it was with her new injuries. Maimi hasn’t or isn’t a very open person to others yet and I’d hate to think that others know, making her feel embarrassed and become even more of a closed person than she is already.
Throughout practice I would get messages indicating Maimi’s well-being, I guess because they knew I didn’t feel easy without knowing in which I am grateful for. Can’t say that Maimi’s incident didn’t have its benefits in that I got to become closer with the cute girl. I ran to the hospital once practice was over with the thought that Suzuki-san and Natsuyaki-san should have gone home since it was late and I told my parents that I will ask the doctor of Maimi’s progress so that they wouldn’t have to worry so much. To my surprise though, they were in the hallway sleeping on each other’s heads. I walked up to them and tried to wake them up

“Suzuki-san, Natsuyaki-san” I tapped them lightly on the shoulder

“Go away Chisa!!!!” I heard Natsuyaki-san mumble, how cute

“Suzuki-san, Natsuyaki-san” again I tapped them on the shoulder

“Kappa, get off there” now it was Suzuki-san’s turn to mumble whereas I got curious as to what other things they were going to spit out so I gave them another tap with an amused grin

“Stop pinkying me Momo” they both simultaneously mumbled

“Ah Shimizu-san, the doctor would like to see you” the nurse spoke out waking up the 2 sleeping beauties. I quickly told them to go home before heading towards the doctor’s office with the nurse leading the way.

~KNOCK KNOCK~ “Sensei, you wanted to see me?”

“Yes, I am aware that Yajima-san’s case is to be dealt with you and I have some inquiries that maybe you have the answers to”

“About?” I don’t like how this sounds at all

“The old scars and internal injuries of Yajima-san”

I thought about the statement and the importance it would be but I couldn’t find one and I don’t think the doctor needs to know that much about what has happened in the past “Does it matter?”


“How so?” I really don’t understand how Maimi’s old injuries could have an effect on her new ones

“When we examined Yajima-san for other injuries, the results didn’t come in until today” the doctor opened up a file “under close examination, we have found that her old injuries have made an internal impact on her and requires immediate attention”

I panicked at this moment, what internal impact? She only had scars up to date right? “What’s wrong?”

“Apparently the recent injuries sustained by Yajima-san’s body shows that there is a major fracture in her rib cage, a fracture that doesn’t seem to be the results of her current condition”

A fracture in her rib cage? That’s not possible, the injuries from when Maimi was younger should have been noticed then but we were never informed unless…”So you’re telling me that this fracture couldn’t have appeared from her recent incident? How so? I mean she was bloody and battered”

“The signs from the shape and form of her bruises tell us that the accident was only strong enough to possible cause a minor fracture but the size of the fracture is not giving us this. Shimizu-san…how long ago was the minor fracture? We need to know whether she’s had treatment besides taking pain killers from before and the length of time to decide on the proper treatment”

She’s been taking pain killers??? When was this??? There has to be a mistake but doctors won’t mistakes on what the patient has taken, I thought they were sleeping pills. I thought about the possibilities of when Maimi could have obtained the fracture because frankly I didn’t know of any treatments or of any other serious injuries “I think approximately 3 to 4 years ago and I don’t think she had proper treatment or any for that matter. I don’t think Maimi even knows she fractured her rib cage”

“Okay…” The doctor wrote some things down in the file “…and just out of curiosity…is there any reason why Yajima-san has scars all over her body?”

I knew this definitely had no bearing on Maimi’s treatment and I know what the doctor is thinking “Sorry sensei but that I have to keep confidential however she is not suicidal”

The doctor looked up at me for a little longer “I see, I’ll respect your decision, it was only out of curiosity”

“Is there anything else? How is her head wound?”

“We stitched her up and bandaged her head so that it can minimize the chances of opening but she’ll have to be careful about the stitching as well. Frankly, I believe that when we have fixed her rib cage, the stitching would be set in place…as well I am requesting that you help persuade Yajima-san in staying here for treatment, she did wake up and tried to leave so we had to sedate her”

I bowed to the doctor “Sorry sensei for bringing you trouble. Maimi isn’t too fond of hospitals which can explain her reactions. I will persuade her to accept treatment and behave”

“Thank you, that is all”

In Topic: FaqU's one-shots and fics - Contents Page up - updated 7/7

22 February 2011 - 03:17 PM

@ oddball: That is actually what I wanted to portray from Sayu because she doesn't know everything which is why she can easily act cruel and uncaring about the situation as a whole as compared to Eri.

Although Sayu is indirectly hurting Eri, it was a choice, either lie to Risa about their relationship just to make Eri happy (or what would seem like Eri would be happy, with reality showing that at the end it might be all 4 getting hurt when their relationships are to a point of no return) or tell the truth now.

Like I have mentioned Miya and Airi's relationship is very similar to Saki and Maimi's relationship in that every party is willing to do what it takes to protect their best friends. In the 4 only Maimi is likely able to do anything, physically however you must admit that 4 of them share the same characteristics when it comes to friendship. The difference in the two is that Saki has seen more than what Miya and Airi has and because of her experiences of Maimi's life, she is more daring and unmoved by simple threats.

Miya already feels inferior when it comes to Kanna because of the fact that she knows that she in unable to physically stand up to Kanna however that doesn't stop her from trying. If the situation calls for it, if Maimi was not there at that moment to save them, Miya would most likely be the one in the hospital to save Airi even if it meant that she would get the crap beaten out of her. In that sense, does Miya feel as inferior? What matters is not who saves Airi as opposed to the overall picture that Airi is safe.

In terms of Saki....well you will know her thoughts about the situation in just a bit.

Take Me Away

Chapter 10

Ai’s POV

Over the next few weeks I was relatively getting better, not the best yet but better than when I was first heartbroken because of Reina, she was a spunky one and I appreciated getting to know her, full of fun and laughter. Ever since her first invitation to go shopping, we hung out more often and I know she means well as I recalled the text that I kept in my phone from her.

~If you ever need someone to talk to, I may not the best choice, but I can always be a last resort. ~Reina~

It was funny though, even if I didn’t call her, she would take the initiative to contact me, asking if I was interested in going to the amusement park or go shopping with her. It was great to become good friends with her but I always wondered about her best friend. We were out just leisurely walking when I decided to ask her about it.



“There is something I always wanted to talk to you about”

“Sure, I’m all ears”

“With the amount of time you are with me, what happened to spending time with your best friend” Reina’s smile started to fade.

“I knew you might be doubting about why I am out with you as opposed to my best friend…and I must admit something to you” Her expression was very serious and it looked like she was having an internal debate

“Let’s go to a coffee shop shall we?” I smiled at her, taking her hand and dragging her with me “Hey, are you having a cold or something? You’re hands are like ice”

“Yeah…I am at the beginning stages of a very bad cold”

“Well you better take care of yourself, don’t have to worry about me too much” We entered into a café, ordered our hot drinks before sitting down

“I don’t agree with what Sayu did to be honest, I don’t agree with how she handled the situation” she began while she was stirring her drink “but I couldn’t bring myself to lose my best friend over it at first. When I first brought this to her attention, she reassured me that she knew what she was doing and of course I trusted her. When I thought something wasn’t right, I would bring it up to her and we would argue and fight to the point that we couldn’t stand each other. I’ve known Sayu most of my life and I know she is a good person inside, I just don’t understand how she could let all of this happen. It should be mentioned that I was always weak against her, she knew me inside and out, she knew I would apologize before she has to, knew that regardless I would still be by her side. Sayu…Sayu was my saviour to be exact, I wasn’t the biggest or tallest person around and would get pushed around a lot. My yankii character was because of her, it went well with her poison-tongued character so we complimented each other in a very good way. So I was consistently in a turmoil when the situation occurred but she made a point to me, it is her life and either I am in or I am out of it. That hits the spot because…she was also my first love” Reina clutched her own heart before putting her hand around her cup again

I was stunned, I didn’t expect that her best friend was also her first love. Sensing that it was a touchy subject I decided to drop it as I cupped my hand over hers “It’s okay Reina”

“I moved over here because she was here on her own and I didn’t feel like it was safe for her so I decided to transfer over here too, but by then she had loved another.” Reina continued with my hand still over hers. “It hurt originally when I found out about it because it seems like she doesn’t need me around anymore and yet I didn’t have many friends since my transfer so I was lost but I realized the some things were not meant to be and if they weren’t then it’s better just to see them live a happy life even if you’re not the one that makes them happy the same way. I made a mistake of helping her and because of my mistake, it hurt others that were innocent in all of this” Reina looked up at me with eyes that were filled with guilt.

