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Member Since 17 Dec 2005
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In Topic: Fujimoto Miki (藤本美貴)

26 May 2007 - 08:02 PM

"Sanma also says Aichan will be next in the news, so she better confess right now." from http://www.hello-onl...;topic=181#spot

The pessimist in me has often predicted she'd be next. All part of a secret conspiracy to destroy everything I love. So far, my top 3 are out. First my most favorite Mari, then my 2nd favorite Kago, and then my 3rd (later 1st) favorite Tsuji. Aichan's #4.

I am very very sure that Miki is not the only one who is dating secretly...
there must be few more, just lucky enough that they get away...for now...
it is impossible to tell a person not to date someone...

but by the answer of Miki, I guess it is safe to say someone is going to take her place as a leader...

just hope that nothing affect GAM...

In Topic: Fujimoto Miki (藤本美貴)

25 May 2007 - 07:42 PM

Wait wait wait.

Hold on.

UFA is denying that they are dating.
But that does not mean that she didn't visit him.

Didn't you guys/girls ever visited a girl/guy without "dating"?

(UFA probably is using the word dating as in : seeing each other due to love, rather then friendship)

I don't think UFA deny that they are dating, just try to sneak around with it...
since there is no proof, just pretend that they are visiting each other...

I think it is just an open secret now...people know probably 80~90% that they are dating...

well, I do visit a man without dating him when he is a really really long time good friend of mine...
but...but...visiting one man for 3 straight days...I wouldn't say that it s not a date...
but since agency is denying and keeping their *hand off* from the news...
which means lets wait and see...

In Topic: Fujimoto Miki (藤本美貴)

24 May 2007 - 08:46 AM

Well, if it does end up true, it doesn't necessarily mean an end for her in H!P, rather probably ending of leadership, as with Mari, though the situations were a bit different...

that is the most likely thing to happen if it is proven right...
because Mari was caught with proof...but not Miki...yet...

there are always two sides to a story...
*bad side*
well...she doesn't seem to have a huge ambition to become a superstar or anything...
she just want to be happy...plus this man is not that~~~young...
soo...if it is true...what will be the most likely thing to happen...

*good side*
the story is not confirmed...plus they can use the same excuse as Nacchi did...*playing videogame* for 3 days...
or even if it is true...may be they just can't stand the pressure and break up...
or the story is just totally made up... :) :o ;) ...

In Topic: Fujimoto Miki (藤本美貴)

24 May 2007 - 07:55 AM

I'm gonna ride this one out. But damn Miki if she's doing that butt ugly dude, she can get so much better. ^^;

I guess is not about the face...
it must be ...that...he...is...funny or something...or his cute smile.............. ;) :noo: XD ...

who knows...it is everywhere...
not too pretty man always walk away with pretty girl...
especially Miki doesn't believe in those fairytale story...anywaysss...

In Topic: Fujimoto Miki (藤本美貴)

24 May 2007 - 07:26 AM

bad feelings...
lately...every rumor was true...

but anyway...still wishing them well...if it is true...
who are we to say anything...