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Member Since 05 Jan 2008
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' Legendary in the Darkness '

13 August 2009 - 04:01 AM

The beginning of a disturbing destination ...

The ice is melting …
An immense fire of destruction threatens and begins to disturb the calmness in our planet. And the nature begins to feel it …
She is always the first one in suffering when something approaches …
“ The beginning of a new age will give beginning in very little time ” Two legendary ones of the same blood will face again …
This is the misfortune for them.
These ties join them mutually and also they are the ties of the destruction. The prediction says “ Only one will live ”
… Meanwhile the two are in life the stock will disturb … The stock and the harmony … they are predestined to fall down …
… The peace will be threatened into extinction… "The hand of the shadows and darkness to light opacity"…
… That light has remained strong so far… Even what is?
… Every 100000 years the earth is covered with the "War Legend"
… Two destinations involved in disasters will be…
What fate will be the victor? What destination open to wait?

There was an era when Earth was through crucial moments of its existence

Battles for power were seen constantly.

The sword out of its scabbard always was.

That era of the Earth was covered by a blood pool.

Wherever you headed the smell of blood was always perceivable….

The flowers looked withered…

Forests were unsafe…

A dense mist dissipated in the long roads…

And every blessed, his live was not safe if he started a long road trip.

For many earth denizens it looked like war was eternal.

Living beings keep on the war.

Most of the living beings were divided in clans.

"Air" "Fire" "Water" "Ice" "Light" "Darkness"

Those were the clans that existed…

However, two of those clans proclaimed "eternal power" for their linage and their own blood.

"Eternal Power" was immortality among them. Absolute power and respect.

Those two clans were very different, but they were alike in ambition and power.

Those clans were the most powerful among all.
The rest succumbed to their power. They were "light" and "darkness".

Clan "Light" was respected and admired by clans "Fire", "Water" Air" and "Earth", and they coexisted in union of pacifism.

Light was everything for them and always they protected it.

Because without light, there isn't fire or nature or life.

Light was divine.

In clan "Darkness" it was the opposite to "Light"…

Isolated it was…

Isolated and out of reach from the rest.

Clan "Ice" was the only one that followed it and had sworn loyalty.

For clan "Ice" darkness was everything.

Because "Ice" can't live without darkness…

Since its existence was in places where there was no light and heat.
Their survival was always granted in a dense darkness...

The day came when clan "darkness" was tired of living isolated in the vast glaciers, only to see ice and nothing but ice…
Tired they had a hundred of people suggesting to govern all of the land ...
The only difference in the "Clan Darkness" is that power was divided in two. "Clan Shadow" and "Clan Black". The ambition and power of both among themselves led into disagreements and conflicts.
Both families came from the highness, wanted most of the land. Because its inhabitants were increasing.

The wars wrapped them. Until that both kings forged with his hands and fists two polished tombstones placing some notable manuscripts that read:
"Shadow" and "Black" "Never will share power and unity" "Anyone who has contact with one that is not the same "Black Clan" or "Shadow Clan" will be banished from their homes ..."
"And the curse of their gods and wise men will fall on them ..."
Back then everyone had feared, and obeyed to the letter of such briefs.
Until the fate broke and snapped these mandates ...
For the game of fate two young met and fell in love.
The young ones were excited to discover that feeling unusual among them.
"The feeling of love" and the most enigmatic was that the two young were from high royal, pure blood of high lineage ran in their veins.
The boy was one of the heirs of the "Throne Shadow" and the girl was only heiress of the "Black Throne". Their love remained secret...
They knew that sooner or later the truth would be revealed ...
Many times they wondered - How soon? - and - what would happen? -
Tired of hiding, meeting in the evening with the moon as proof of their great love...

The darkness betrayed them...
Being in sight, in the eyes of another heir to the throne "Shadow" the younger brother of the prince.
The prince's younger brother decided to follow his brother, guided by curiosity and intrigue to realize that every fourth day his older brother undertook a road at night.
It did not take long for chaos to overwhelm and anger of the Kings fell on their children...
The anger and fury ran by the winds.
Both young said good bye to their mothers and escaped the chaos.
A manhunt in execution took place. The princes in love ran scared as a hare saving his live...
Banished and dispossessed of their rights were ...
Both kings have removed the right of the throne to his heirs ...
The "King Shadow" still had an heir, but the "Black King" did not have any.
But despite that he had been left without an heir, no change of mind and keeps firmly his decision passing the years.
"King Shadow" never forgot the betrayal of his heir, his eldest son.
His hunting never stopped, no resting day and night...
Do not stop in the heavy snow storms or rainy days or sunny ones.
At first the couple suffered a lot.
They seemed not find space for them ...
It seemed that the world didn't not want them and no place ...
Sad and unfortunate they were ...
Did not find a place to make their home and have beautiful descendants.
When they dared to step on the lands of others, land whose owners were clans Fire, Light, Water, Earth and Air their lives were close to death.
Attacked, thrown out, discriminated and hated were the responses they received from them.
The current couple knew that the other clans were fully entitled to receive them that way.
As the "Dark Clan" has made too much harm since long ago.
Radiated fear and dread to others.
They had mercilessly killed and ousted many powerful armies of warriors without complication or physical burnout.
The "Clan Light" was affected by the latest "Holy War", to the "Dark Clan" only 10 families of the "Light" had survived.

They didn't forget such occurrence and threw stones at the young couple.
The young ones thought that there was not much difference between theirs and those of the "Clan Light" no mater how divine they were, no matter how many books told splendidly of the "Clan Light" they perceived that there was a certain darkness and ambition in their orders and how to leaded their people.
The "Light" is to guide but not for "punishing and ambitioning". Really tired and disrupted, in the brink of death, the two princes deepened in the chambers of the Giant Mountains. And these concealed a large forest that was isolated from everyone.
They discover the wonderful site, which was in possession of a variety of different trees that had enormous fruits.

Where there was a number of different species of animals and not too far away the sound of falling and running water came to their ears, that was a sign that a river was there.

For them that place was a "paradise", happy both for their discovery ran to know the wonderful place.
That place would be their new life. Brimming of energy and happiness built their cherished home into a huge and luxurious castle. They worked hard day and night.
Once their large building was done, they realized that the time had come to have beautiful fruit.
The time elapsed and they got their first fruit.
Their first daughter. The little baby was growing in a surprising pace through the years, for her parents time flew fast.
It took six years and god bless them another fruit full of love. Their second daughter had arrived.