“Well Reina, if it means anything, I think you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself, you’re doing a good job at trying to make up for your mistakes” I was speaking from the bottom of my heart because this girl in front of me was also hurt throughout all this, heck she was hurt way before anyone else was in all of this turmoil. I felt lighter when I finally received a smile, it was weak but nonetheless a smile.

“Thank you Ai-chan…for forgiving me but I’m alright, Sayu and I aren’t friends anymore”

“Because of this?” she nodded and I was at a loss for words and all I could do was pat her hand one more time before retracting my own “Well is there anything or anywhere you want to go?”

“I am up for anything, I am still not too familiar with this town so you’re going to have to call the shots”

I racked my brain to think if there was anything that I was particular fond of doing “Hey how about seeing a movie?” I looked up at Reina to see her looking somewhere else, more like she was in a trance as I turned to see what she was looking at to see her starring at the other person that I didn’t expect to see again, the other hurt party. I was about to snap Reina out of her thoughts but she got up and darted across the café.

I watched her approach her and two others, she turned to see Reina and at first looked surprised but then she frowned and said something to Reina before turning around. I watched her leave with her friends or whoever it was that was with her yet Reina was still standing there not moving making me wonder what was being said. Getting up I walked up to Reina “Hey” no response, I shook Reina “hey”

“Yeah?” Reina responded not looking at me

“Is she…”

“Yeah, she still doesn’t want to talk to me” I could hear a quiver in Reina’s voice and concluded that whatever was being said hurt Reina. I dashed back to the table Reina and I once were, slapped down some money, grabbed our things and then ran out the café, grabbing Reina’s hand along the way

“Hey!!! Ai-chan what are you doing?”

I didn’t answer her as I looked left and right until I spotted what I was looking for, dragging the confused Reina I ran towards my destination until I was just a few steps away “Hey!”

The group turned, my eyes meeting the important ones and I can tell she was stunned to see me but narrowed her eyes when she realized that behind me was Reina “Ai-chan, what are you doing?” I could hear Reina hissing at me but I ignored it.

“Look, give Reina a break, she is not involved in all of this” I could tell she didn’t expect that from me because her eyes went wide and she almost spit out the contents that were in her mouth

“Why should I?” she retorted dabbing the corners of her mouth with napkins that were passed to her by her companions

“What has she done that you can’t give her a break?” I didn’t back down and took another step forward

“I don’t need to be reminded of my heartbreak thank you very much!!” she spat at us

“Ai-chan forget it, give her time” I could feel Reina tugging at me to leave but I kept my stance

“Funny, I didn’t recall that Reina was the one that caused the heartbreak” I commented and turned to leave with Reina feeling Reina’s constant tugging “Just so that you know, Reina’s probably more hurt than you think, so snap out of your self pity and realize how much effort she’s putting in” with that being said I dragged Reina away with me. I didn’t stop walking until my anger was more or less depleted before I stopped walking letting go of Reina’s hand “Sorry Reina”

Reina shook her head “I didn’t expect her to accept my friendship or anything” she gave a light chuckle “I didn’t expect you either but I think she needs time that’s all. I just hope she’ll get over it soon and not be too affected”

“You’re a good person Reina, I hope she sees how much of a good friend that you can be” I hugged her unexpectedly “thank you though, with your efforts I believe that I will be fine” Maybe it was to reassure Reina but deep down I felt better because I was moving out of wallowing in my heart break.

Finding Bliss

Chapter 11

Airi POV

After sending the text to Miya, I turned to the nurse and told them someone will be here soon before continuing with my pacing. I was worried without a doubt because Yajima-san is only in this condition because of me and my issues. What I couldn’t understand was the look she had on her face, it was a changed facial expression, yes she wasn’t smiling but it was still different, dark even. I shook the images out of my head because it didn’t mattered, what mattered now is that she is alright or I’ll feel guilty for the rest of my life.

“Airin!” I spun around to see Miya with the shorter one of the duet combo.

“What happened?” she asked

“The nurses need her information first so why don’t you do that first then we’ll explain everything” I ushered her to the nurses’ station

“How is she?” Miya asked when the shorter one was gone

“I don’t know but she was losing blood fast so the paramedics had to apply pressure to her head the whole time but it was still leaking” I was about to cry because I’ve never been so scared in my life twice

“Come here” Miya opened her arms for me to lean into, crying on my shoulders “I’m just as scared as you Airin, but I’m sure she’ll make it, let’s hope for the best”

We heard footsteps coming our way so we pulled apart to see the shorter one walking towards us, red-eyed “what exactly happened?”

“It’s my fault, Yajima-san…Yajima-san tried to stop Kanna…and…”

We sat down on the chairs in the hallway retelling her everything with Miya and myself taking turns explaining what we saw. By the time we were done, the shorter girs’ silent tears were falling non-stop, eyes closed, head a bit lowered. Miya and I didn’t really know what to do but I took out a pack of tissues placing it in her hands in which she took mumbling a quiet thanks

“Who is the family member of Yajima Maimi?” a doctor came out from where Yajima-san was getting treated, making us all look up

The shorter one jumped up and stepped forward “I am her best friend”

“Sorry but we need her family members here”

“She…she doesn’t have any” the shorter one said with hesitation

“Okay, then can you contact her guardians, and notify that she is here? We stitched her up from her wounds at the back of her head and the wounds on her back…” the doctor looked at the shorter one

“the new ones? Please continue” Miya and I looked at each other…new ones? Does that mean she has old ones as well?

“These will go away over time however she is to stay in bed for the next while so we are admitting her in for one week surveillance, which is why we need her guardians”

“Thank you doctor, I will tell my parents to sign for her admittance” Her parents? Does Yajima-san live with the shorter one? The doctor nodded and walked off and the shorter one turned to us “thanks for bringing her here…you probably have your own things to do…”

I understand that the shorter one wanted us to leave but I was curious and was about to ask when Miya pulled me back “sure, hope she feels better soon” before dragging me away

“But Miya…” I protested when we were outside the hospital

“Airin, obviously she doesn’t want us to know so why make her yell at us to leave? Let’s just go for now” Miya had a point so I had no other choice but to just let it go

Throughout the night I couldn’t help thinking of the day’s events from when Yajima-san covered me using her body to the information I’ve just learnt about the duet combo. Many questions were floating in my mind such as what the shorter meant by Yajima-san had no family? Why did the shorter one mention new wounds? Does that mean there are old ones? Why does Yajima-san have old wounds? The image of Yajima-san’s face when she was fighting off the girls and Kanna popped up and I wonder what she meant by her not being scared by Kanna anymore, does she know Kanna? But that’s not possible since Kanna obviously doesn’t recognize her then why the statement? I had too many questions and it didn’t look like I was going to find the answers anytime soon but regardless I should visit, I mean it was because of me that Yajima-san is in this state right? I should at least say proper thanks to her right? Feeling my eyes starting to droop, I slowly felt tired throughout my body, with the last thought in my mind being a mental note to visit.
The next morning, I met Miya at our usual location “Good morning Miya” I tried hard not to yawn and judging by Miya’s face, I could tell she didn’t sleep well either

“Morning Airin, how are you feeling?”

I rubbed my eyes a bit “could’ve been better”

Miya gave a small snort “yeah, I know what you mean, I couldn’t really sleep yesterday…the events kept on flashing before me and I got scared, I have never been so scared or witnessed such things happen in my life”

“I am planning to visit her after school”

“Do you think that is wise?”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is that we were the cause of this right? Do you think it is wise to visit her when we indirectly put her into a hospital? I mean she might be ticked at us for causing her trouble”

Miya had a point, I did indirectly cause Yajima-san to be in a hospital, she might not want to see me, so what should I do? What can I do? I guess Miya could see the dilemma on my face so being the great person I know her to be “we could talk to the shorter one” At times like this I could kiss Miya for being the great at finding solutions to my troubles. Flashing Miya a toothy grin and nod we both planned out how and when we were to approach Yajima-san’s partner.

In Topic: FaqU's one-shots and fics - Contents Page up - updated 7/7

16 February 2011 - 03:19 PM

@ oddball: If I had Kanna quit, then it wouldn't be interesting now would it?

Miya's reasons for protecting Airi could be on the same level of the relationship between Maimi and Saki protecting each other, except in this case Miya is protecting Airi from a certain individual as opposed to an on-going behavioral problem.

In regards to Maimi's mental state in the chapter, I will leave it up in the air as to what Saki knows.

