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KISS concert w/ pics

Posted by Maiko Yamada, 29 July 2009 · 185 views

got back like 1am last night from the KISS concert!
I am really tired. The concert started at 7:30pm with people I never heard of they were the opening act. They werent really good. The guitar was really off tone. The singer was like yelling most of the time. The opening act ended at 8pm. KISS came out at 9pm. I took pictures and video taped some parts with my cell since the Camera was being retarted(my real camera not the one on my cell). It was really fun. They used a lot of fireworks and fire in there show. We kept getting told to get off the chairs. Since mostly everyone was standing on there chairs since they can't see! A person I knew from school had the seats right next to my family and I. But we were getting on the seats once they told us to get off. We couldn't see a thing. All I seen when I wasnt on the chair is back of peoples heads. It was an awsome stage. I will try to get pictuers off my phone and the vids. Right now the memory card is being retarted. But here are the pictures of the merch. my parents bought.
Posted Image back of shirt
Posted Image

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