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Learning of sine, cosines, and tangents in school makes me think of "Sine, Cosine, Mentaiko"
Apr 24 2014 11:24 PM
  • Reina!Chuuu~'s Photo
    My math teacher has a thing called Soh Cah Toa where the S in Soh is for Sine and o is for opposite and h is for hypotenuse and we say this like a chant to remember it. So we know what the do for the fractions and division.
    But for some reason we are learning it in Geometry and I'm only a freshman and am in advanced math, so we can learn it again next year for algebra 2
    Apr 25 2014 01:26 AM
  • WhiteForte's Photo
    Here we call it the Coca Cola chant, because in Spanish the adjacent cathetus is CA and the opposite is CO, plus the HIP of hypotenuse. So just saying it, it becomes "CO CA CO CA HIP HIP"
    Apr 25 2014 01:38 AM
  • Reina!Chuuu~'s Photo
    ^lol that doesn't make any sense to me at all... We also leared a saying like, "Oh, Hell, One, More, Hour, Of, Math Class or something like that.
    Apr 25 2014 01:59 AM