After a psycho Maimi, I don't know how I ended up with an emo Eri but meh it happened. The purpose of Eri's POV is to tell the situation from a different perspective as to what really happened in another person's eyes. Eri does feel guilty towards Ai because of the constant fights and trust issues that were apparent but also the fact that she realized how much more painful the situation turned out in the end. She didn't intend for Sayu and herself to share a kiss even though feelings were there, she also didn't expect to have Gaki and Ai catch them kissing. Although Eri was the one who hurt more people in the story, you can't deny that she tried to keep the relationship she had with Ai to make everyone happy (except probably Sayu) It was a choice of either 3 people hurt or 2 people being hurt and the lesser of the 2 evils is 2 people being hurt. However life never goes the way you want it to so Ai and Gaki finding out became inevitable.

What makes it worse is because Eri does know about the pain Gaki went through in her relationship with Miki which only heightens the amount of guilt that she has towards the situation at hand.

@all6th: Welcome new reader!!!!! Thanks for commenting and I'll try to "keep it up"

So another double post because I feel guilty now for neglecting my writing

Take Me Away

Chapter 9

Sayumi POV

Although I should be relieved that I don’t have to hide with Eri anymore, seeing Eri like she is nags at my heart and I can’t blame her, Risa is her best friend and they aren’t talking anymore because of me. But what was I suppose to do?? Lie to Risa about my feelings?? Isn’t that unfair for her as well?? I know I was harsh to Risa but it was the only way in order for her to stop lingering onto something that is no longer there. I can’t deny that I was relieved that Risa found out because if she hadn’t then who knows how things will turn out, it could have been worse. I had no intentions of being harsh to Risa but Risa was not willing to let go either and it left me no choice but to take the actions I did.


“Sayu!!! What are you doing standing there? Chase after her” Reina hollered at me while following Risa ‘I have to be honest and tell this to Risa one way or another’ I chased after Reina and Risa

I had lost sight of Reina so I dialled her number

“What the hell was that??? I thought you had this under control and you weren’t going to hurt anyone” ‘What is up your butt??’

“Listen Reina, I am not calling to hear you yell at me, do you know where Risa is??”

“Oh now you remember your girlfriend is Gaki-san???”

“Shut it Reina! Just tell me do you or do you not know where Risa is?” ‘I have no time for this!’

Reina told me where Risa stopped so I ran towards my destination to find Reina a few meters away looking onwards at Risa ‘The look...naw it’s just my imagination...Reina was always concerned about how I dealt with my relationship with Risa’ I exchanged glances with Reina ‘why is she giving me that look? I am fixing it aren’t I?’ I walked past Reina and towards Risa “Risa” I was a feet away from her, back towards me but she never responded “Risa,...I’m...I’m sorry” ‘It’s now or never, it’s too late to turn back time’

“W-w-why?” I could hear her crying and my heart did ache, I never intended for her to find out this way, I didn’t really want to hurt her but I fell in love with someone else

“I’m sorry Risa”

“WHY!!!!!” she turned to look at me, tears streaming down her face non-stop, adding to the guilt I felt as it is

“I’m sorry Risa, I really am...”

“I want to know why...why of all people my best friend...why...Why....WHY” she was getting louder and people around were starting to look in our direction. I wanted to at least calm her down so I took a step forward “DON’T COME NEAR ME!!!!”

“Calm down Risa, look we have to talk and we can’t if you are acting like this” no response “it started as a mistake...undeniably a beautiful mistake. I did have feelings for you Risa, honestly I did, but those feelings...those feelings started to fade”

“Started to fade??? When did you and Kame start” ‘This is the tougher part...here goes’

“I am not going to hide anything to you anymore...so here goes...there was one night when Eri called you but you were asleep so I picked up. She was upset and sounded like she had a couple of drinks and when I asked if Takahashi-san was with her she sounded more upset so I assumed that they had an argument and went to accompany her” ‘This is getting difficult, I know I am just rambling on’ I took a look at Risa and I think she knew where this was heading “we had a couple of drinks and...and...and...”

“You...you slept with her?” Risa’s voice was uneasy and unsure. I wanted so badly to shake my head and deny it when she looked at me with those tear-filled eyes, but I couldn’t, looking away when I nodded my head “h-how *choke* how long has this been going on?”

‘Yabai! Another question I was hoping to avoid’ “Sorry Risa” ‘I’m sorry Risa but if I tell you the length of time it will only hurt you more’

It pained me to watch her put her head in her hands and completely breakdown, looking around, I caught Reina’s eyes and she mouthed something to me ‘get closer and comfort her. Fix this!’ I could tell she was wasn’t pleased ‘What is up with her anyways?’ But I took steps closer towards Risa and embraced her, even though I knew that she would probably push me away. Surprisingly she didn’t so I just put my arm around her shoulder and let her cry it out

“Sayu?” Risa called out without looking up at me

“Hm?” I was actually unsure as to what I could say about the situation because Risa was taking this pretty well

Risa suddenly turned and hugged me, clinging onto me “don’t leave me”

I was shocked at the statement itself ‘I just cheated on you, told you I don’t have feelings for you anymore and yet...you ask me not to leave?’ I pulled away from her ‘maybe I should make this clear...nicely’ “Risa....I can’t”

She clung onto me once more “Why?? I can overlook the fact that you cheated on me, just stay with me, I love you too much to just walk away”

Again I pulled away and even put an arm out to distance ourselves “because it isn’t fair for you or for Eri, the one I love is Eri, the one I want to be with is Eri and I’m sorry Risa, but I don’t want to hurt Eri”

She gave off a laugh, not her normal one, more like one that is mixed with hurt and sarcasm “yet it was alright to hurt me Sayu? Seriously is that what you are telling me?”

‘Shit wrong usage of words’ “No, you know I didn’t mean it like that...I...I just don’t want to hurt you anymore than I have nor do I want to hurt Eri”

Risa grabbed onto my hand “give us one more chance Sayu, give Eri and Takahashi-san one more chance to undo the wrongs that you both brought upon me and Takahashi-san”

‘Unbelievable, where is the level-headed Risa that I once knew, she should clearly know that no outcome is going to be there. Why can’t she just accept this and let us move on with our lives?’ “Risa, I think you need time to think, you are not thinking straight”

“I am thinking straight! I know what I am talking about, let’s start over, we can leave here and move to start afresh”

I flung her hand away from me “look Risa, get it through your head!!! I love Eri now, I will not move with you!!!”

“I love you Sayu, why can’t you just leave with me? I know you love me too”

I was starting to get annoyed and I could feel that I will lash out at her anytime soon so I did the best thing “Risa, you need to face the facts and time will heal the pain. On behalf of myself and Eri, we wronged both you and Takahashi-san and I hope that one day we will be friends again” ‘highly unlikely if you keep this up Risa’ with that I turned to walk away

I felt her arms wrapped around my waist from behind “please don’t...please don’t go” I didn’t say anything but tore her arms away from me and continued to walk away

End of Flashback

I would have thought that with time she would think things clearly, turning away from Eri, even lashing out at her for what happened to the point that I was boiling with rage, yet the funny thing is, she wouldn’t stray from me. Every time Eri saw this, it would hurt her and I didn’t want to see Eri hurt so I needed to distance ourselves, give Risa the time she needs to heal, and it gave me no choice but to speak to her harshly, getting my message across that her actions and words will not only make me stay away but lose the only good feelings I have for her.

Finding Bliss

Chapter 10

Miyabi POV

Airin and I were walking home from baseball practice, both of us were still in awe about the events that occurred at practice today and the information we had received from Maa-chan when I felt a push from the side of me “What the…” we were faced by 2 girls holding bats over their shoulders smirking at us.

“Someone wants to see you” I looked at Airin and she shrugged her shoulders, but judging by how they were on either side of us, it didn’t look like we have any other option.

“Are you sure you have the right people?” I stood up tall, looking tough but internally my bones were definitely shaking. The response I got was just a grin, not sure what that is suppose to mean.

“Miya, what are we going to do?” Airin whispered, clinging to me from behind

“We have no choice” I whispered back before looking at the 2 girls “lead the way”

They led us to an alley way before stopping where we waiting for a few minutes before someone dragging something across the floor came out from hiding. When I saw who it was I gritted my teeth “Arihara Kanna, what is the meaning of this?”

“Don’t try to put the tough act on me Natsuyaki, I know you too well, so I know you are shaking inside” drat! I forgot about that aspect “now Airin, I honestly can’t believe why you would force me to use these methods to make you talk to me”

“Please just leave me alone” Airin’s voice was quivering and I know she must be scared out of her wits

“Not until you hear me out…and maybe come back to me”

“Why? You left Airin…to be exact you cheated on her” that made Kanna sneer at me but then she grinned again

“So? That doesn’t mean I can’t have Airin by my side at the same time” I was disgusted that she had the audacity to say something like that with such confidence

“You shameless b*tch!” I spat at her, my anger boiling as I took a step forward

Kanna just chuckled “Airin what do you say?”

