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Hello!Online Poll
Hello!Project Who is your favourite 15th gen. Momusu member?
  Rio Kitagawa
  Homare Okamura
  Mei Yamazaki
  I luv them all
 Submitted by: Mattthecat
Total Votes: 214    Comments: (2)
User Comments
 2009-01-17 17:16
LinLin looks GORGEOUS at 1:55.

Song isn't all that interesting. Does 8th gen even get any solo lines?

But tons less Koharu than usual, so I automatically like it :3
 2009-01-17 17:17
Thank you very much!!
 2009-01-17 17:27
WOW! it looks amazing!! :D!!! The whole thing rocks in my opinion, far from the best MM have had but i love it! lots of sayu!
 2009-01-17 17:29
OMG IT'S AWESOME! I loove it!
<3 <3 <3
 2009-01-17 17:38
JunJun is awesome. And Koharu with her hair down is pure win.
 2009-01-17 17:41
wow, love it^^

especially junjun and eri as well as mittsy stood out for me^^

poor linlin...she didnt get as much screen time as the others! xD
 2009-01-17 17:45
love it!
they all look so smexy! ^^
 2009-01-17 17:47
god they are crying wow, poweful video?
 2009-01-17 17:51
somehow i feel(and hope) they can get to #1 oricon in this single
 2009-01-17 17:52
Hmm i don't see a big seller with this one. Feels like a song to fill an album.
 2009-01-17 18:02
Don't like the PV and the song would not be a big hit i guess, but koharu looks stunning behind that glass (L)
 2009-01-17 18:03
Reina looks horribly sad while crying in the rain - somebody invite her in already!!!
 2009-01-17 18:08
I agree, Reina was by far the best at looking really upset.

I kept getting linlin and eri mixed up, theres more linlin than you realise! ;)

All in all, a much better song and PV than previous singles
 Billie Poynter
 2009-01-17 18:10
I got tired of the solo crying scenes since they kept looking the same, but the girls look stunning. Aye, Jun Jun. <3 And yes, Lin Lin was amazingly gorgeous in this one too.
 2009-01-17 18:13
It's ok, but very repeating solo shots :P Song 6/10 PV 6/10
I like the (three) JunJun solo shots though, that's not too often x] She and Ai are the ones who actually look like they're crying. Aika failed on that part, she just looks mad x]
 2009-01-17 18:16
hmm i found the pv to have its good points. AT least it was better than resonant blue pv imo. I mean the close up shots told a better story then then the city version of resonant blue, lol. JunJun looks amazing same with koharu, they look absolutely stunning. Their dancing has totally switched from MM style to c-ute style, lol...I unno if anyone else saw that...i think this will be a nice concert performance song but i don't see it selling well, but we'll see.
 2009-01-17 18:21
at first I didn't like the pv, but now it's the 3rd time I see it and it really begin to grow on me.
Ok, this isn't the best pv ever, but I really like how they use the sadness theme in this pv. The colors scheme is perfect. The background in dance shot is really beautiful, I love how they put umbrellas and make it flash and stuff x'D. I never seen that before, it's really cool *O*. They look really sad in this pv, especially JunJun and Reina. Ah, I'm happy too that we can see JunJun alot. But where is LinLin ;_; ? I saw it like 2 times only xD.
I really love the dance. At first I wasn't sure. But now I really like how it's powerful. The hands movements kick ass :D :D. Koharu really work hard in the dance shot. You can see that she is really concentrated.
Oh yeah long review for the win :P I'm writing this really fast so I'm pretty sure there is a lot of grammar error but who cares? NAI CHAU KAMO ROOCK :D :D!

(wow, I wrote a lot lol)
 2009-01-17 18:23
I LOVE the song, and the video was great, all the girls looked stunning. <33

But damn, Reina looks more and more like Rise Kujikawa every day...especially in this vid. O_o;;;
 2009-01-17 18:26
Thankyou for sharing. ^-^

I liked it a lot. Ai's very good at pretending to cry~! xD My only complant is, commmme on and let Aika, Linlin and Junjun gets some time to shine. *_*;

