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Resonant Blue Review

Posted by Haro!Projektu, 14 March 2008 · 682 views

Hello! Project Topics

I don't know why but, 50% of my mind says,"This PV sucks!This is such a dissapointment!"While the other 50% says "This PV is awesome!Very unique!Go Momusu!Well, let's go to the review.

The PV is very unique and I don't know if this IS the real PV or just the dance shot.Let's start with the girls.

Takahashi Ai
Spectacular!I enjoy seeing Ai in every Momusu PV lately!She dances awesome, sings awesome and her presence is awesome!From 1 to 10 I give Ai a 9!

Niigaki Risa
Gaki is just plain cool!If you focus on her throughout the whole PV you know what I'm talking about!She really feels the song and has a strong presence!Go Gaki!I will give Gaki a 9!

Kamei Eri
Kamei's a MANIAC!My god!this girl dances like their's no tomorrow!Trust me Kame CAN dance!See for yourself!Eri never stops surprising me!And for that, I will give Kame a 9 1/2!

Tanaka Reina
Reina's eyes killed me!She has sooooooooooo much awesomeness!Her not smiling is the Yankiiness that she puts to this PV!She danced very well!Good Job Reina!I will give Ren-Chan a 9!

Michishige Sayumi
HaHa!Sayu pushed her limit!She showed everyone that her talent isn't only Cuteness!She danced amazing, but she looked like she didn't feel the PV.So I'll give Sayu a.....................................................................................................................................................................9!Your dance saved you Sayu!

Kusumi Koharu
Well, Koha you really.........DANCED GOOD!She looked really cool and enjoyed every second of the PV.But Koha!STOP SMILING!!!!!You ruin the mood to the PV!So I think Koha deserves a 8 1/2.Sorry Koha, you gotta stop that smiling.Everything else was good!

Mitsui Aika
Aika does not look like a 14 year old!Her at the beginning was great!She really danced good and DID NOT SMILE even though she Miss. All Smiles!Nice job Micchi!I will give you a 9!

Go JunJun!You proved yourself also!You looked very pumped up and ready to deliver all your heart!Very nice job!I will give JunJun a 9!

Geez LinLin!You looked awesome!You danced and looked like you had alot of fun!You have so much potential!Don't loose!I will give you a 9 1/4!

All in All, the choreagraphy is spectacular!(Best in a very, very, very long time!)Every girl impressed me very much!Good job Momusu!

And people, this single WILL sell better than Mikan!You'll see...

Hi there! I like ur blog! U should post more frequently...I'm trying to post more blog entries too. I have a new poll in my latest entry, check it out, tell me what u think.

I loved the Resonant Blue videos too! Great song! So is Namida no Iro by C-ute! So far a pretty good year with the new Buono! song and everything else.

Keep up the good work!!


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Natsuyaki Miyabi-Also known as Miya or the dark queen...My first impression of Miya was,"This girl is leader of Berryz!"And as always I was wrong.Miya has such a good voice!And her big chin really suits her!I hope Miya continuesto be as bright and cool as she is rightnow!GO MIYABI!!!She's alsovery stylish and letting her hair grow again!YAY!