“She won’t and I’ll make sure you won’t get to hurt her again”

Kanna chuckled again “Miya, you couldn’t deal with me on a one-to-one basis, let alone when I’ve got my girls with me”

“Why can’t you stay away from Airin?” I know Kanna was right, I couldn’t take her on when it was just me versus her but I can still try

“Miya, we can do this the easy way where you don’t get hurt or we can do it the hard way, where you will definitely get hurt”

“Just leave us alone” I shouted out grabbing Airin to hid behind me, I wasn’t going to let her take Airin away and I’ll die trying if I have to

“So what’s it going to be Miya, Airin? Easy or hard way?”

“MY WAY!” I turned towards the owner of the voice to see one Yajima Maimi, captain of the baseball team walking towards us with a metal pipe over her shoulders. I honestly hope she knows what she is getting herself into, this is no time to act cool and dangerous.

“YOU!!!” Kanna pointed her bat towards Yajima-san “you won’t be lucky this time” Kanna turned to catch her girls’ eyes and gave them a nod, triggering for them to attack. They ran towards Yajima-san, weapon in the air, getting ready to strike.

With Airin still behind me, we watched Yajima-san block their attacks and even had a hand on one of their weapon when the other girl struck down on her hand. I winced just seeing it and imagining how painful that would have been whereas I could hear Airin gasp behind me. Yajima-san let go of the weapon, taking a couple of steps back “Haha, not as tough now are we?” Kanna laughed from in front of us “finish her” then turned facing us, when we weren’t paying attention.

“Come on Airin, let’s go” Feeling Airin’s presence leaving from behind me, I tried to grab onto her but missed. Yajima-san appeared all of a sudden and held onto Kanna whereas I from where the battle once was to see Kanna’s girls on the ground.

“Let go! I let you off easy last time but this time we are playing under my rules” I watched as Kanna used her free hand holding her weapon, lifting it before striking it downwards towards Yajima-san

“No” Airin moved so that she was in the way, in which I tried to scramble up and pull her out. Yajima-san’s reflexes were extremely good, watching her move Airin aside in one swift motion and used her body to cover her. My hand went over my mouth as I heard the thump that came from the bat making contact onto a human body. Kanna didn’t stop there though, she continuously whacked Yajima-san and what surprised me was that Yajima-san was still standing taking everything, not fighting back. I covered my face with both my hands, I couldn’t bare to see this yet I was concerned about Airin so I would take peeks here and there through my fingers.

“ARG!!!” I heard Yajima-san yell out then straighten up, letting go of Airin. Yajima-san turned around and looked at Kanna and I could totally see the fear on her face. I took this moment to grab Airin and crouched her down behind me “You don’t scare me anymore” I didn’t think Yajima-san was scared of Kanna but I did notice something was amiss, the facial expression that Yajima-san had was different, I couldn’t pinpoint it but I knew it was different.

I turned to meet Airin’s eyes and mouthed to her “what is that about?” Airin shrugged her shoulders but we turned to see what was going to happen. Yajima-san started slowly moving forward and with every step Yajima-san took forward, Kanna would take one back until Kanna swung at her but never made contact because Yajima-san caught the bat in her hand. I saw her hand do a twisting motion which caused Kanna to lose the grip of her weapon, pointing the weapon back at her. We were so absorbed by Kanna and Yajima-san that we didn’t notice one of Kanna’s girls behind Yajima-san until they had struck her. Yajima-san paused in her footsteps and turned, startling the girl for a bit before they began attacking and Yajima-san defending.

All of a sudden Yajima-san thrust the bat into the girl’s abdomen causing her to bend over holding her abdomen in pain. What I didn’t expect was that Yajima-san took this moment to whack her across the head, both Airin’s and my eyes literally popped open at the brutality “You don’t scare me anymore” Yajima-san repeated in a firm tone turning towards Kanna once again. Yajima-san’s movement was unpredictable because one minute she was taking slow steps the next she suddenly charged at Kanna, weapon raised, but never reached Kanna because we saw the other girl run up to Yajima-san with a bottle in hand, smashing it over her head. However, because Yajima-san didn’t waver or fall, I could see the girl trembling, heck we are all shocked, so they took steps backward giving her some distance.

Blood oozing could be noticed and it was dripping at a quick rate from the back of Yajima-san’s head but instead of tending to it, Yajima-san turned around to the girl. Unexpectedly, when Yajima-san saw the girl, Yajima-san was the one with the shocked expression “I got you!! Why won’t you stay down?!” Yajima-san threw her bat towards her, missing her but the action was enough to scare her off. Yajima-san watched her run away before directing her attention to Kanna once more, pointing her finger at her “YOU!” was all she said

I felt Airin leave my side and ran in front of Yajima-san, arms out “STOP!!!” Yajima-san did a double take then turned around looking for something I presume. Kanna took this moment to scamper off I assume while our attention was on Yajima-san walking away. She was wobbling while walking away until Airin put a hand on her arm “where are you going?” Yajima-san shook off Airin’s hand and continued to walk away, using the walls as support. Taking a few more steps before she collapsed before us. Airin and I ran up to her “Yajima-san…Yajima-san” Airin then turned to me “Miya, get her other half and tell her about Yajima-san”

“B-but what about you?” I was shocked, so shocked that my legs felt weak

“I can’t leave her here, now quickly she’s losing blood, I’m going to call an ambulance”

“Okay Airin, keep in touch, I’ll call you when I’ve got the other one” I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I skidded to a halt thinking for a moment. Sh*t! I don’t even know where she is, where am I suppose to go? I racked my brain, thinking of anyone that might know where her whereabouts are, taking out my cell, I scrolled down my contacts until my eyes landed on Momo.

“Moshi moshi”

“Momo!!!” I huffed out

“Jesus!! Miya!! I know you miss me and all but…”

“Shut up Momo!! Do you know where the shorter one of the duet combo is?”


“Just tell me damnit! It’s an emergency!”

“Okay, okay…I believe the dance club is having a competition soon, so I am guessing she is practicing”

“Where?” Momo gave me the location before I bade her goodbye quickly and ran towards the school, where the dance club should be practicing

Bursting through the doors, everyone stopped to look at me, trying to catch my breath while scanning the room until I saw her. Without saying anything I walked up to her and grabbed her hand, dragging her with me.

“Hey, what are you doing?” she was pulling backwards and I was surprised at the amount of strength she had in such a small frame

“Your…friend…is….hurt. Airin is calling for an ambulance as we speak”

She grabbed me by the shoulders, shaking me violently to the point that I think my eyeballs touched the back of my skull “Where? What happened? Why? How?”

I stopped her from shaking me and was about to respond when my cell beeped indicating a new text message

~Miya, we are at the hospital nearby, she is unconscious and need info stat~ Airin

I passed my phone to the shorter one to see before she jolted to grab her things, apologizing hastily to everyone and ran out with me in tow.

In Topic: FaqU's one-shots and fics - Contents Page up - updated 7/7

09 February 2011 - 03:26 PM

@TW: Mashocist pupil!!!!! :w00t: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, like yourself I have been really occupied with many things that are happening and hopefully I can update on a more frequent basis but no guarantees.

Oh I know the feeling, I barely remember my own stories at the moment so I am trying to figure out what I have done and where I was heading with it.

Now that you mention it, you're right I didn't put Maimi in a traumatizing situation hmmmm......that's not good now is it XD Gotta think of something

@ oddball: Thank you mate!! ;)

I wouldn't think too much in detail about what Sayu's feelings were because although Eri was the one that got Sayu involved into their friendship, do recall that at the time Eri had Ai-chan. It could just be natural that Eri wanted to befriend the loner. It may seem like Sayu had other motives but I didn't put in detail how much of an effort that Eri put in order to get Sayu to hang out with them. It is also possible that Sayu still feels gratitude to the duo that she makes an effort to try to be friends.

In regards to Saki and her relationship with Maimi, it should be understandable that Saki's childhood friend has issues that might be at a level of psychological issues, which is why Saki's life revolves around Maimi and vice versa. Saki's parents took Maimi in at a young age and hence their relationship is as close as sisters. Although Saki and Maimi are not blood related, Maimi is a part of her family so naturally a portion of Saki's life will be revolved around Maimi.

Saki is more the older sister looking out for her younger sibling who has a problem with opening up to others aka an introvert. I doubt anyone will be at ease if they had a friend/sibling that was an extreme introvert and although Maimi doesn't stop Saki from hanging out with friends, the fear that Saki has revolves around when Maimi is alone due to her psychological issues. It's like Maimi can't be left alone because she will hurt herself or in this case, her traumatized past might pop up and harm Maimi. Maimi can't trust anyone else because she is an orphan, an abused orphan, a bullied orphan in school for having no parents as well there is more to her past than what meets the eye that I have already hinted a bit in the previous chapter.

