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Suzuki Airi,
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Uploaded on 24-May 09
By Zubatto
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Tags: Suzuki Airi 

H!P digital books (#55) - Airi Suzuki

 May 24 2009 07:57 PM
she has a cute yaeba, it goes well with the i just woke up look
 May 24 2009 09:00 PM
very cute and sexy
 May 25 2009 12:24 AM
^ Sexy? lol I think this pic is 100% cute, but not sexy xD
 May 25 2009 12:28 AM
subjective personal opinion is subjective personal opinion
 May 25 2009 12:50 AM
Base instict - Young girl in sleepwear, sexy.
Higher mind - Is it ok to think that?
The debate rages on ...
 May 25 2009 01:12 AM
It's called fantasy for a reason. Just pretend you're 15.
 Tony Kusumi ミ☆
 May 25 2009 01:31 AM
You have choices... fantasy and pretend with perfection. Or reality with some old skeezer. Or both. Or maybe something completely different. But there's nothing wrong at all with thinking Airi is the definition of Sexy-Miracle-Dynamite. After all.... she is.
 May 25 2009 02:14 AM
There shouldn't even BE pictures of a 15 year old in sleepwear that older men can look at, but then again, isn't this Japan? Or more specifically, the idol world.
 May 25 2009 02:23 AM
Yep, sexy :ç
 With Teeth
 May 25 2009 02:43 AM
idol world = 100% pedolicious
nothing less normal.
 May 25 2009 02:53 AM
shadowstar (and others),

That definitely depends on which cultural and sociological traits you find attractive, and worthwhile paying attention to. Certainly a lot of what Airi does, or for that matter any idol does, is wrong and punishable with being stoned to death, in such civilized countries as Afghanistan, Pakistan and the likes. But is 'right' in other countries...

Things like culture, tradition, and even law, is relative - and it depends upon where you live.

What's right for you is wrong for someone else, and vice versa - hence everybody saying "this is wrong" and then trying to shove that down other peoples throats, are doing something negative and non-constructive.

I wrote that "subjective personal opinion is subjective personal opinion" because one has to understand that a personal opinion is not a fact, it's an opinion - a mental process - belonging to the realm of abstract. It's personal, and nobody can invalidate the experience of a mental process. I also never wrote "You are right", or "You are wrong", just because of this.

Thinking can also not fall under any kind of jurisdiction, law or whatever - because thoughts are just that: thoughts. [So one needs to be very careful, and understand that there is a very big difference between thinking something, and doing something.]

Actions however, these are something entirely different - and they do fall under the categories of being either negative, neutral or positive. Causes, and their effects.

Hence stealing an apple in one country may result in a mere talking to, in another it may result in a fine or prison time, while in yet another country it may result with ones limb used for stealing said apple, cut off with a sword. It very much depends on conditions, and circumstances.

Question: What is worse: Thinking that you kill 100 cows with a sword, or actually doing it in real life? Naturally one of these options result with mass murder of cows, and most likely heavy fines and prison time - while the other option does absolutely nothing to anybody.

So - let people think Airi is cute, Airi is sexy, Airi is not cute, Airi is not sexy - these are all opinions, and not facts, hence there's no point in arguing like it is some sort of a problem.

Lastly: Enjoy the picture, and take this debate to your mind instead, where it may unfold whichever way you please. There's no need to have a debate HERE about it, nor a longwinded argument.

Let's just look at whatever pics one enjoys, and enjoy them for what they are. Anything else would be silly.
 May 25 2009 05:31 AM
I'm taking it from a Western perspective, a general one.
 May 25 2009 02:12 PM
Krusha: wow! how a long comment! ^u^
 With Teeth
 May 25 2009 06:34 PM
resume of krusha's comment: whatever you think, it doesn't really matter and it won't change people's mind on what's right or wrong. period.
 May 27 2009 04:01 AM
Krusha: i think your a psychiatrist, :3

Airi is soooo adorable!