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Bored, so I stole a quiz thingy from S-N-I-P-E-R

Posted by Machi-chan, 21 March 2012 · 601 views

'm bored and need to waste some time, and I love love answering random questions, no idea why. Saw this, stole it. Wooh!

What is your zodiac sign?

What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
Pretty much everything, except a lot of the current western rap. Not to into most of that. I really love (english) Indie Pop And of course J-pop

Do you like sports (watch or play)?
I'm on my schools Varsity Dance Team (it is a sport) and used to play soccer, which I also really like.

What is your relationship status?
Taken and beyond happy with it!

Do you have any children?
Nope, just a kid myself, here

What things can make or break a relationship?
Friendship. As in, I think for a real relationship, you need to be friends, too. If it's all physical attraction and such, it will either fall apart o get boring or something is bound to go wrong. I feel that you should be able to spend an entire day with the one you are dating with no kissing or major physical contact, and still have an AMAZING time with them. (Doesn't mean you have to actually do this, but it should be something you'd be capable of.)

What are 2 of your favorite foods?
Cookie dough and Brownie batter <3 (Raw desserts, YUM XD)

Do you have any pets?
2 dogs- Daisy and Milo, 2 Bunnies- Hershey and Nestle (Yes, after the chocolate companies.) and 2 birds- Luna and Sol.

Any tattoos or piercings?

Do you have siblings?
I have a younger brother

How is your relationship with your parents?
Better than some, worse than some, I figure. We can get along really well and are all the huggy type, and me and my mom can get along great. But we really argue a lot, and my dad can get pretty scary which leads to a lot of tension between us all sometimes XD

What is your occupation?

What is your ideal job?
Something where I can perform. Related to singing, acting, or dancing. (Or all 3)

What was your best subject in school?

Your worst subject in school?
Science class, definitely

What is something you like to do in your downtime?
Hang out with friends and my boyfriend, go to the mall, dance, sing, eat, and listen to music.

What is your favorite season?
Autumn. The weather is nice and the color changes on the trees is sooo beautiful! Though spring has similar weather and really cute clothes out for the season...so that's close XD

What is your least favorite house chore?
All of them? Ummmm I really just hate cleaning my own room, because somehow, I just find things easier while it's messy. XD

What time do you usually go to bed?
Honestly, a lot of ngihts lately I seem to not sleep ._. But I guess on weekdays 2 am-3:30 am if I end up sleeping, 4 or 5 am usually on weekends if I get to sleep.

Do you wear glasses or contacts?
I should wear glasses, but I hate them. hahaha

Do you miss anyone at the moment?
I miss my boyfriend, and I miss my best friend, because we haven't hung out outside of school just us two for 2 weeks or so :(

Last time you took a bubble bath?
No idea, but those things are wonderful, honestly.

What is one thing you want to accomplish this year?
Be able to do a quadruple pirouette!!! I'm getting closer~

What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, because I get such cute clothes, and usually even a little bit of idol stuff!!!! :D

Do you have any allergies?

Do you enjoy thunderstorms?
Yes! I love them.

Have you/do you plan to vote this year?
I'm going to miss being old enough to vote in the next presidential election by just, like, 2 months. So no. Though I guess it's ok, I don't really feel like worrying about it much yet XD

What cell phone provider do you use?

Do you speak any languages besides english?
Nopppe, though I'd like to learn some Japanese so I could understand idol videos unsubbed XD Also German, since I plan to visit Switzerland more in the future.

What is a smell that you love?
Warm home-made cookies~ <3

What is the last vacation you went on?
I think the last one was to North Carolina over the summer? Going to Kalahari Water Park next month, though.

Have you ever been horseback riding?

Have you ever gambled at a casino?

What is the last thing you ate and drank?
A popsicle and water. I want chocolate milk, though, really bad.

What time do you wake up in the morning?
6 am on school days, usually 7-9 am latest on weekends?

Do you have any quotes that you really like?
I actually keep a list of my favorite quotes. I don't think that's normal..dunno...is it? XD So are from people I know, some from movies and books, some from songs, etc. My signature has one by Airi I thought was super nice

What is the last song you listened to?
3,2,1 Breakin Out is what I'm listening to right now. Ipod shuffle~

What radio stations do you listen to?
96.3 (All the hits without the rap!) and The Blend

Do you sleep with your closet Door open or closed, or does it matter?
Doesn't really matter. When I was a kid I always thought a witch lived in my closet, though, so I'd get nervous as a kid. aahaha

Do you prefer to sleep with any light in the room, or in total darkness?
Mmmm, doesn't mater much. A little light is sometimes nice, if not to bright. Darkness is great, too, though!

If you are having a hard time getting to sleep, What is something you do to help you fall asleep?
Listen to some slow, soft, music or talk to someone. That seems weird, but I usually feel...safer? or jsut more comfortable sleeping when I feel like someone is closer or there, somehow XD

What is the weather like right now where you are?
Sunny and warm, but not hot. It's really nice ^_^

Do you close the door when you use the bathroom or shower when you're home alone?
When home alone? Close it to shower, and, probably sometimes when I use the bathroom, but I think sometimes I probably haven't bothered, too XD

Next vacation you plan to go on?
Kalahari Waterpark. Does that count as a vacation? XD

Do you have any nicknames?
People I've met on here call me "Cait" rather than Caitlin, and I have a friend who always calls me "Cupcake" or "Sunshine" <3

Are you watching tv right now?

When is the last time you cried?
A little bit today, but not real bad ^^;

Have you ever been in love?

Have you gotten so drunk that you Dont remember what happened the next day?
I never had alcohol.

Do you always wear your seatbelt?

What was your last injury and how did it happen?
(Ulcers aren't injuries, right? XD) Ummmm otherwise....I think over the summer 2 or 3 years ago, I was on crutches for...what did I do to my leg? It wasn't broken but I couldn't walk on it at all, and I hurt it bad. It was my fault, though, I put a bunch of bouncy balls and soccer balls and basketballs and stuff on a trampoline and bounced around and jumped right on top of one and it flew out from under me and my leg twisted all weeeiiiirrrrrdd.

If you could have one superhero ability, What would it be?
Fly!!! Fly fly fly!!!

Do you believe that you have haters and that people talk about you behind your back?
Not really, honestly. I mean, some people have probably gossiped or talked bad about me at sommmme point, but I think people generally like me.

What are 2 fruits that you really like?
Strawberries and pears <3

What is the first tv show theme song that you can think of?
"What I Like about You" from...What I like about you. haha

How do you feel about your family?
My dad is really over the top and doesn't handle things well, I think, my mom has a temper but is pretty alright. Brother is a weirdo. Despite the negatives, I do feel really close to them, though.

What is your favorite salad dressing?
Don't eat salad.

Do you call anyone by their last name?

Have you ever walked into the bathroom for the opposite sex by accident (or on purpose)?
On purpose once when no one was there because I wanted to see if it was different! hahaha

Do you smoke, drink or use any kind of drugs?
Nope, never.

Have you ever had your heart broken?
Ehhh, once, sort of.

If you could go back in time and change anything from your past, would you do so?
Maybe. Probably not, but I might work harder in school once I entered high school.

Do you hate anyone?
Don't think so.

Are you angry with anyone at the moment?

Is there something else you should be doing right now?

Who is the next person you are going to see?
MY mom in like, 5 minutes when I go to eat dinner

Who is the next person you are going to email?
I don't really use email. But next person I'll facebook message is my boyfriend, most likely.

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