Miya....now that is someone that I haven't fully developed yet, however the definition of what meets the eye is different for everyone. In my eyes, what you see is what you get ;)

Finding Bliss

Chapter 9

Maimi POV

“Maimi” I winced at the tone that Saki used, it was more of a serious yet worry tone, one that I am familiar with. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks I am her own child.

“Yeah?” I responded because I knew if I didn’t Saki would only use an even more serious tone and it’s not because I am afraid more like I feel like I’ve disappointed her or something, maybe an internal thing that I could never explain. I made sure she wasn’t around as I popped in some pills and washed it down with the remaining amount of water in my water bottle.

“You scared those people today and you were almost reckless again” she started her worry, talking to me from behind the row of lockers.

“She almost hit you” I defended, fists clenched up just at the thought of that girl about to hurt Saki

“But you almost went overboard if I didn’t stop you, I can tell, I’ve seen that look before” I didn’t mean to but when Saki gets hurt, it’s like I go into this anger phase where I become brutal.

“Almost right? So I didn’t because you stopped me so no harm done” I didn’t necessarily see the big deal considering no one was really hurt

“Maimi” there was a pause and I thought she was about to drop the topic “what happened back then is the past, I don’t want you to become violent like this, it’s not healthy nor right” Damn it did she have to remind me about how guilty I should be? “I’m not always going to be by your side and I fear that if I wasn’t you’d go back to your old ways” the degrading portion of my internal feelings started to surface as I know that I’ve become a burden to Saki

“Saki, maybe it was for the best that I moved out” I finally voiced after a long pause, negativity was flowing through my body at how much of a burden I have become for Saki and her family, how useless I am, how I did so many stupid things, bringing nothing but trouble “Maybe your parents shouldn’t have saved me”

Saki walked over from behind the lockers as I put on my shirt “Maimi, I know what you’re thinking and I am not saying you are a burden, what I mean was that I worry about you and that you should get out of that hole called past, standing on your own two feet as a new person” I could tell that Saki was trying to choose the right words and I don’t blame her, she’s taking liberty to watch over me for mistakes that I have made in the past and she shouldn’t have to.

I turned around to face Saki, closing my locker door “Saki, I’ll try to control myself, I promise” It wasn’t an empty promise , I have to start being less of a burden for the Shimizus and maybe I should set some motivational aspects in so that I remember about those around me that have cared a great deal for me

Saki smiled “Thank you, it’s all I want to know, that you’ll try”

I grabbed my bag and slung my arm around her shoulders “So what do you want to do today?”

Saki inched away from under my arm and looked at me with a sorry expression “Maimi, dance practice was deferred until after your practice so I have to go”

“So do you want me to stay?”

“I don’t think you should, we have a competition coming up soon so I might be very late”

I was taken aback “you mean you guys are competing this year?” it is the first time Saki isn’t walking home with me and the first time Saki was going to compete

“Yeah, the coach decided we have a solid team to compete”

I can’t say I am happy for Saki, she’s a great dancer but I also cannot deny that this wasn’t something I was use to however instead of making her worry what can I do? I smiled back reassuring I was okay “That’s fine, have fun at practice and call me if you need me to walk you home when it gets too late” we walked out of the change room doors and parted me heading away from the school building, Saki heading towards.

I think it is probably for the best to get use to not having Saki by my side considering she does have her own life. I walked home taking my usual path when I heard funny sounds from an alley way. I thought it was probably just a cat and would have walked past until I heard a conversation

“Miya, you can’t deal with me on a one-to-one basis, let alone when I’ve got my girls with me”

“Why can’t you stay away from Airin?” Saki’s crush? I peeked around the corner to see the one that tried to hurt Saki and 2 others that seem to block my vision but were clearly holding metal bats over their shoulders.

“Miya, we can do this the easy way where you don’t have to get hurt or we can do this the hard way where you will get hurt”

“Just leave us alone” Saki’s crush shouted out. Judging by the situation the girl isn’t going to leave quietly without Saki’s crush, as I scan around for a weapon of my own. Picking up my own metal pipe, I mentally reminded myself that no matter what, scare them off and don’t go overboard, inhaling and exhaling a couple of times.

“So what’s it going to be Miya, Airin? Easy or hard way?”

“MY WAY!” I hollered out to them, pipe over my shoulders walking towards them

“YOU!!!!” the girl stuck her bat towards me growling “You won’t be lucky this time” I saw the girl give her crew the nod as they ran towards me, bats in the air, ready to strike

I blocked their attacks and focused for the right moment where I can disarm them, consistently reminding myself to not take things far. I managed to take a hold of one of their bats but didn’t see the other coming, striking down on the same arm. The pain surged through me causing me to let go and take a few steps back “Haha, not as tough now are we? Finish her” the girl turned around facing the 2 girls in trouble where I continued to figure a way to disarm the 2 in front of me.

“Come on Airin, let’s go” the girl that attacked Saki took a hold of Saki’s crush and tried to walk off. I can’t let that happen, I pushed the 2 girls aside with my pipe going into their midsections and ran towards Saki’s crush, putting my hand on her captor

“Let go! I let you off last time but this time no one will save you” unexpectedly, the girl raised her bat and was about to swing it downwards against me

“No!” Saki’s crush leaned forward trying to block. Good thing my reflexes are great as I moved Saki’s crush aside covering her with my own body feeling the bat land on my back. I winced at the pain that I had long forgotten, whack after whack I stood still withstanding everything when images flashed before my eyes.

~”You skipped out on your chores you lazy brat”

“Daddy, I’m sorry it won’t happen again” I saw him pick up a wooden stick

“This will teach you not to leave your chores undone” he struck me once, twice, ongoing as I curled up into a ball trying to protect myself crying for him to stop

“Sorry daddy, stop! I’ll never forget, sorry daddy!” I felt anger boil within me at how he wouldn’t stop yet I didn’t have the strength to strike back~

~Uncle Shimizu was at the door and daddy looked like he was going to throw his beer bottle at him. No! No! Uncle Shimizu is a nice person, don’t attack him!! I grabbed onto a wooden stick and struck my mother, stopping her from hitting me and ran after my daddy. Daddy hit something on my head but I had to protect Uncle Shimizu so I swung at daddy with all my might~

“Arg!!!!!” I got up from where I stood and I turned to see daddy holding a metal bat and was shocked to see me standing up

“You don’t scare me anymore!” I walked towards daddy, with each step I took forward, daddy took a step back. I watched as daddy swung at me but I lifted my hand and caught the bat, twisting it so that daddy’s grip loosened, unarming him as I quickly turned the bat around and pointed it at him. I felt pain on my back so I turned to see my mother standing there with her own bat. As she struck I blocked with my bat until I found an opening before using all my might and thrusting the bat in mommy’s midsection causing her to bend over before taking a good swing at her head “You don’t scare me anymore!!!” I turned around and looked at daddy as I charged at him, bat in the air. I would have swung at him but I felt something hit my head and the sound of glass breaking. Feeling a cool liquid running down the back of my head, I ignored it to look at my mother backing away, shocking me “I got you! Why won’t you stay down!” I threw my bat towards her, scaring her as she ran away. I waited until she was gone before facing daddy again, pointing my finger at him “You!!!!” I slowly walked towards him, I could feel myself feeling weak and black spots started appearing in front of me.

“STOP!!!” A girl ran before me arms out blocking my path, snapping me out of my trance as I looked behind her to no longer see my daddy but some other girl scared stiff. I looked around at my surroundings, I am not at my old home anymore, where am I? What just happened? What happened to daddy? My head felt dizzy and I felt scared, Saki where are you? I started to walk away slowly, not knowing what to do but I felt that I had to leave. I felt a hand on my arm “Where are you going?”

My whole body was trembling but I managed to shake off the hand. My head was hurting and my vision was blurry however I felt my way via the wall but I didn’t get far before I was engulfed in darkness.

Chapter 9

Maimi POV

“Maimi” I winced at the tone that Saki used, it was more of a serious yet worry tone, one that I am familiar with. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks I am her own child.

“Yeah?” I responded because I knew if I didn’t Saki would only use an even more serious tone and it’s not because I am afraid more like I feel like I’ve disappointed her or something, maybe an internal thing that I could never explain. I made sure she wasn’t around as I popped in some pills and washed it down with the remaining amount of water in my water bottle.

“You scared those people today and you almost went reckless today” she started her worry, talking to me from behind the row of lockers.

