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Member Since 16 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2013 12:11 AM

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06 April 2007 - 05:13 AM

I was first introduced to Miyavi about two years ago. He was the first Japanese singer that I really cared to follow and listened to avidly. I am one of his biggest fans. The first song I ever heard by him was Night in Girl, and fell in love with it right away. What did you first hear by him? My favourite song by him is Itoshii Hito (beta desuman). I love how elegant it is, and when he laughs it sounds so sad and beautiful. What is yours?

If you haven't heard, Miyavi recently [February 17th] performed in Las Vegas. When I heard about this I was happy but sad at the same time. I was happy because Miyavi was finally able to play in a America, and a friend told me he should be touring here in '08. I was also mad because I have family in Las Vegas, and I wish I had been visiting them at the time he was playing. I couldn't have gotten into the club he played at, it was an 18+ club, but if I could have just seen him or had one of my relatives go in a get his autograph for me... I could have died happy. I am going to try and follow him closer, and maybe he will play somewhere close to where I live. I would give anything to go to one of his concerts.

What is your view on him playing in Las Vegas? Do you think he's going to do well here, like Dir en Grey on the Family Values Tour? I want to know what other people think, and meet other Miyavi fans. : ]