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Just like to say I very much approve of your AKB top 10. Takamina, Yuko,and Sayaka are my top 3 on AKB so it's awesome to see them there. I also love Kitarie, Sasshi, Ayaka (both of them!), Tomo, and Miichan. ^^ Nacchan too I like, but I didn't really follow her much.
May 24 2012 02:48 AM
  • Mei.ka~'s Photo
    Haha, well, thank you very much! I've been meaning to update it AGAIN since the new ranker came out, but it still doesn't work. DX But most of the ones in there would be in my new top ten, too, if not all. ^.^ Who's in your top ten? (Or who do you THINK is? :P)
    May 24 2012 02:53 AM