“She almost hit you” I defended, fists clenched up just at the thought of that girl about to hurt Saki

“But you almost went overboard if I didn’t stop you, I can tell, I’ve seen that look before” I didn’t mean to but when Saki gets hurt, it’s like I go into this anger phase where I become brutal.

“Almost right? So I didn’t because you stopped me so no harm done” I didn’t necessarily see the big deal considering no one was really hurt

“Maimi” there was a pause and I thought she was about to drop the topic “what happened back then is the past, I don’t want you to become violent like this, it’s not healthy nor right” Damn it did she have to remind me about how guilty I should be? “I’m not always going to be by your side and I fear that if I wasn’t you’d go back to your old ways” the degrading portion of my internal feelings started to surface as I know that I’ve become a burden to Saki

“Saki, maybe it was for the best that I moved out” I finally voiced after a long pause, negativity was flowing through my body at how much of a burden I have become for Saki and her family, how useless I am, how I did so many stupid things, bringing nothing but trouble “Maybe your parents shouldn’t have saved me”

Saki walked over from behind the lockers as I put on my shirt “Maimi, I know what you’re thinking and I am not saying you are a burden, what I mean was that I worry about you and that you should get out of that hole called past, standing on your own two feet as a new person” I could tell that Saki was trying to choose the right words and I don’t blame her, she’s taking liberty to watch over me for mistakes that I have made in the past and she shouldn’t have to.

I turned around to face Saki, closing my locker door “Saki, I’ll try to control myself, I promise” It wasn’t an empty promise , I have to start being less of a burden for the Shimizus and maybe I should set some motivational aspects in so that I remember about those around me that have cared a great deal for me

Saki smiled “Thank you, it’s all I want to know, that you’ll try”

I grabbed my bag and slung my arm around her shoulders “So what do you want to do today?”

Saki inched away from under my arm and looked at me with a sorry expression “Maimi, dance practice was deferred until after your practice so I have to go”

“So do you want me to stay?”

“I don’t think you should, we have a competition coming up soon so I might be very late”

I was taken aback “you mean you guys are competing this year?” it is the first time Saki isn’t walking home with me and the first time Saki was going to compete

“Yeah, the coach decided we have a solid team to compete”

I can’t say I am happy for Saki, she’s a great dancer but I also cannot deny that this wasn’t something I was use to however instead of making her worry what can I do? I smiled back reassuring I was okay “That’s fine, have fun at practice and call me if you need me to walk you home when it gets too late” we walked out of the change room doors and parted me heading away from the school building, Saki heading towards.

I think it is probably for the best to get use to not having Saki by my side considering she does have her own life. I walked home taking my usual path when I heard funny sounds from an alley way. I thought it was probably just a cat and would have walked past until I heard a conversation

“Miya, you can’t deal with me on a one-to-one basis, let alone when I’ve got my girls with me”

“Why can’t you stay away from Airin?” Saki’s crush? I peeked around the corner to see the one that tried to hurt Saki and 2 others that seem to block my vision but were clearly holding metal bats over their shoulders.

“Miya, we can do this the easy way where you don’t have to get hurt or we can do this the hard way where you will get hurt”

“Just leave us alone” Saki’s crush shouted out. Judging by the situation the girl isn’t going to leave quietly without Saki’s crush, as I scan around for a weapon of my own. Picking up my own metal pipe, I mentally reminded myself that no matter what, scare them off and don’t go overboard, inhaling and exhaling a couple of times.

“So what’s it going to be Miya, Airin? Easy or hard way?”

“MY WAY!” I hollered out to them, pipe over my shoulders walking towards them

“YOU!!!!” the girl stuck her bat towards me growling “You won’t be lucky this time” I saw the girl give her crew the nod as they ran towards me, bats in the air, ready to strike

I blocked their attacks and focused for the right moment where I can disarm them, consistently reminding myself to not take things far. I managed to take a hold of one of their bats but didn’t see the other coming, striking down on the same arm. The pain surged through me causing me to let go and take a few steps back “Haha, not as tough now are we? Finish her” the girl turned around facing the 2 girls in trouble where I continued to figure a way to disarm the 2 in front of me.

“Come on Airin, let’s go” the girl that attacked Saki took a hold of Saki’s crush and tried to walk off. I can’t let that happen, I pushed the 2 girls aside with my pipe going into their midsections and ran towards Saki’s crush, putting my hand on her captor

“Let go! I let you off last time but this time no one will save you” unexpectedly, the girl raised her bat and was about to swing it downwards against me

“No!” Saki’s crush leaned forward trying to block. Good thing my reflexes are great as I moved Saki’s crush aside covering her with my own body feeling the bat land on my back. I winced at the pain that I had long forgotten, whack after whack I stood still withstanding everything when images flashed before my eyes.

~”You skipped out on your chores you lazy brat”

“Daddy, I’m sorry it won’t happen again” I saw him pick up a wooden stick

“This will teach you not to leave your chores undone” he struck me once, twice, ongoing as I curled up into a ball trying to protect myself crying for him to stop

“Sorry daddy, stop! I’ll never forget, sorry daddy!” I felt anger boil within me at how he wouldn’t stop yet I didn’t have the strength to strike back~

~Uncle Shimizu was at the door and daddy looked like he was going to throw his beer bottle at him. No! No! Uncle Shimizu is a nice person, don’t attack him!! I grabbed onto a wooden stick and struck my mother, stopping her from hitting me and ran after my daddy. Daddy hit something on my head but I had to protect Uncle Shimizu so I swung at daddy with all my might~

“Arg!!!!!” I got up from where I stood and I turned to see daddy holding a metal bat and was shocked to see me standing up

“You don’t scare me anymore!” I walked towards daddy, with each step I took forward, daddy took a step back. I watched as daddy swung at me but I lifted my hand and caught the bat, twisting it so that daddy’s grip loosened, unarming him as I quickly turned the bat around and pointed it at him. I felt pain on my back so I turned to see my mother standing there with her own bat. As she struck I blocked with my bat until I found an opening before using all my might and thrusting the bat in mommy’s midsection causing her to bend over before taking a good swing at her head “You don’t scare me anymore!!!” I turned around and looked at daddy as I charged at him, bat in the air. I would have swung at him but I felt something hit my head and the sound of glass breaking. Feeling a cool liquid running down the back of my head, I ignored it to look at my mother backing away, shocking me “I got you! Why won’t you stay down!” I threw my bat towards her, scaring her as she ran away. I waited until she was gone before facing daddy again, pointing my finger at him “You!!!!” I slowly walked towards him, I could feel myself feeling weak and black spots started appearing in front of me.

“STOP!!!” A girl ran before me arms out blocking my path, snapping me out of my trance as I looked behind her to no longer see my daddy but some other girl scared stiff. I looked around at my surroundings, I am not at my old home anymore, where am I? What just happened? What happened to daddy? My head felt dizzy and I felt scared, Saki where are you? I started to walk away slowly, not knowing what to do but I felt that I had to leave. I felt a hand on my arm “Where are you going?”

My whole body was trembling but I managed to shake off the hand. My head was hurting and my vision was blurry however I felt my way via the wall but I didn’t get far before I was engulfed in darkness.

Take Me Away

Chapter 8

Eri’s POV

I stared at the number in front of me debating what I should do, I know that Gaki-san won’t forgive me but I had hope, hope that she will one day or another she will remember everything we’ve gone through. I turned my head to look at the person napping beside me and I wonder if my choice was wrong, ‘was it a mistake?’

I wish I could at least get a chance to speak to Gaki-san, I wanted to know how she is but I was afraid, afraid of looking her in the eye, I was engulfed in guilt, a lifetime of guilt, especially since I was there for her in her past, I just made things worse.

It was one of those secrets that Gaki-san and I shared, about her relationship with Miki, and although Sayu had asked me about it before, I couldn’t tell her and maybe I should have because if she knew, maybe the situation wouldn’t have escalated to this very point.

I recalled how heartbroken Gaki-san was when she found out about Miki cheating and regardless if it was intentional or not, Gaki-san just couldn’t let go of what she saw. I couldn’t help but smirk at how odd the coupling was to begin with, the school’s feared person going out with Gaki-san. Multiple times, Gaki-san would always tell me how it was unimaginable especially when she was in bliss that she was to go out with the school’s biggest bully, would be the one to see the school’s biggest bully show another side to them, a softer side, a caring side.

However that was all burned down into flames when we went to visit Miki that morning, walking in to see Miki with someone else in bed…naked.


“Mou Gaki-san what’s the hurry?” she was overly excited and I could tell by how urgent it was for her to speed up her pace.

“Hurry up Kame!!!! I want to give this to Miki while it is hot”

“Gawd Gaki-san, why am I coming with you anyways??? I mean, isn’t this something you want to do on your alone time and not tagging your best friend, a.k.a me with you?”

