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jelly man

Member Since 23 Aug 2007
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Topics I've Started

JeLLY MaN's Fanfics

19 April 2009 - 08:01 AM


The Wind: <-- will be uploading once a week. Mostly on Fri , Sat or Sun

[[oops, I don't know that Faqu used the title "Target" already, name changed ~]]


The Last Musume:
1 - 7 [Page 1]
8 - 13 [ Page 2]
14-21 [Page 3]
22 - 30 [ Page 4]
31 - 36 [ Page 5]
37 - 41 [Page 6]
42 - 44 [ Page 7]
45 - 48 [ Page 8]
48 - 51 [ Page 9]
52 - 53 [ Page 10]
54 - 56[ Page 11]
57 - 58[Page 12]
59 - 61[ Page 13]
62-63 [ Page 14]
64 - 66 [ Page 15]
67-69[ PAge 16]
70 - 72 [ Page 17]
73 - 75 [Page 18]
76-79 [ Page 19]
80 - 85 [ Page 20]
86 - 93 [ Page 21] [ EnD]


The Last Musume - Christmas [Page 9]

Little Purple Riding Hood [ Page 18]

Little Purple Riding Hood - and the three little pigs [Page 22]


Hi, I am new to this sub forum ~
But I would like to start trying to write fanfics since I think it looks fun ^^~
and I suddenly have a concept of a new story line ~
so maybe I will try to write one ~


And now, my first fanfics XD

The Last Musume

Chapter 1

“Oh my, oh my! My schedule for today is so packed again.”

Aichan scanned through her documents and lamented to herself~ But in her heart she was always grateful that she got tons of work to do. Aichan is now 22 years old. She loved her work as the leader of MM.

Her first job for today is to film a famous TV show with the rest of the group. And she is now on the way to the TV station in a taxi.

“Is it OK for me to ask the time?” [ she forgot to bring her cell phone]

The taxi driver didn’t reply the cute little lady.
Without asking again, Aichan just leaned back and think.
“Never mind, there is no way for me to arrive late.”
She knew the approximate time for the ride, and she glanced at her clock in her lovely little house before she left.
She closed her eyes and relaxed in the taxi. The taxi is so quiet that she could not even listen to a drop of sound.

“Why is the taxi so quiet… wait… it is too quiet”

Before she could open her eyes to see what is happening, her sight got flashed. She could only feel the twisting of her body.
Then, she lost her conscious.

“Hey! Wake up…WAKE UP!!!” It is a man voice.
Aichan opened her eyes slowly. The first thing she saw was a policeman.

“ Hey, lady, do you know that you should not sleep in the middle of the park? I don’t care if you got drunk or got robbed. Just don’t lean on the grass, or anywhere in the park. If my boss knew this, I will be in trouble”

“Sorry,” said Aichan with her weak voice.
The police could not resist the cute lady with her cute voice and her cute face and her cute eyes and her cute nose and…

“Alright, I will not charge you this time,” said the policeman

“Why am I in a park? I thought I was going to work.” This is the second thought coming out in her mind after the apology.

“Excuse me, do you have the time?” asked Aichan politely.

“Um, [look at his watch] it’s 2 am now, and it’s the 13th of May” replied the policeman.

“What? I slept for a whole day; I remember its 12th today.”
Aichan is totally shocked and tried very hard to remember what had happened.

“Just go home and rest now” the policeman said manly to Aichan as he started to walk away, waving his hand.

She lost her wallet; she forgot to bring her cell phone. But luckily, she did not lose her key.

“If I realized that I lose my bag, oh my newest 2009 edition ><””” , I would report immediately to that policeman.”
“Never mind, I will do it tomorrow” and she turned the knob of the door.

When she was in her lovely house, she poured a cup of milk and sat on her sofa. Then she turned on the TV to see if she missed any important news today.

“Beep Beep Now is 2:31am, 13th of May, 2010”

“What!?” Aichan dropped her cup of milk.

to be continued

Pei Pei / Sha Bai (ペイペイ/傻白)

18 December 2008 - 08:51 AM

Posted Image
Posted Image
Name:PeiPei 傻白☆ペイペイ
Birthday:1991 - 2 - 10
Blood Type: A
Height : 160 cm
Weight : 47 kg

her BLOG
her Blog translation ~ thanks auroragb

her wretch profile
her message board

ok, since she has her own blog now ~ and she is going to debut soon . Its time for her to have a solo thread ~yeah~


from her first blog

Hello (!) 請多多指教 ♥
Hello (!) よろしくね♥

曾德萍 Ceng De Ping

傻白*ペイペイ Peipei

1991。02。10 (17歲) 17 year old

興趣(趣味) Hobbies
逛街(買い物)shopping 。拍照(写真を撮ること)picture taking。上網(インタネット)surfing the internet。看書(読書)reading


最♥的東西(一番♥な物)Favorite items
史迪奇(スティッチ)STITCH 。青蛙(カエル)Frog

最♥的食物(一番♥な食べ物)Favorite food
牛奶(ミルク)Milk。巧克力(チョコ)Chocolate。軟糖(グミ)Gummy Candy。青菜(野菜)Vegetable

最♥做的事(一番♥なこと)Things like to do
看卡通(アニメを見ること)Watching Cartoon。講笑話(ギャグを言うこと)Joke。搞怪耍幽默(変な行動をして人を笑わせること)

最♥的藝人(一番♥なアーティスト)Favorite artists
羅志祥。上戶彩。高橋愛 Takahashi Ai 。BoA。SHE

最♥的顏色(一番♥な色) Favorite Color
白 white。綠(グリーン)green。灰(グレー)grey

最♥的卡通(一番♥なアニメ)Favorite Cartoon
蠟筆小新(クレヨンしんちゃん)Crayon Shinchan。哆啦A夢(ドラえもん)Doraemon。我們這一家(あたしンち)Atashi n' Chi。名偵探柯南(名探偵コナン)Detective Conan

最♥的運動(一番♥なスポーツ)Favorite Sports

最♥的一句話(一番♥な言葉)Favorite quote

Posted Image

Current Morning Musume C.S.A. ranking form

29 October 2008 - 03:17 AM

I think everyone has a different feeling on different members in Morning Musume. & I hope that this thread can help to gather a data base on how we "fans" think on each member , and how we think of current MM.~

For each member you can give score from (-5 to 5, don't give 0 and decimals ) in three areas,
C for Characteristic/personality,
S for Singing skill/ feeling and voice , and
A for Appearance

then u add up the score to get the T, total mark for that member. The marking is totally base of how you think~

Takahashi Ai ___ T:

Niigaki Risa ___ T:

Kamei Eri ___ T:

Michishige Sayumi ___ T:

Tanaka Reina ___ T:

Koharu Kusumi ___ T:

Mitsui Aika ___ T:

JunJun ___ T:

LinLin ___ T:

Morning Musume Total:

divided by 135 and times 100

Morning Musume % of satisfaction :

after filling in the form..plz leave some comments on how u really think.~

this form shows you who is your favourite current MM, your ranking , and addition the % of satisfaction

* i am not sure if smt like this have been done before. If there is anything against the forum..plz notice me or just delete it ... and i am not sure if this is a good way to rank ... hope that smt will come up with this .