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[translation] Sayashi Riho and Ishida Ayumi interview

Posted by kurikaesu.haru, 11 September 2012 · 2974 views

morning musume translation sayashi riho ishida ayumi
Here's a translation of a short interview with Morning Musume's Sayashi Riho and Ishida Ayumi. As always corrections are welcome. :)

Before we get to the translation, I'd like to insert a shameless plug =p We're looking for help at blog!project, especially now that the 9th and 10th gen have blogs. Even if you don't know Japanese, you can still help prepare posts, enabling us translators to translate more blogs! Go here for details.

And now the translation. Enjoy~

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A battle outburst for the 2 contenders for the new dance queen!?

--In the latest edition of the "Hello Pro Maruwakari BOOK" Yasshi chose Daishi as her favorite member.

Sayashi: Yes. I saw the photoshoot for the Hello merchandise in January, and Daishi was the one that made me want to buy photos for the first time.

Ishida: Huh!? This is the first time I hear about this.

Sayashi: I was saying it the whole time, you know, like, "Cute, cute"

Manager: Yup. She was.

Ishida: Whaat (embarrassed). At first, I had an image of Sayashi-san as being serious and quiet, but now even when I'm talking to the other 9th generation members, she comes over, saying, "What? What?" and joins in, so I've become able to talk to her.

Sayashi: At first, I also had a feeling that Daishi is very serious, but surprisingly, she has a straight-man character. She often tells off Masaki-chan. In that sense, she has an air of being like an older sister, and I usually see her following various seniors around.

Ishida: It seems that I'm often thought of as being quite responsible, but I prefer being spoiled.

--A common feature between the two of you might be that you seem serious at first glance.

Sayashi: We're told that we also look alike. When we watch videos of our lessons, our seniors would tell us things like, "Ishida looked like Sayashi."

Ishida: Even our generation-mates occasionally get us mixed up when looking only at our backs. I'm happy that I resemble her, you know. After all, Sayashi-san is lovely. However, onstage there's a disadvantage, right? I think that's a little frustrating.

--Because both of you are good at dancing, you're thought of as rivals, right?

Sayashi: Both of us love dancing, so I think it's really fun that there's a common topic between us. Don't you want to do something like a dance show with the two of us?

Ishida: (replies immediately) I do!

Sayashi: Kinda like, just dance. Even just a minute would be fine, and even a tiny space would be ok. I want to try doing an event wherein the two of us just dance.

Ishida: Like maybe a corner during a concert. Do the fans often tell you? The fans often tell me things like, "Don't lose to Sayashi-san, ok?" and "I'm looking forward to a dance battle between the two of you." When I hear that, I'm like, "Ok!"

--Are you ok with being compared in a battle?

Ishida: Certainly, I wouldn't want to be compared, though.

Sayashi: Rather than a battle, I want us to dance together. Not like deciding a winner and a loser or something. Losing would be embarrassing. Normally (laughs). It's because I'm quite naive, actually. Hahaha. That's why I wanna try something with dance so that the fans can enjoy it.

Thank you~ I love the combination of Yasshi and Daishi~ I hope those two will form a unit one day and have catchy and dance-y songs! :)
As always thank you for the translation! and i certainly would like a dance contest between those two in a concert =)
Thanks for the Translation!!