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Sayashi Riho "Silver no Udedokei" 2011 vs 2014 Voice Comparison

Posted by xChiyoChii, in Morning Musume, Sayashi Riho 21 September 2014 · 719 views

She had improved a lot, she is not the squirrel voice girl anymore

Riho's voice sounded better in 2011, except when she hit those high notes. In her 2014 voice, its a lot deeper and Riho just sounds more tired (it might have also been the recording).

Riho's voice sounded better in 2011, except when she hit those high notes. In her 2014 voice, its a lot deeper and Riho just sounds more tired (it might have also been the recording).

Well if they exploit me i will be also tired, i guess its time to share the lead