Q: Please tell us about something that's common at All-Hello! Project concerts.
Dambara Ruru
Since when standing on the stage we'll make eye contact with members who are standing in the wings, we end up making appeals to them too.
Inoue Rei
Creating hairstyles along with members of other groups.
Kudo Yume
It smells nice when sitting in the stage bleachers.
Matsunaga Riai
The members gather in front of the monitors during the show.
All the kouhai especially gather there to watch and learn, so it makes me think I've gotta do the same too!
Arisawa Ichika
Everyone smells nice.
Irie Risa
There's a line for the catering! lol
Ebata Kisaki
Eating and talking for the first time with some members during rehearsals!
Ishiyama Sakura
Being really sleepy in the mornings.
Endo Akari
Not knowing which shoes are your own (rehearsal)
Kawashima Mifu
It's fresh being able to sing songs from other groups, so getting to know well things like "So it's this kind of choreography!" about those songs.