Q: Please tell us if you have a story about overcoming something.
Saito Madoka
My motion sickness has lessened!
Since I ride the shinkansen and planes and stuff a lot on tours and such, I think I've been able to get less sick.
Hiromoto Ruli
My dislike of trains
Ishiguri Kanami
When I was little I disliked varieties of mushrooms, but one day my mother made some maitake mushroom miso soup which was so delicious I overcame it.
Yonemura Kirara
I've stopped being scared of ghosts and things.
Kubota Nanami
There's nothing in particular、、、
Nakayama Natsume
I've become better with nights!
I've become able to stay up until late at night.
Nishizaki Miku
Recently I've been getting over my dislike of eating things I haven't tried!
Kitahara Momo
It's my "colossus fear".
I used to be too scared to look at big statues or even imagine that they were there, but recently I've become able to look at them quite a bit.......!
When I become able to look at the Godzilla in Shinjuku or the Gundam in Odaiba, I think I'll be able to say I've conquered it ☆. I'll keep doing my best until that day!
Tsutsui Roko
Peeling potatoes!
When I was little I had a scary experience peeling potatoes with a peeler, but now I've been able to overcome it!