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Matsuura Aya,
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Uploaded on 12-September 10
By Nayok-Kihara
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Matsuura Aya 

 Sep 12 2010 04:39 AM
I admit it. I did not know that she was psychokinetic.
 Sep 12 2010 05:10 AM
she sees the future in tea leaves
 Sep 12 2010 05:14 AM
And here I thought she was just a drop-dead gorgeous singer.
 Sep 12 2010 05:54 AM
This picture is so awesome. @.@

I want to learn how to do that :D
 Sep 12 2010 06:14 AM
This is no ordinary tea, no, this right here, ladies and gentleman, is the magical and legendary AYA Tea. This tea here, it is made from mythical and rare flora and foliage of which only I can obtain, for I am Aya. This, AYA Tea, this beautiful, marvelous tea, contains clippings of the left leaf from a Piranha plant, dried green grass from an oasis in the Sahara desert, two petals of my own specially grown super rose, one leaf of the Yggdrasil Tree, and to top it all off, one strand of my hair. This tea, the AYA Tea, is boiled in none other then a carefully mixed pitch of pristine Arctic and Antarctic snow along with the tears from an elven princess. The properties of this tea, the AYA Tea, are not much, other than the fact that it will temporarily make you only a quarter as extraordinary as I am. What would happen if I were to drink this brew, crafted by the hands of a woman beyond normal comprehension? The general vicinity of my being within a 300km radius will simply collapse, just collapse, I have no other word for this potential phenomenon. My good friends, prepare to have your minds blown.
 Sep 12 2010 06:17 AM
^shoulda known. ayaya ain't nothin but a snake oil salesman. i want my money back!
 Morning Death
 Sep 12 2010 08:38 PM
She is trying to MOVEā„¢ the cup with her mind.
 Sep 12 2010 09:38 PM
^what's with the trademark symbol? is the word "move" now trademarked?
 Morning Death
 Sep 12 2010 11:14 PM
Glassy XD

 Sep 13 2010 07:41 PM
wingates can you wright a paper for me :)