Loved it otherwise! ♥
 2009-01-17 18:59
Musume in the rain FTW. That's basically all, must say I squeaked alot when the members were shown in the rain because it was like "Wow that's _______ they sure are sad looking (in context of the PV)" I think I like it. Alot better then some of the other stuff they have done.
 2009-01-17 19:03
I liked it except for the very ending, they are positioned in such a way that risa and eri are totally covered, I mean koharu doesn't have much imput in the song so why was she in the front at the end
 2009-01-17 19:08
Koharu have grown to a very pretty woman... OMG she was like this innocent girl back then and never imagined she will turn out to be so pretty
 2009-01-17 19:18
love this video in bits... much better than mikan at least... jun looks the best .. oh my god!!!! i had my month like this 'O' all the way through... junjun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 2009-01-17 19:23
junju at 1:17 ... ohohohoho mymymymymymymym godgodogodgodgodgod// her eyes!!!!
 2009-01-17 19:30
I have to say I'm really disappointed. The concept of the PV with lighting and outfits and the stage is by far better than Resonant Blue and a bit better than Pepper Keibu (but better than Mikan? I'd have to say not). But it just feels like Takahashi and Reina are continually being shoved into the front with Michishige, Kamei, and Risa thrown into the mix every now and then. I love their voices, Takahashi's has grown beautifully, but I want to see more of everybody else; especially Mitsui, since she's my favourite of them all right now, and LinLin, because she has an amazing voice. Though, lyric distribution was far better than Resonant Blue.
Song: 7/10. PV: 7/10. Lyric distribution and spotlight time: 0/10.
 2009-01-17 19:30
While this certainly is not the best song OR PV from them, it's a huge step in the right direction, and I hope they survive long enough to do another single even better than this
+Crying scenes and non-dance shotness
+More even line distribution
+JunJun looks stunning
+latin influences
-Sayu solo instead of Koharu, LinLn, JunJun or Mitsui TWICE
-It doesn't tell any sort of story
-It's just not...exciting enough, I guess
 2009-01-17 19:37
i like the song but yh like every1s saying not really any 7th or 8th gen :( i want him to push mistui forward a bit more
 2009-01-17 19:39
Don't really like the song, the PV is not good... The girls all look very good, but Reina's crying scenes were horrible imo XD but she looks great in the other parts also.
I'm impressed by how LinLin look great <3 and of course, Koha is perfect, once again =P
 2009-01-17 19:44
awww~ Junjun, Ai, and Reina crying made me want to cry with them, especially Reina's. T.T
I liked Junjun's hair during the dancing scenes. ^-^
and Koharu is gorgeous with her hair down!! She should wear it like that more often.
and, I really wanna learn that dance! It's awesome.
 2009-01-17 19:45
the song is pure win, I instantly got hooked on it.

the PV was great, and I hope the single sells alot!
 2009-01-17 20:01
no comment ... -.-''
 2009-01-17 20:02
I love Ai chan's hair style,
so cute!!
 2009-01-17 20:03
I really like the song, and I think the PV is great. A good step in the right direction as someone else said.

Now I just hope the b-side has some 8th gen action. :3
 2009-01-17 20:06
They all look great, PV is their best for a long time...
 2009-01-17 20:11
This is a realy nice one...YEAY! (^_^)V
 2009-01-17 20:14
Junjun and Linlin look so beautiful!!
Koharu surprised me the most, she's gorgeous with her hair down.
My only complaint is Reina's crying face, it looks childish :\
Anyway, good song and good PV, let's hope future releases follow the same direction!
 2009-01-17 20:34
Well, the Rokkies and the Gokkies sounded great on this because that's all I heard! lol

The Morning Musume pecking order........I liked Sayu's line. I believe one of these days she CAN sing!

Other than that, they are one TIGHT group. If they have the Golden Era beat in any way, it's their precision.
 2009-01-17 20:36
Linlin in the rain looks by far the best out of everyone. I'm not really the biggest Linlin fan but something about her in this she is beautiful.
 2009-01-17 20:42
I love this song. Tanaka Reina looks cute when she is sad. And Risa Niigaki is really beautiful, i love this PV.
 2009-01-17 20:46
Did anyone else find the choreography awkward..?
 2009-01-17 20:52
I'm sorry but this song its just bland.
It doesn't have an 'UMF' factor towards it and just sounds like the same style music of their previous songs [ONSA, PK and a few of the COVER YOU album songs] it's all too discoy and a bit too upbeat.
 2009-01-17 20:53
well, hmmm, probly gonna add some 'no' votes to the poll for the moment...
 2009-01-17 20:59

I think is my favorite song since Ai became leader; so buying now :) It wouldn've been cool if they added more of a story to the PV, but I really love it. Everyone looks beautiful <3
 2009-01-17 21:05
wow! Ai-chan's face when she's crying is the best for me!
Amazing PV *_*

 2009-01-17 21:07
Needs moar Risa and JunJun.
 2009-01-17 21:13
lol @ Reina's trying to cry face...-_-

I love both the song and PV although...it could use more Koharu. :P....
 2009-01-17 21:21
I like the distribution. It's a LOT better than before.
 burnt glitter
 2009-01-17 21:56
I like the PV a lot better than I like the song... I'm still probably going to buy it, though.
 2009-01-17 22:07
Classic Morning Musume. I love it! Don't cry, Ai-chan. Come here. I will comfort you. ^_^
 2009-01-17 22:15
pretty decent for a change ^^

been missing this style in them for a while
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