Well, that's the "Marlene Dietrich" lookI'm sorry Alien, but I just don't like that look.
Too much makeup just makes a girl look cheap and that she's trying to hide something.
OK, I receiverd Ayaya's Double rainbow dvd this afternoon and I was ultra pissed, because my dvd player crashed yesterday, so I had to watch the concert on my PC, which sucks because it reminds me of work.
Anyway, as regards the concert:
1. It's amazing how good the new songs sound live. Even "Blue Bird", which I kind of dislike in the cd, is brilliant!
2. No "Naked songs" in the setlist, once again! I told you guys, this album is cursed! No wonder Ayaya did not tour after its release!
3. It was so good to see that, finally, UFA invested some extra Yen on live shows. After Goto's last concert tour, it was Ayaya's turn to have a superb stage set, some fancy effects etc
4. Aya on stage is hard to beat! Thank you, Gods Of Music, for this gift called Aya Matsuura
5. Pink Floyd's live shows can eat me: