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Junjun and Linlin

Posted by Silverbolt, 19 March 2007 · 197 views

Hello! Project
I noticed that I haven't made any Hello! Project related posts on this blog, yet. I've been finding it hard to come up with anything to post about, because Hello! Project hasn't done anything particularly interesting. Honestly, my interest in H!P has been slowly dwindling for the past few years. I could go on and on about this, but that's off topic for this post. I want to write about the first interesting Hello! Project announcement in quite a while: the new Chinese members of Morning Musume.

Since I haven't seen much of them, I don't have much to say about them personally... Junjun is a 19 year old cutie, and her singing is OK. Linlin knows way more Japanese than I do and has been a pretty well kept secret in the H!P Eggs for a while...

At this point, all I can really write about is the decision to add two Chinese girls to Morning Musume. I think this has the potential to be a good change for the group, but I think it will probably have very little effect on Morning Musume.

Personally, I was very happy to hear about this decision. It's something new... something interesting.

I know that the sudden addition of two Chinese girls goes against the fundamental concept of Morning Musume, but today's Morning Musume is not the Morning Musume that succeeded with that concept. The roster is completely different, the music is different, and even Hello! Morning is different. The current Morning Musume is a different group of girls that was shoehorned into the framework of a past group of girls, and it has yet to really succeed.

Just what is this "concept" I'm talking about? The concept of an ever-changing, girl-next-door, Japanese female idol group... See, this concept has not changed at all since the start of Morning Musume. The execution of the concept has been slightly modified over the years, but the concept itself has not. Sure, this concept is what makes Morning Musume unique, but I think it's time to realize that the current Morning Musume is a different group that is in dire need of a different concept. The original concept just doesn't work anymore.

I'm not saying that non-Japanese girls had to be added to the group. There are other ways to change the concept of Morning Musume, (like changing to a stable roster) but at least they changed something. It shows that Up-Front finally realizes that a lot of people don't care about this group anymore.

This one change alone will not be enough to get Morning Musume back to a level of success relative to what they enjoyed in the past, but I think that it could be one step towards a new era with a radically different Morning Musume.

Unfortunately, knowing Up-Front, they probably won't take it any further than this. This is probably just a quick scheme to get some new fans in China.

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