“Well I was just thinking that since we were going to go out anyways, I could drop this off on the way and...” Gaki-san’s cheeks were turning a bit rosy

“Is that…oh my god!!! Is that Gaki-san blushing???!!!!” I couldn’t help but tease her, I mean seriously, she’s been going out with that terror for a couple of months already and she still blushes, get shy and embarrassed when she’s with her. “Anyways, what is it your giving her?”

“I…er…I made some chocolate-filled pancakes and…”

“Chocolate-filled pancakes???!!! How come I didn’t get any??” I pouted at the fact that I’ve known this girl since we were kids and yet I never experienced the goodies that she makes

“Well…you can always get your Ai-chan to make you some” at the mention of my own girlfriend I couldn’t help but blush, we last saw each other the night before and I still can’t get enough of seeing her, making me feel like a princess and all.

We reached Miki’s house, in which Gaki-san took out a key? ‘Woah!!! Already she has Miki’s keys, man that’s really moving fast’. We walked in the house, which was a tad bit messy, but I watched Gaki-san put down her goodies into the kitchen before walking away. I didn’t think it was appropriate for me to follow Gaki-san to Miki’s room so I just walked around admiring the place when I heard running down the stairs. I turned to see Gaki-san running down, hand over her mouth and…is that tears?

“Mame-chan!!! Mame-chan!!! It’s not what you think it is!!!!” Miki was running down the stairs in an oversized t-shirt until she caught up to Gaki-san from behind.

“Let go of me!!! Let go of me!!!” Yep those are tears and seeing Gaki-san struggle out of the hold I had to step in

“Gaki-san, what’s wrong?” Miki didn’t even bother to loosen her grip

Gaki-san just continued to cry “Mame-chan, baby…”

“DON’T YOU BABY ME, TELL THAT TO THE ONE IN YOUR BED!!!!” Gaki-san yelled out and I couldn’t help but gasp, yabai, this is no good. I guess Miki was also startled by Gaki-san’s usage of tone because Gaki-san broke free and turned to glare at Miki, tears falling down her face “I TRUSTED YOU!!!! EVEN WHEN EVERYONE ELSE THOUGHT OTHERWISE, I TRUSTED YOU AND THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE TRUE TO ME!!!!”

“I..It’s not what you think…it was a mistake” fear written all over Miki’s face as she tried to explain herself.

Gaki-san took a couple of breaths and it seemed like she was hyperventilated so I looked for a bag, any bag and placed it in front of Gaki-san. Gaki-san took a hold of my hand and clutched onto it so hard I thought she was going to stop my circulation but I also noticed through her grip that she was shaking.

“Mistake?” Gaki-san looked Miki right in the eye, or to be more specific glared at Miki “How is sleeping with someone a mistake?”

“I was at a party and had a bit too much to drink. Risa, please, it was a mistake, I never meant for it to happen” Miki took a step closer but Gaki-san held her hand out to stop her from advancing

“Mistake or no mistake, you should have more sense that that. If you really valued me, you wouldn’t make this mistake, you would have considered my feelings and the fact that you have a girlfriend before sleeping around, regardless if you are intoxicated. If I really was that important in your life, then you would have chosen to not get drunk or to curb your intake but did you?? Were you thinking about the consequences and how I would take them???” Miki looked down onto the floor “If I didn’t come here today, what were you going to do? Hide the truth from me?” Again Miki never said anything but her silence said it all as Gaki-san dragged me out of there.

“Risa, please give me another chance!!!” I could hear the quivering in Miki’s voice and in a sense I felt that she is feeling regretful

“Miki, I can’t! Because regardless if I do give you another chance, I would always be paranoid that you’ll be cheating on me behind my back, that wouldn’t be fair to both of us” Gaki-san was utterly upset I could tell and in my opinion Gaki-san wants to give Miki another chance but what she said is true, knowing her character she’ll think about this situation over and over again.

“Risa…I’m sorry, so, so sorry” I turned to look at Miki and couldn’t help but feel sad at the sight, Miki, being the feared person in school, was standing before me crying “I never meant to hurt you…never thought I would be the one to hurt you…I…I’ll do anything to make it up to you”

Without saying a word, Gaki-san walked off and I just followed. It wasn’t until we were a good distance away from Miki’s house that Gaki-san broke down, hugging onto me as if holding onto dear life.

End of Flashback

That was the first time I saw Gaki-san so upset in her life, she cried for hours on end and all I could do was sit there brushing her back until the rain goes away. I didn’t think that I would ever be the cause for Gaki-san’s pain and I never thought that I would ever see Gaki-san as upset as she was that day when we left Miki’s house, but I was wrong…Gaki-san’s anger and pain was 10 times as much when the truth came out about the relationship between Sayu and myself.

I know it shouldn’t have happened and that I should have prevented it but I just couldn’t stop the attraction that I had for Sayu, especially when she was such a strong character. It didn’t help that Ai-chan and I were fighting more and more and in turn lead to a mistake that can never be undone.

Flashback #2

“Ai-chan you don’t have time for me anymore, you’re always absorbed with your lessons that I never see you anymore” I was whining just to guilt her into paying more attention to me after her lessons that day.

She placed a hand on her forehead “Eri, I am not feeling well today, can we talk about this another day? I have to be at another lesson”

“Lessons, lessons, lesson, you use to skip one for me why can’t you do that tonight?” I was being a brat, I knew it but I really haven’t seen my own girlfriend in a while or at least not as often

“Eri, you know I can’t…”

“Why?” my mind was thinking of the possible excuses that Ai-chan would turn me down and push me further away “Is…Is there someone else?” it was the only logical explanation I had

Her eyes went wide “No! Eri! I can’t believe you think there would be someone else! There is no one else!!!”

“Then why can’t you skip out on lessons and spend time with me??!!!!” I hollered out, if Ai-chan didn’t have an explanation, I can’t just assume she isn’t cheating on me.

“Eri, please be reasonable about this, I won’t and would never think of cheating on you, you have to trust me” I could see that Ai-chan was getting upset and was trying to calm herself down but why should she be upset? I am the one upset here!!!

“You don’t even have an explanation!!! You spend most of your time with your lessons and you expect me not to think that you are cheating on me?”

“I COULD SAY THE SAME FOR YOU TOO!!!!” Ai-chan yelled out back at me, startling me, “I trusted you when you said that Gaki-san is only your best friend, so why can’t you?”

“Gaki-san IS my best friend, there is nothing going on between us, and besides she has a girlfriend”

“But the amount of time you guys spend together says otherwise”

“We went through this argument before and you said you would trust me…”

“That is exactly it!!!! I trusted you so why can’t you trust me? Eri, why is it so hard for you to trust me that there is no one else and that I just want to go to my lessons? Why can’t you do something that I did for you? Stop being a brat and think about this reasonable”

“Brat?! So now you think I am being unreasonable?” my anger was rising and I knew she could tell

“Eri, you know I don’t mean it that way” Ai-chan sighed rubbing the bridge between her eyes “why don’t you go home and I’ll go to my lessons so we can cool off, I don’t want to argue with you anymore” with that being said, Ai-chan turned and left me standing there

I was upset and angered as I saw her walk away and I did the first thing that popped up in my head, I went to a lounge where I could forget everything for the moment and relax. When I had gotten to the lounge I downed a couple of drinks but felt so alone and who better than Gaki-san to take my insecurities away? I dialled Gaki-san’s number but someone else’s voice picked up “Hello?”

“Er…Is Gaki-san there?”

“Eri-chan, it’s me Sayu, Gaki-san fell asleep, is there anything I can help you with?”

“Oh hi Sayu, er…no it’s okay, if Gaki-san is asleep then that’s fine”

“Is something wrong? You don’t sound alright, where are you?”

“I am fine, just having a drink and wondering if Gaki-san is interested in accompanying me”

“Is Takahashi-san there with you?”

“Don’t remind me!” I snapped but immediately put a hand over my mouth “Sorry about that”

“No worries, where are you?” Sayu’s voice was filled with concern and warmth, warmth that I haven’t felt from Ai-chan in a while. I told her my location and waited for her arrival, in which she was more than happy to drink with me.

The next morning, I woke with a massive hangover as I struggled to clear me head but when I did the surroundings were unfamiliar. I felt a weight across my midsection and realized that it was an arm, now fully awake, I couldn’t help but panic. “Ahhhhh!!!’ I yelled out, startling the other person, that just happened to be beside me

“What is it? What is it?”

