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Suzuki Airi,
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Uploaded on 16-February 10
By xyzharo
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Picboard: Hello!Project 
Tags: Suzuki Airi 

 Feb 17 2010 03:09 AM
This pic reminded me that I fear one day - one dreaded, mournful day - Suzuki's gonna decide she needs to "fix" those chompers.
 Feb 17 2010 03:13 AM
I think she certainly will, I saw her saying one time when she was being interviewed talking about it and how it bothers her. While i don't think she needs to do it, it certainly wouldn't make me think less of her or make her any less cute if she did do it.
 Feb 17 2010 03:17 AM
Do you recall where you saw that interview?
 Morning Death
 Feb 17 2010 03:22 AM
I guess it is this one:


She says something like she isn't healthy because of it.
 Feb 17 2010 04:45 AM
Yes thats the one, i was actually kinda suprised she brought it up kinda randomly when no one even asked about it. It just seemed to be that it bothered her to
 Feb 17 2010 05:18 AM
Thanks for the link, M. Death :3

She does bring it up way the hell out of nowhere. The best part is looking at the expressions on Natsuyaki's and Tsugunaga's faces when she does. Tsugunaga gets a "you have GOT to be shitting me" look that's subtle but priceless, and Natsuyaki's all "ahaha oh wait you're actually talking about this here?"

But it would be just like a girl her age to be all self-conscious and bothered by one of her own charm points.
 Feb 17 2010 09:22 AM
charm point now, dental problems later
 Feb 17 2010 09:31 AM
healthy first :)
 Morning Death
 Feb 17 2010 10:58 AM
No prob Cardi. You guys are right. I look at these girls and sometimes I think that they may feel like they have the World under their feet in submission. A comment such as this makes you look at Airi more vulnerable and dare I say cute.
 Feb 17 2010 03:14 PM
A proper idol will SUFFER for MY ENTERTAINMENT.
 Feb 17 2010 03:51 PM
lol :)