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I just thought of something very scary. What is H!P started allowing fans to film during there concerts? I can only imagine a horrible scene where wotagei would be replaced by people taking their phones out and taking crappy quality videos of the awesomeness that is going on before them
Dec 03 2014 05:24 AM
  • Moondoggie's Photo
    Probably wouldn't be as huge in Japan where Wota supporting their favorite is really a huge deal. They'll be too busy waving pen lights and stuff. In the west we are just used to being allowed to do that stuff so we became zombiefied.
    Dec 03 2014 10:31 AM
  • iwabo's Photo
    At Western concerts filming isn't exactly allowed anyways but people just don't care. It's just a simple disease that people tend to have these days. BABYMETAL had a nice little VTR about people not enjoying the show and just filming, which left some "fans" quite butthurt (if only I had one bullet for each of their heads to take them out of the gene pool...)
    Dec 03 2014 01:19 PM
  • Krusha's Photo
    iwabo, is there a video of this BABYMETAL VTR somewhere? It sounds funny.
    Dec 03 2014 02:06 PM