“S-S-Sayu?” I looked at her sitting up looking around the room and then I looked at myself

“Ahhhhhhh!!” I pulled the blankets closer to my chin, one hand over my face

“What is it Eri-chan?” Sayu seemed oblivious to the situations still

“S-Sayu” I closed my eyes tight and used my finger to point at her

“Wahhhh!” I heard her scream a bit and felt a tug on the blanket, meaning she is covering up too

“What happened? How did we end up like this?” I hollered out in total panic mode

“Eri-chan, shhhhhh, keep your voice down, the last thing I need is my parents coming in. I don’t remember, I just remember having a few drinks with you” We sat there in silence, neither one of us knew what to say next, in which was pretty awkward

“W-what are we going to do?” I asked with fear running through my body as I recalled the argument with Ai-chan and felt the irony of it.

End of Flashback #2

Needless to say, we decided not to bring it up and keep it hidden, however I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I started noticing things about Sayu that I never really paid attention to. I soon started getting envious of Gaki-san and the attention she was getting from Sayu but I suppressed those thoughts because it was wrong. ‘Sayu is Gaki-san’s girlfriend, I shouldn’t be thinking about her, I should think about my own relationship with Ai-chan.’

Ai-chan did apologize not long after and I couldn’t help but feel guilty when she did because I broke her trust, when I went all out about her trusting me. I did my best to focus on Ai-chan and the good qualities that she had when I was with her and just as I was beginning to get things back into order in my life, the unexpected happened.

Flashback #3

Ai-chan had gone out to her lessons again and I was bored at home with nothing to do when I heard different taps or raps in my room. My instincts were up and I was scared, no normal human being would hear sounds with no one around unless….’No, Kamei Eri, there are no such things as ghost…I think’ *tap* there it is again. I ducked under my blankets and just prayed that whoever it was that was in my room to leave me alone but then I could hear a faint voice “E~ri” ‘I haven’t done anything wrong, lord, well maybe I have done something or some things wrong but I don’t think they are bad enough to send me to hell right?’ “ERI!” Again that voice called out my name and it was getting louder too

~KNOCK KNOCK~ “Uwah~~!!!!” I yelled out

“Eri, honey, do you mind telling your friend to not be so loud and to just come in?” my mother instructed in a sleepy tone

“EHH?” I looked outside my window to see Sayu there smiling up at me as I opened the window “Took you long enough”

“Sayu! What are you doing here? Come inside!” I scrambled to open the front door “What are you doing here?”

“I needed to talk to you” I could see and feel that it was very important so I led Sayu into my room and led her to my bed while I took a seat at my desk

“So what’s up?”

“I…I…I can’t ignore what happened” I looked at her and I didn’t know what to say, I had just started to forget, why did you have to come now? “I…I…can’t be with Gaki-san anymore…I love you”

My eyes literally popped out “Sayu, we can’t…we mustn’t…it was a mistake…”

“How do you know it was a mistake? How are you sure it was a mistake between us and yet not with our other halves?”

“Because they are innocent in all this!!!! We were drunk, it shouldn’t have happened!!!” my heart ached as I voiced the words out because internally I didn’t want it to be a mistake

“Are you telling me that you don’t have the same feelings since after that night?”

“Sayu, I thought we agreed to never bring it up again”

Sayu looked at her lap “I’m sorry Eri, I guess I’ll be off, sorry for wasting your time”

Seeing the dejected look on Sayu’s face, I couldn’t help but feel upset “Sayu…we are still friends right? I just don’t want to hurt Gaki-san or Ai-chan”

Sayu didn’t turn to look at me but I could hear that she was about to cry “Sure, I understand”

End of Flashback #3

Sayu and I started going out as friends to the theatre and shopping and at first I did wonder why she didn’t ask Gaki-san to join us but she only said that Gaki-san was busy so I didn’t put much thought into it. This went on for a while and all the previous feelings that I had for Sayu began to surface once again but by now I couldn’t pull myself out anymore, I couldn’t suppress the feelings I had for her. Ai-chan and I started to fight about my time spent away from her and when she asked who I was with, I didn’t know what made me do it but I lied to her telling her I was with Gaki-san. I didn’t think much about my lie and about the effects at first, I just knew that I couldn’t tell her the truth until that day when she caught us…

Flashback #4

“Nee, nee, let’s go shopping today” Sayu urged me with her puppy dog eyes, hands clamped together in a begging manner, pouting her lips

She was too cute to resist as I let out a giggle “You silly bunny, sure let’s go” she took my hand in hers and I didn’t think much of it except the fact that we were friends and friends can hold hands and although I want it to be something else, I am only to perceive it as two friends.

We were shopping happily, hand in hand until we couldn’t shop anymore in which we decided to sit down for ice-cream. We were eating happily, me being mischievous taking a finger with ice-cream and putting it on her nose which caused her to try to attack me and chase me around. We were laughing and running around all the way out to the grass fields, at one point where I was holding ice-cream was no longer there, until Sayu caught me, tackling me down, pinning my hands on the floor with Sayu straddling me.

I blushed at the predicament we were in “I’ve caught you now slow turtle, the bunny is still faster than the turtle”

“Mou, Sayu, get off me” I gave an almost not existent whine

Sayu looked at our positioning and realized that it was probably best if she did, so she started to get off and I started to get up. It was while we were trying to get off each other that our faces were so close, lips just inches apart that I could feel her breath against mine. I don’t know who leaned in first but soon our lips met with her straddle on my legs, arms around my neck, me sitting up, arms around her waist, both of our eyes closed.

Suddenly an image of Gaki-san and Ai-chan flew by in mind as I pulled away “Sorry Sayu, we shouldn’t be doing this” I could see the hurt in Sayu’s face but I know this is wrong, it was a mistake, a mistake that I wished that wasn’t. We quickly got off each other only to be met with our worst nightmare, there stood Ai-chan with a box in her hand, tears flowing down her face and behind her was Gaki-san and Sayu’s best friend, hand over her mouth crying “Gaki-san, Ai-chan” I whispered

“What was that?” Sayu asked as she was fixing her clothes “What were you…”

I watched the hurt on Gaki-san’s face as she ran for it, whereas Sayu’s best friend looked in both directions “Sayu!!! What are you doing standing there? Chase after her” she hollered before following Gaki-san.

Sayu ran after Gaki-san leaving me alone, face to face with Ai-chan “Ai-chan…I…”

Ai-chan put a hand in front of her, head lowered and to the side as if controlling her emotions. I took a step forward “Ai-chan” but she took a step back. Every step that I took forward, Ai-chan would step back and before long, she turned and ran for it. She was a sprinter so it didn’t take long before I lost sight of her as I searched and searched but couldn’t find her. I had almost given up hope but then I recalled the last place that she could be, the bench…our bench.

I headed towards there and sure enough I saw her sitting there as I slowly walked up to her until I was right in front of her “Ai-chan” it pained me to see her tear-streaked face but I had to be honest with her “I’m…I’m sorry Ai-chan”

“Why?” she had on an expressionless face but her tears were flowing down

“I didn’t expect for these things to happen but…but you didn’t have time for me…and then I started hanging out with Sayu…and my feelings developed…” I could feel my throat beginning to tighten

“She has a girlfriend!” Ai-chan hollered out looked up at me “In fact she is your best friend’s girlfriend, how could you do this to us?”

“I’m sorry Ai-chan, I really am and at first I tried to stop these feelings but I couldn’t, I fell to hard for Sayu…I’m sorry” I got up to leave but I felt Ai-chan’s hand grabbing onto mine, turning me around to meet her eyes

Ai-chan wiped the tears from her face and took a couple of deep breaths before producing a box from within her pockets “I have to confess, I wasn’t going to my lessons like I told you, I got a part time job so I can make enough money to get you this. Serves me right for not being honest with you. Happy Anniversary Eri” was all she said before she placed the box on my hand and started to walk off.

My tears that I had tried to fight back began to flow as my eyes went wide and put a hand over my mouth at the information. It didn’t help when I opened the box to find an orange sapphire ring as my hand lowered at how cruel I actually was to Ai-chan, at how much effort Ai-chan had put into our relationship just to be ruined by my own hands. From an angle, I realized that there was a scratch inside and I wished that I hadn’t noticed it because if I didn’t then my pain wouldn’t have increased ten-fold, clutching the ring at my chest, crying my heart out.

~My First Love~

End of Flashback #4

I went into my desk and pulled out the box, opening to see the shining orange sapphire as I cried at the memory. My guilt was eating me up inside as I stared at the ring, I not only hurt Ai-chan really badly, I hurt Gaki-san, my best friend, the one I grew up with, repeating her history. I hugged a picture of me and Gaki-san as well as the ring on my bed, crying uncontrollably “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” I repeated over and over again.