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Don't understand why people share underground stuff.
Jan 27 2012 08:30 AM
  • Moondoggie's Photo
    promote them all you can. They'll appreciate fans who care enough that they want to help them get known.
    Jan 27 2012 09:50 AM
  • Krusha's Photo
    No MrMoondoggie, you're wrong. You want your indie group to only have 14 fans - one being you - so that when they disband due to not having made it, not having an income and so on, you can look back at it and say I was a true fan of them but you didn't even KNOW about them!! Wow you're horrible!!

    Or so I think some thinks...
    Jan 27 2012 10:31 AM
  • I ♥ Miyoshi Ayaka's Photo
    I ♥ Miyoshi Ayaka
    Right now I'm doing my best with my blog "Doki-san's J-Pop Musings" to promote underground / little known idols. Everyone needs to know they exist, and I'll keep writing about them even after people finally start to take notice!
    Jan 27 2012 03:20 PM