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I am unable to hold a full conversation with my pessimistic close friend without her whining about how she's going to fail her exams and predicting other terrible outcomes. It probably makes up 70% of what we talk about. How do I steer the conversation away without making it seem like I don't care? I've told her a thousand times she's not going to fail.
Sep 30 2016 11:49 PM
  • Laharle's Photo
    Change topic out of nowhere. Don't reply anymore if she keeps whinning and just talk about something else. If not just tell her it has become annoying.
    Oct 01 2016 12:35 AM
  • Sky☆Dancer's Photo
    Or you could say like "It sounds like you're really stressed and worried. But focusing on it won't change the outcome." and then change the subject. Sometimes people start repeating when they feel like they aren't being heard (even if you are clearly listening). If she continues just keep repeating that being stressed won't change the outcome, and might make it worse and then just keep changing the subject. But if there is nothing, you might just have to not be friends...
    Oct 01 2016 04:11 PM